What Harry Potter Character Are You? (Free Test + Instant Results) - Practical Psychology

What Harry Potter Character Are You? (Free Test + Instant Results)

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Welcome to the enchanting world of Harry Potter, where witches, wizards, and magical creatures roam. Have you ever found yourself daydreaming about which character from this mystical universe you might be?

This test has been developed for those wanting to learn more about themselves. The results include personality types (ISFJ, ENTP, etc.), the Dark Triad, and Big Five categories.

This free quiz is not related to professional tools like the MBTI®, Rorschach, or HEXACO assessments, which are copyrighted and may require administration by a trained practitioner or psychologist.

It's not just about which character you fancy the most; it's about discovering the deeper aspects of your personality that align with the likes of Harry, Hermione, Ron, or even the more ambiguous characters like Snape or Dumbledore. Let's uncover the mystical elements that make you unique.

Harry Potter Quiz

Harry Potter

Harry Potter might be someone you think of as just a brave hero. But there's more to him. Growing up without his parents in a tough home, Harry could have faced many problems. But he shows something special: resilience. This means he can face hard times and still keep going. It's a big part of what makes people strong inside.

Think about the tough times Harry goes through. He loses people close to him but keeps moving forward. This shows us something important. You can face really hard things in life and come out stronger. Harry's not just fighting for himself; he's fighting for others too. That's a big weight to carry, but he does it with courage.

Harry's story teaches us that being strong doesn’t mean you never need help. He leans on his friends, which is smart. We all need people to support us sometimes. His story is about being strong together, not just alone. Remember, like Harry, you can face challenges and not give up. That's what resilience is all about.


  • Resilience: Harry consistently bounces back despite significant trauma and is ready to face his challenges.
  • Altruism: Harry frequently puts the needs of others before his own, showing a strong sense of empathy and compassion.
  • Bravery: He is known for his courage, facing dangerous situations head-on when it’s for the greater good.


  • Impulsivity: Harry can be impulsive, often jumping into situations without fully considering the consequences.
  • Survivor's guilt: He sometimes exhibits signs of survivor's guilt, feeling responsible for the harm that comes to those around him.
  • Reluctance to seek help: Harry often tries to handle problems on his own, resisting the support of others, which can lead to isolation.

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger represents the scholar archetype in the series, valued for her intelligence and unwavering commitment to knowledge. However, her character demonstrates the emotional intelligence necessary to navigate complex social situations, showing growth from rigidity to adaptability.


  • Intellectual prowess: Hermione’s intelligence is her most notable trait, often providing crucial knowledge and strategies.
  • Diligence: She exhibits a strong work ethic and meticulous attention to detail.
  • Emotional intelligence: Over time, Hermione develops a keen awareness of others’ emotions and the social dynamics around her.


  • Perfectionism: Her desire for perfection can create unnecessary stress and interfere with her ability to enjoy accomplishments.
  • Rule-bound thinking: Hermione’s strict adherence to rules initially makes it difficult to adapt to unconventional solutions.
  • Over-reliance on logic: At times, she can be dismissive of the non-logical aspects of a situation, such as intuition or faith.

Ron Weasley

Ron is often seen as the loyal sidekick. Still, his character represents the everyday man dealing with insecurities and feelings of inadequacy, especially being overshadowed by his successful siblings and famous friends. His journey is one of self-acceptance and finding his place within his extraordinary circle.


  • Loyalty: Ron's steadfast loyalty to his friends is unwavering, making him a reliable and trustworthy companion.
  • Strategic thinking: Demonstrated particularly in his chess-playing abilities, Ron can be a strategic thinker when the situation calls for it.
  • Humor: His humor often provides relief and perspective in tense situations.


  • Insecurity: Ron’s sense of self can be fragile, leading him to question his worth and place among his peers.
  • Jealousy: He is prone to feelings of jealousy, which can cloud his judgment and affect his relationships.
  • Fear of failure: Ron frequently battles a fear of failure and inadequacy, which can impede his confidence and decision-making.

Severus Snape

Snape is one of the most psychologically complex characters in the series. He embodies the tortured soul, driven by love and loyalty, bitterness, and desire for revenge. His path is one of redemption, and his actions can be viewed through moral ambiguity, showcasing the complexity of human emotions and motivations.


  • Intelligence: Snape’s intellectual capabilities are significant, especially in potion-making and occlumency.
  • Bravery: In his way, Snape exhibits a form of bravery, operating as a double agent and taking considerable risks.
  • Dedication: His love for Lily Potter shows a capacity for deep, enduring dedication.


  • Bitterness: Past hurts have left Snape with a bitter disposition that affects his relationships and happiness.
  • Cruelty: He often exhibits cruelty, particularly to Harry and other students, which may be a defense mechanism but is nonetheless a significant flaw.
  • Obsession: His love for Lily can be seen as obsessive, impacting his ability to move forward and form new relationships.

Unveiling Personality Traits in the Wizarding World

The allure of the Harry Potter series isn't just in its magical storyline; it's also in how we see ourselves in its characters. The Big Five personality traits offer a fascinating lens to understand why certain characters resonate with us. This section explores these traits in key characters, providing insight into why they appeal to different aspects of our personalities.

The Big Five in Action

Openness is exemplified by Luna Lovegood and Albus Dumbledore, characterized by their creativity and willingness to explore new ideas.

Conscientiousness shines through in Hermione Granger and Minerva McGonagall, who demonstrate a strong sense of duty and organization.

Extraversion is evident in Sirius Black and Ginny Weasley, marked by their sociability and enthusiasm.

Agreeableness is personified in the kind and empathetic natures of Hagrid and Molly Weasley.

Finally, Neuroticism is portrayed in the emotional struggles of Severus Snape and Ron Weasley.

Each trait these beloved Harry Potter characters demonstrate offers a glimpse into the complex psychological makeup that defines human behavior.

We trust that you enjoyed this interactive quiz and the insights it provided about your personality. May your journey through the wizarding world of Harry Potter continue to bring enjoyment and self-discovery!

Reference this article:

Practical Psychology. (2023, November). What Harry Potter Character Are You? (Free Test + Instant Results). Retrieved from https://practicalpie.com/what-harry-potter-character-am-i/.

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