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What it means to fall in love

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

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Jane felt like she was floating on a cloud. Finally being able to openly love Maura was incredible. It felt so natural to reach for the honey blonde and shower her with sweet kisses on her lips, cheeks, and forehead. They had only decided to give in to their feelings ten minutes ago, but Jane was so happy it felt like it had been forever. She knew this blissful bubble wouldn’t last long once they returned to reality, facing the world outside, but right now, Jane didn’t want to think about it. Instead, she watched with a huge, dumb grin on her face as Maura rummaged through her fridge to gather ingredients for cooking.

Jane wasn’t exactly a master chef. Her Ma, on the other hand, could whip up a feast from scratch. But Jane? Not so much. It hadn’t bothered her much until now, when she wished she could impress Maura with her culinary skills. But still, she enjoyed watching Maura move around the kitchen with ease. Maura clearly knew her way around cooking.

“What can I do?” Jane asked, pulling Maura closer by placing a hand on her waist.

Maura smiled, welcoming the closeness.

“You don’t have to do anything. I can cook for you, if you'd like,” Maura replied.

Maura's kindness was undeniable, but Jane couldn't bear the thought of Maura slaving away in the kitchen while she idly stood by. And anyway, her Ma would have her head if she found out Jane had allowed such a thing.

“Hey, Maur, I wanna help ya,” Jane insisted, her grin matching Maura's. “If you need a hand, just say the word.”

But then, to Jane's surprise, Maura's demeanor shifted, her features adopting a deadpan seriousness that caught Jane off guard.

“Actually, Jane, I think it would be best if you just let me do it alone,” Maura declared, her tone surprisingly firm.

Jane blinked in disbelief, momentarily unsure if Maura was serious or simply teasing her. But as Maura's lips curled into a mischievous smile, Jane couldn't help but roll her eyes, a chuckle escaping her lips.

“Ha, very funny, Maur,” Jane retorted, nudging Maura's shoulder playfully.

Maura beamed at Jane's response, her pride evident in the twinkle of her eyes.

“I did it, didn't I? I pranked you, Jane, and you fell for it,” she exclaimed, her tone filled with amusement and satisfaction.

Unable to resist teasing Maura in return, Jane feigned shock, her eyes widening dramatically.

“Maura Isles, you just lied!” Jane teased. “Hives,” she added, pointing at Maura's neck with mock concern.

Maura's eyes widened in surprise as she glanced down at her neck, her hand flying up to touch her skin.

“What? No, I... that's not... I didn't lie! It was a joke,” she protested.

Jane couldn't contain her amusement any longer and pulled Maura into a hug.

“I'm just messing with you, Maura,” she said, pressing a kiss to the top of the honey blonde's head. “You got me good.”


The next morning, Maura awoke with a smile that seemed to stretch from ear to ear. It was a happiness she couldn’t recall ever feeling before. Her evening with Jane had been nothing short of amazing, though far too brief for Maura's liking. Still, it had been a moment to cherish, a memory to hold onto dearly.

As Maura sat beside Jane at the kitchen counter, the savory aroma of homemade pasta and marinara sauce enveloped them. She couldn’t contain her joy as she glanced at her best friend. Everything felt so right in that moment. With a sense of pride, Maura placed two plates filled with pasta before them.

“Voilà,” Maura announced, her voice tinged with satisfaction. “Hope you enjoy it.”

Jane's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the sight before her.

“Wow, Maura, this looks incredible!” she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious.

Maura smiled at Jane’s comment and they began to eat. Maura couldn't help but marvel at the way Jane attacked her food with gusto. There was something undeniably endearing about the way Jane practically inhaled her pasta, as if each bite was the best thing she had ever tasted.

“I’ve never thought I’d say that one day, but I think my Ma’s got some real competition, Maur,” Jane admitted, clearly impressed.

Maura felt a surge of pride at Jane's praise, her cheeks warming with pleasure.

“Thank you, Jane,” she replied with another smile.

As they ate, Maura noticed Jane's gaze lingering on her, a playful glint in her eyes. Then, it was just a fleeting touch, a brush of Jane's fingers against hers as they reached for the same dish. Maura tried to ignore the tingling sensation that lingered on her skin, focusing instead on her food.

But Jane was persistent. As the meal progressed, her touches became bolder, her fingers trailing along Maura's hand and then sliding up her arm. Maura's heart raced with each touch, her cheeks flushing with heat.

“Jane, we're supposed to be eating,” Maura protested weakly, but her voice lacked conviction.

She couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her veins at Jane's touch.

Jane grinned, her eyes dancing with mischief.

“I am eating,” she replied, her voice low and husky. “I’m multitasking.”

Maura's breath caught in her throat at Jane's words, her pulse quickening. She tried to maintain her composure, but when Jane's hand landed on her thigh, Maura couldn't help but gasp.

“Jane, please,” she whispered, but her voice was barely a murmur, drowned out by the pounding of her heart.

