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Roblox Camping Series Wiki

I'm Zach Nolan, and I can kill whoever I want.
— Zach, uprise to the campers with his sadistic set, before killing them all in the bad ending, Camping 2.

Zach Nolan, originally Zack Logan is the main antagonist of the Camping franchise. He is first mentioned in Camping and later the main antagonist of both Camping 2 and Camping 3.



The Murder of a Family[]

In a unknown date of time, Zack Logan intruded into the camps of Specky Woods. In there, he kills a family of five, one father, one mother along with two daughters and a son. He later was captured by the authorities, but unknown to him, the son survived and went insane, become a spritiual figure that haunted Specky Woods.

Later, Zack escape his imprisonment but unable to escape from his thrist for killer, resulting him devole himself to his alter ego, "Zach Nolan".

Camping 2[]

Day One[]

Nightfall reaches, Zach marked his arrival from the shadow, chasing the campers in the tents of the camp. He chase after them all the way to the cabinet, before being locked outside but managed to scare them off with his sadistic additude. He later dissapears and left all of the campers shocked, as they do not know who attacked us right in the nights.

Day Two[]

Before the campers decided to stay at the campsite, Zach planted a group of timed bombs and placing a gun inside the blue tent. He set the timer and leave the place, leaving the campers to decide their outcome.

Day Three[]

By the third day, Zach decided to move down to the tunnel, making his way out of the maze and arrives at the pillars. Later, he reunite with the campers again, now the two confronting finally up face to face. The surviving campers will now face Zach Nolan, whom them quickly reconized just right after meeting. Zach will ask if all of the remainings campers know who he is, with the park ranger deeming about a rumor inside Specky Woods.

Nolan admits about his handiworks, that he is the one who massacred the previous victims of Specky Woods, the Family of Five. Zach approachs the survivors, raising his knife and charge at them. But before he can complete his entire killing spree, The Son emerges infront of him, holding his head while telling him, that he failed to kill the entire family. Nolan head was ripped from his head, dropping to the ground alongside with his body, before The Son deemed that he is now, "Free".

Camping 3[]

Day One[]

Following his death prior, Zach is brought back to life under the appearance of Mouse, as his daughter managed to adapt his former tricks.

Day 3[]

Removed from skin of the wicked thing, Zach now confront The Father. As the father release his word and apologize for what he have done, Zach humanity seemingly starting to recovered, notably as he was hesitant.

He accept and forgive the father, but the cart kept on moving to no advance. Zach, now returns to his former self, runs in front and countered the cart back, dropping himself down to the egde looking up to his last moments as a living.


  • Despite being the main antagonist of the franchise, Zach did not appears in the series until it sequel, Camping 2 was released.
  • Zach is somewhat similar to Jason, both are invinduals who only thrive to kill after witnessing a family member death, both wear a mask to hide their identity.
  • Zach is also featured as a figure toy, also lending a toy code revealing a mask similar to his.
  • Zach Mansion proves that he is a terrific civil enginner, being able to modify it into a hellbound.