Kim Kardashian throws son an unforgettable Ghostbusters-themed birthday party - Ghostbusters News

Kim Kardashian’s son, Psalm, turned 5 this week, and in celebration, was thrown an unforgettable, over-the-top birthday party themed around Ghostbusters.

Kardashian shared photos and videos of the celebration on her Instagram, with those attending treated by a suited-up cutout of Psalm, green balloons, and, for each guest, their very own Proton Pack, which was mounted to a facade brick wall.

Franchise mascot Slimer joined in on the fun, as the Spud could be found sitting atop the birthday cake, which served as a multi-tear recreation of an ectoplasm-covered New York. Nearby, a create-your-own slime table let kids customize their own proof of a ghostly encounter, adding everything from glitter to a wide array of scents.

Rounding back to sweet eats, Kardashian enlisted the services of a high-end bakery, Cake Gourmet Sugar Service. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man-themed delights included cupcakes, cookies, and cake pops, accompanied by caution-striped Rice Krispies Treats, Slimer icing cones, and donuts adorned with the no-logo. For those craving something salty, cheese doubled as ectoplasm, doused atop nachos and pizza bagels.

Of course, what’s a child’s party without a pinata, or better yet, a pinata adorned with the iconic no-ghost logo? A video showed Psalm attempting to break it open, which we can only imagine was filled with an un-Gozerly amount of marshmallows.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife Director and Co-writer of Frozen Empire Jason Reitman would comment on some of the photos and videos, admitting that it was “Better than my 5th birthday,” while also tagging toy maker Hasbro, seemingly believing that “slime scents” should be mass produced.

Picture of Jason Fitzsimmons

Jason Fitzsimmons

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