When 8g urea was dissolved in 600g of water. calculate percentage by mass of urea in solution.
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When 8g urea was dissolved in 600g of water. calculate percentage by mass of urea in solution.

Last updated date: 11th Jun 2024
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Hint: In the given question we have to calculate the mass percentage of the given urea in the solution. We can apply the formula of mass percentage in it.

Formula used: We can calculate the mass percentage by formula \[Mass{\text{ }}percentage = {\text{ }}\dfrac{{mass{\text{ }}of{\text{ }}solute}}{{mass{\text{ }}of{\text{ }}solution{\text{ }}}} \times {\text{ }}100\]
Complete step-by-step answer:
Mass percent is the mass of the element or solute divided by the mass of the compound or solute. Mass percent also explains the components of the particular mixture. The result is multiplied by 100 to give a percent.

The Mass percent formula is mainly stated as for solving the molar mass also for the mass of every element in 1 mole of the compound. Mass percentage is one method of representing the total concentration of an element in a compound or a component in a mixture.
Given that,
Mass of the solute (urea)=\[{\mathbf{8g}}\]
Mass of the solvent (water)=\[{\mathbf{600g}}\]
Total mass of solution = Mass of the solute + Mass of the solvent
So, total mass\[ = 600g + 8g = 608g\]
As We know that
\[Mass{\text{ }}percentage = {\text{ }}\dfrac{{mass{\text{ }}of{\text{ }}solute}}{{mass{\text{ }}of{\text{ }}solution{\text{ }}}} \times {\text{ }}100\]
Now, by putting values in formula we get;
\[Mass{\text{ }}percentage = \dfrac{{8g}}{{608g}} \times 100\]=$\dfrac{{800}}{{608}}$=\[1.315\% {\text{ }}by{\text{ }}mass\]
Hence, Percentage by mass urea in the given solution is \[1.315\% {\text{ }}\]
Note: The mass percentage is the way of expressing a concentration which mainly describes the component of element in a specific mixture. We can easily understand the composition of the solution. And the quantity of solute might be expressed in mass or by moles. We can determine the mass percentage of every element with these masses.