A moment with Miranda Edwards about Arrow’s Silencer and Snowpiercer

A moment with Miranda Edwards about Arrow’s The Silencer and Snowpiercer

Image Credit: Photos by Ellyse Anderson, acquired via The PR Firm
Image Credit: Photos by Ellyse Anderson, acquired via The PR Firm /

Miranda Edwards talks about her time in Arrow as one of The Longbow Hunters, The Silencer. Along with her upcoming Netflix project, Snowpiercer.

Miranda Edwards is an actress who can confidently say she has been there and got the t-shirt. Involved in many big-name TV shows, she has been involved in the likes of Supernatural, The Magicians, The Good Doctor, and very recently Arrow.

Appearing in The CW series as one of The Longbow Hunters, fans were incredibly excited to learn the supervillain group was finally making an appearance on The CW show. Edwards appears as The Silencer, who has the ability to create zones of total silence.

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Arrow isn’t the only project Edwards has on the books. She is set to appear in an upcoming Netflix and TNT series, Snowpiercer. Set to arrive in 2019, Snowpiecer is a dystopian future TV series about the surviving members of humanity, who all live on a speeding train.

Each car of the train depicts a different social standing, the further back you are on the train the less social standing you have. This causes division and unrest which eventually leads to an uprising. Inspired by the graphic novel “Le Transperceneige,” it was turned into a movie in 2013 starring Chris Evans.

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Hidden Remote had the pleasure of speaking with Miranda Edwards about her time in Arrow along with the upcoming Snowpeicer series.

Hidden Remote: You have been involved in many big-name TV shows in the past. Mean Girls, Murdoch Mysteries, The Magicians, Supernatural, and The Good Doctor. Did you feel any pressure at all coming into Arrow after being involved in so many other big-name shows

Miranda Edwards: It’s probably because of playing on those different projects that I didn’t feel pressure with this one. Each movie and show is it’s own little, big world. Of course, there were the regular,
“Miranda, don’t screw this up.” kinda nerves. Mostly excitement though, new project, new people, new character, new beginning. I love new beginnings.  Clean slate and endless possibilities.

HR: Did you know much about your character “Silencer” and “The Longbow Hunters” before being cast in Arrow?

ME: No, I knew nothing of either. But I’m a sucker for a good homework assignment so when I got on the show I started looking up the Silencer. To my surprise, she had her own comic. How perfect is that! I’m having fun reading it!

HR: What did you think of your unique power? Do you ever wish you had that power in real life?

ME: I imagine that having the ability to create complete silence around you and tune out distractions would amplify whatever music you have going on in your head. That would be amazing! Like my own soundtrack. In real life, I’d want the ability to teleport myself and whoever else I want to any time, place or dimension instantly. That would make going on vacation soooo much easier!

HR: What was the best thing about appearing in Arrow as “Silencer?”

ME: Um, playing a strong, funny, highly skilled woman who does whatever she feels like, unapologetically and has fun doing it? Hard to pick which part is the best part. Glad fans are liking her as much as I like playing her.

Miranda Edwards, Arrow, Snowpiercer
Image Credit: Photos by Ellyse Anderson, acquired via The PR Firm /

HR: What would you personally like to see happen with your character in the future?

ME: I’d like to see more of her story, her motivation. The way she moves through the world. The people she loves, what she cares about. How far she’s willing to go.

As an audience member, I like seeing those things in the characters I watch. I root for them more once I see the ways in which we’re similar and what would cause me to make some of the extreme choices that they do.

HR: Your set to appear in the up and coming Netflix series Snowpiercer. What can you tell me, if anything, about your character and what we can expect?

ME: I can tell you that I play a character named Lights. The series is thought-provoking, intriguing and touching. A great ride.

If you liked the film or the graphic novels by Jaques Lob, Benjamin Legrand, and Jean-Marc Rochette, you’ll love this show. And if you haven’t read or watched any Snowpiercer material and you just like good TV I think you’ll like this a lot. It’s absolutely the kind of show I’d be into.

HR: Have you seen the 2013 feature film of Snowpiercer?

ME: Yes, I saw the movie. I really liked it.

HR: The feature film raised questions about class warfare, social injustice, and the politics of survival. Will the TV series do the same?

ME: You’re right, the film did touch on these issues. I think you’ll find that the probing issues addressed in the film will be examined in the series with great depth and care and that there are even more topical issues to explore even just five years later. Great fodder for heated conversation for sure.

HR: Was there anything you found surprisingly challenging when filming the Snowpiercer?

ME: One thing is the makeup they used for me on this show is really hard to remove. It looks good on camera though.

HR: So, what is next for you? Will we be seeing you in any other projects soon?

ME: Well, keep watching Arrow, for sure! Snowpiercer will be released in 2019 on TNT and Netflix.

I also wrote, starred in and co-produced an action short called Tough As Nails that should be finished soon. It’s the second I co-produced. The first is called The Spot. My first big voice gig, I play the GPS 🙂

Next. Arrow: A moment with Evan Roderick about Officer Nick Anastas. dark

Arrow returns on The CW Network in 2019. A release date for when Miranda Edwards appearance in Snowpiercer is still to be confirmed.