After splitting up with her ex, Lauren Jauregui says she's 'exploring polyamory'

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After splitting up with her ex, Lauren Jauregui says she's 'exploring polyamory'

After splitting up with her ex, Lauren Jauregui says she's 'exploring polyamory'

queer singer Lauren Jauregui exploring polyamory
Gilbert Flores/Billboard via Getty Images

Is the former Fifth Harmony member getting ready to start a whole new kind of group??

Is Lauren Jauregui getting ready to start an all new group?

The queer singer and former Fifth Harmony member has opened up about her dating life and has said that now that she's broken up with ex-partner Sasha Mallory, she's open to exploring polyamory.

"I'm also kind of in this space of exploring polyamory a little bit," Jauregui said on the Two Dykes and a Mic podcast earlier this week.

"I just know that I’m in a space right now at this point in my life where I’m like, I want to belong to myself primarily," she continued. "And then I want to leave space for whoever I meet and me to create boundaries between us, whether it’s like, 'Oh no, we’re just platonic' or 'There's kind of a little vibe here'"

"We can explore that, and it won’t necessarily affect if I’m exploring something with someone else, you know?" she said.

Thankfully, Jauregui feels that her personality is a good match for the style of dating.

"Obviously, I'm super communicative, so I would never put someone in that scenario that doesn't want to be in that scenario," she said. "But I just feel very free right now, and I don't feel like this monogamous, held-down energy is really for me."

However, she's also leaving room for a special someone to come into her life and change everything, saying she'd turn into a "U-Haul-ass bitch" if the "right person" came along.

"I'm like, 'Forget it. Everybody leave. I'm getting married.' I'm such a Cancer," she laughed.

Jauregui also said that she feels like she might be demisexual, "'cause I went through the phase of trying to just sleep with people, and I hated it. I hated it."

"In order for me to be really turned on and enjoy sex, I need to know that you care about me as a human being. I can't be transactional for you."

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Mey Rude

Mey Rude is a journalist and cultural critic who has been covering queer news for a decade. The transgender, Latina lesbian lives in Los Angeles with her fiancée.

Mey Rude is a journalist and cultural critic who has been covering queer news for a decade. The transgender, Latina lesbian lives in Los Angeles with her fiancée.