"I've enjoyed every moment" | Gavin Bazunu on his time at Pompey | 💬 "I've enjoyed every moment" 🧤 Gavin Bazunu reflects on his time at #Pompey | By Portsmouth Football Club | Gavin your time at Portsmouth Football Club has sadly come to an end. How have you been here at Portsmouth has it matched your expectations, exceeded your expectations? What has it done? Yeah ehm I suppose I'm I wasn't too sure what to expect when I came you know I was really excited. I was just looking forward to it and yeah I mean it's it's blown blown eh my mind in terms of eh how much I was the reception was so good for me here and I've I've enjoyed every moment of it and you know I couldn't have asked for anyone better to work with the staff here you know. Danny and Nicky and the rest of the staff Pokey have all been absolutely brilliant with me and I've loved every moment of it. Do you feel in the last year you've improved as a goalkeeper? 100% yeah. I I can't can't speak highly enough of how how much the staff have helped me here and allow me to express myself and you know to to not just go out and perform but also to make those errors and to to continue to back me whenever I have and allow me to learn from my mistakes and improve. And you signed from Fratton Park were probably the best win of the season. Yeah I mean it was a an incredible team performance you know after the first half we were two nil down but I don't think we deserved to be there. We're ruthless in the two chances we that they had and we we had a few chances that we weren't able to take but in the second half you know it was eh an absolutely brilliant end off as you said. Is Portsmouth something you'll always look back on and look at their results now. Yeah definitely I'll I'll definitely keep in in touch with how Portsmouth are doing you know I I can't speak highly enough of how how welcoming the crowd and the whole club have been and you know that was the main thing I was looking for when when came from Rochdale Rochdale last season and obviously because of COVID hadn't played in any stadiums that were fallen to come to Fratton Park and to to play in that atmosphere and amazing stadium. It was a really great experience for me. I mean if we had save of the season do you probably have 10 or 11 in there? I mean have you got a favourite one? Can you remember one? Um no no specific one I don't suppose. No no no I just like all the ones that stay out of the net to be honest. Do you look back at this Portsmouth team now and think this team can go on and and win something. I I definitely think so yeah I mean Danny and Nicky have been brilliant with us over the season and I think the more time they have to put their identity on the squad I think the the better opportunity they have to to kick on and improve from from this season. Do you have any idea now what your future holds? Will it be going back to Man City and pushing for a place there loan to a championship club or could end up back I've I've absolutely no idea but I'm open to I'm open to everything. Ehm I've gotta go and meet some people at Manchester City and see what they have to say. Eh but like I said my my my aim is just to go out and play again. I I've gotta continue to get games under my belt and keep these experiences coming. Ehm so I mean whatever they say I'll I'll take into consideration and I'll make the best eh best choice I can. They will have obviously monitored you. So do you get any feedback from that? Yeah I speak to Javi who's the goalkeeper coach eh once sometimes twice a week eh he's absolutely brilliant you know his his ehm knowledge of the game and his advice is you know it's I can't compare it to anything else so everything he says I hold on to it and I I try to use it because everything he says is so so important to me. And now not connected to Pompey one of your highlights of the season has to be the penalty save from Ronaldo. Yeah I mean it's a it's definitely a special moment and it's it's one that I hope that I can you know recreate again sometime in the future and even more if if anything you know to to play at that highest level and eh to perform is ehm is my ultimate goal and I suppose everyone's goal as a professional footballer is to to perform against the best. Have you watched his penalties in advance or did you just go the right way or or what happened? Yeah yeah I'd been watching I've obviously would have watched Ronaldo many times ehm as as all football fans would but especially the night before the day before the game I would have been watching back on his last 1015 penalties and seeing if there was any connection I could make between you know his run-up on which side he was going to go and ehm it was that I was able to to guess right. Well, listen mate. Wherever you end up, it's been a pleasure. Thank you very much. Thank you.