Piccadilly Incident (1946) | BFI

Piccadilly Incident (1946)

Anna Neagle stars in this story about a castaway with a secret.
Diana (Neagle) and Captain Pearson (Wilding) meet during a blackout in London’s (then) notorious Piccadilly. A light-hearted comedy seems to be evolving, but fate – and Florence Tranter’s story – takes us into melodramatic Douglas Sirk territory. Diana’s journey touches on illegitimacy, a common issue by 1945, and includes years washed up on a desert island; it may stretch incredulity, but Neagle remains charmingly convincing.
1946 United Kingdom
Directed by
Herbert Wilcox
Produced by
Herbert Wilcox
Anna Neagle, Michael Wilding, Frances Mercer
Running time
102 minutes

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