The Meaning Behind The Song: Rain In The Summertime by The Alarm - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Rain In The Summertime by The Alarm

The Meaning Behind The Song: Rain In The Summertime by The Alarm

Rain in the Summertime is a song by the Welsh rock band, The Alarm. It was released in 1987 and has since become one of their most popular songs. The song has a unique blend of rock, folk, and punk influences. Its lyrics are poetic and have a deeper meaning that speaks to the human condition. In this article, we will break down the lyrics of Rain in the Summertime and explore its meaning.

The Lyrics of Rain in the Summertime

Rain in the Summertime is a song with an unusual title. The lyrics are a mix of cryptic phrases and poetic poetry. Here are the full lyrics of the song:

She walks alone on the streets
Where the cars parade their vanity
She’s thinking of her family
And how she escaped that calamity

It’s cold outside, it gets so hot in here
The boys and girls collide to the music in my ear
I hear the children crying
And I know it’s time to go

I hear the children crying
Take me home

A painted face, a twisted smile
Takes the place of her inner child
And in the rain, the pain will disappear
Drowned by the beats and all the tears

She’s dancing ’til the end of time
She’s dancing hard, she’s dancing blind
She hears no pain, she feels no fear
With a painted face, painted face

And in the morning, it will all be gone
In the morning, it will all be gone

At your door, I stand and knock
With the rain, rain, rain, rain in the summertime

Interpreting the Lyrics of Rain in the Summertime

The lyrics of Rain in the Summertime are open to interpretation. However, the song can be broken down into different themes that help us understand its meaning:

Loneliness and Escapism

The first verse of the song speaks of a woman walking alone on the streets, reflecting on her past and how she escaped a family calamity. This suggests that she has experienced trauma or pain in her life. She walks alone, surrounded by cars that parade their vanity, suggesting that she feels isolated even in the midst of a crowd.

Musical Escape

The chorus of the song speaks of the music drowning out the pain of the children crying. The boys and girls collide to the music in my ear suggests that the music is a form of escapism for the protagonist.

Social Disillusionment

The lyrics suggest that the protagonist is disillusioned with the state of the world, as seen in the line “she hears the children crying and knows it’s time to go.” The world is a place full of pain and suffering, and the protagonist wants to escape from it.

The Power of Art

The painted face in the song suggests that art has the power to transform the protagonist’s pain into something beautiful. The rain and tears that fall are transformed not just into beats but into something beautiful.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rain in the Summertime

What is the song Rain in the Summertime about?

As we’ve highlighted in this article, the song Rain in the Summertime is about loneliness, escapism, and social disillusionment. It suggests that the world is full of pain and suffering, but art has the power to transform that pain into something beautiful.

Who wrote the song Rain in the Summertime?

The song was written by The Alarm, a Welsh rock band that was active in the 1980s and 1990s. The song was released as part of their 1987 album, Eye of the Hurricane.

What musical influences are evident in Rain in the Summertime?

Rain in the Summertime has a unique blend of rock, folk, and punk influences. The melody is catchy, and the lyrics have a poetic quality.

What inspired The Alarm to write Rain in the Summertime?

The band has not given a specific inspiration for the song. However, it can be inferred that the song was inspired by the state of the world at the time, as well as personal struggles.

Is Rain in the Summertime one of The Alarm’s most popular songs?

Yes, Rain in the Summertime is one of The Alarm’s most popular songs. It has remained popular over the years and has been used in numerous films and TV shows.

In what films or TV shows has Rain in the Summertime been used?

Rain in the Summertime has been used in several films and TV shows, including the film, Miami Vice, and the TV show, One Tree Hill.

What is the significance of the line “at your door, I stand and knock” in the song?

This line is significant because it suggests that the protagonist is seeking refuge from the storm of life. The rain in the summertime represents the chaos and pain of the world, and the protagonist seeks shelter from it.

What is the meaning behind the line “in the morning, it will all be gone” in the song?

This line suggests that the protagonist’s struggles will eventually come to an end. Even though the world may be full of pain and suffering, there is hope that things will get better.

What is the importance of the painted face in the song?

The painted face represents the transformative power of art. The rain and tears that fall are transformed into something beautiful and transcendent.

What does the song say about the power of music?

The song suggests that music has the power to transform pain into something beautiful. The beats and melody provide a form of escape from the pain of the world.

What is the significance of the line, “the boys and girls collide to the music in my ear”?

This line suggests that music has the power to unify people. Even though the world may be full of pain and suffering, music provides a way for people to come together.

What is the mood of the song Rain in the Summertime?

The mood of the song is both melancholy and uplifting. The lyrics are about pain and suffering, but the melody is catchy and the chorus is upbeat.

Why has Rain in the Summertime remained popular over the years?

Rain in the Summertime has remained popular over the years because it speaks to the human condition. The lyrics are poetic and open to interpretation, and the melody is catchy and uplifting.

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