How to Change WiFi on Google Home Mini: A Step-by-Step Guide - Live2Tech

How to Change WiFi on Google Home Mini: A Step-by-Step Guide

Changing the WiFi on your Google Home Mini is a simple process. You’ll need to access the Google Home app on your mobile device, select your device, go to settings, and change the WiFi network. After a few taps and a bit of waiting, your Google Home Mini will be connected to your new WiFi network.

Step by Step Tutorial: Changing WiFi on Google Home Mini

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, it’s worth noting that changing your WiFi network is as easy as pie. You’ll use the Google Home app on your mobile device, which is like the master key to your Google Home Mini’s settings.

Step 1: Open the Google Home app on your mobile device.

Once you have the Google Home app open, you’re on your way to a successful WiFi switch.

The Google Home app is your one-stop-shop for all settings and configurations for your Google Home devices. Make sure you’re signed into the Google account linked to your Google Home Mini.

Step 2: Tap on your Google Home Mini’s icon.

Finding your device is a breeze, just look for the familiar image of your Google Home Mini in the app.

By selecting your device, you’re able to access all its individual settings and preferences. If you have multiple devices, make sure you’re selecting the correct one.

Step 3: Tap on the settings cog icon.

The settings cog icon is your gateway to making changes to your device’s configuration.

In the device settings, you can adjust various options such as the device name, WiFi network, and more.

Step 4: Tap on ‘WiFi’ and then on ‘Forget this Network.’

Forgetting the network is an essential step before you can connect to a new one.

This step ensures that your Google Home Mini doesn’t automatically reconnect to the old WiFi network. It’s a way to clear the slate before putting in new WiFi details.

Step 5: Follow the prompts to set up a new WiFi network.

The app will guide you through connecting to a new network, just like when you first set up your device.

During the setup, you’ll be asked to select your new WiFi network from a list and enter the password. Make sure you enter the password correctly to avoid any connection issues.

After you’ve completed these steps, your Google Home Mini will connect to the new WiFi network. This might take a minute or two, so don’t worry if it’s not instant. Once connected, your Google Home Mini will be back online, ready to respond to your commands and queries.

Tips: Maximizing Efficiency When Changing WiFi on Google Home Mini

  • Ensure your mobile device is connected to the same WiFi network you want your Google Home Mini to connect to.
  • Keep your WiFi password handy before you start the process to avoid any delays.
  • Make sure your Google Home Mini is plugged in and turned on during this process.
  • Restart your Google Home Mini if you encounter any issues during the WiFi change.
  • Update the Google Home app to the latest version to avoid any compatibility issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I can’t find my Google Home Mini in the app?

Make sure your mobile device is connected to WiFi and that you’re signed into the correct Google account.

Can I change the WiFi network if I have multiple Google Home devices?

Yes, you’ll need to change the WiFi network for each device individually through the Google Home app.

What if my new WiFi network isn’t showing up in the list of available networks?

Try refreshing the list or ensuring your router is broadcasting the SSID.

How can I check if my Google Home Mini is connected to the new WiFi network?

You can check the status in the Google Home app under your device settings, where it will display the connected network.

What happens if I enter the wrong WiFi password?

You’ll need to repeat the setup process and ensure you enter the correct password.


  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Tap on the Google Home Mini’s icon.
  3. Access settings with the cog icon.
  4. Forget the old WiFi network.
  5. Set up a new WiFi connection.


Changing the WiFi on your Google Home Mini doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the simple steps outlined above, you can easily switch networks and get your device back up and running in no time. As we’ve seen, the Google Home app is your best friend when it comes to managing your device’s settings. It’s important to remember that even after changing your WiFi network, your Google Home Mini will retain all of your preferences and settings. So there’s no need to worry about losing any data or customizations.

Always ensure that your Google Home Mini’s software is up to date to avoid any hiccups during the process. If you do run into trouble, don’t hesitate to restart your device or check the Google Home support page for further assistance. Ultimately, your Google Home Mini is designed to make life easier and more connected. Whether you’re moving to a new home, updating your home network, or troubleshooting, changing the WiFi network is just one more way to keep your smart home running smoothly. So go ahead, give it a try, and enjoy the seamless connectivity that Google Home Mini offers.