But Jane was undeterred. With a mischievous smile, she leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Maura's cheek, sending shivers down her spine. Maura closed her eyes, her resolve crumbling with each tender touch.

“Jane, we really should...” Maura began, but her words trailed off as Jane pulled her chair closer, their bodies almost touching.

And when Jane's lips met hers in a sweet, lingering kiss, Maura couldn't resist any longer. And in that moment, Maura knew that she wouldn't have it any other way, that she wouldn't trade what they had for the world.

Nothing more had happened between them after that, and Maura was perfectly fine with it. She longed for intimacy with Jane, truly she did—oh, how she yearned for it—but she wasn’t in any rush. What they shared was new, delicate, and Maura was determined not to rush it. She knew their time would come, (hopefully sooner rather than later) when they'd both feel ready for that next step. Until then, Maura was more than content with the simple joy of being able to kiss Jane whenever she pleased.

Maura marveled at the effect Jane had on her. When she was with Ian, the thought of being intimate filled her with dread. There was a disconnect, as if a crucial switch within her refused to flick on. But with Jane, every touch sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that she hadn't known existed. It was exhilarating, intoxicating even. Every caress, every brush of their fingers left Maura yearning for more. And she welcomed that desire with open arms, reveling in the passion that Jane awakened within her.


Later that day, in her English class, Jane sat with her head propped up by her hand, her gaze barely grazing the lines of the textbook before her. Beside her, Frost tapped his pen against the desk in a rhythmic pattern.

When the bell finally chimed, signaling the end of class, Jane released a sigh of relief and turned to Frost with a grin.

“Well, that was pure torture.”

Frost chuckled in agreement, gathering his books.

“Damn right. I feel like I've aged a decade in there.”

Exiting the classroom together, they merged into the bustling hallway.

“So, Rizzoli,” Frost began, a playful glimmer in his eyes, “how's it goin’ with Miss Sunshine?”

Jane's stride faltered momentarily, caught off guard by the abrupt inquiry. She glanced at Frost, her expression guarded.

“Can we ditch that ridiculous nickname? And I'm not sure. We're... trying to sort things out, I guess,” she replied hesitantly.

Frost arched an eyebrow, clearly unsatisfied with her evasive response.

“Sorting things out? What does that even mean?” he pressed, puzzled.

Jane shrugged casually, her tone nonchalant.

“It means just what it sounds like, Frost. We're working on it.”

Frost waited for Jane's response before pressing on with his next question, his curiosity evident in the way he leaned in slightly.

“So, spill the beans, Rizzoli. Have you two locked lips yet?”

Jane paused, her mind racing as she weighed her response. The memory of their first kiss... and second... and third, flickered in her thoughts, stirring a mix of excitement and apprehension.

“Maybe,” she replied coyly.

Frost's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his interest piqued.

“Maybe? That so means yes!” he pressed.

Jane shrugged, keeping her cards close to her chest.

“That so just means maybe we have, maybe we haven't,” she replied, teasingly matching Frost’s enthusiasm. “I'm not tellin' ya.”   

Undeterred, Frost pressed on with his interrogation.

“And what about Faulkner? Still in the picture?”

This time, Jane couldn't suppress her grin, her eyes sparkling mischievously.


Frost mirrored Jane's smile, sensing a juicy tidbit of gossip.

“Great, so are you two official now?” he prodded further.

Jane's lips curved into a small smile, but she remained cryptic.

“It's complicated.”

Frost let out an exasperated sigh, growing frustrated with Jane's elusive responses.

“Complicated? What's so complicated about it? Are you together or not?”

Jane's smile widened, knowing she was teasing Frost.

“You wish it were that simple, Frost.”

The truth was, it could all be straightforward if Jane just took the plunge and asked Maura to be her girlfriend. But that thought? Yeah, it made her stomach do some acrobatics. She wanted Maura; that was for sure. God, finally being able to claim Maura as hers felt like a victory. Yet, Jane couldn't shake the nerves. Dating a girl? That was new territory for her. It wasn't about being ashamed of loving Maura – heck, she was head over heels for her. It was more about how her brothers, the big, loud Rizzoli brothers, would react.

Sure, her Ma and Frost apparently were totally okay with it, and that meant the world to Jane. But would everyone else in her life be as accepting? Honestly, the thought of her father's reaction almost scared the shit out of her. But for now, she pushed those worries aside, focusing on the banter with Frost and the teasing moments they shared. 

Frost rolled his eyes, knowing Jane was playing with him.

“You're impossible, Rizzoli,” he muttered, shaking his head.

Frost sighed, realizing he wasn't going to get any straight answers out of Jane. But apparently, he couldn't help himself. He had to know.

“Come on, Jane. You gotta give me something here. I need to know if I should start worrying about finding you two making out in the janitor's closet.”

Jane looked at Frost incredulously, disbelief written plainly on her face.

“Yeah, because that's exactly where I'd go to make out with someone. The janitor's closet. Brilliant idea, Frost.”

Frost chuckled at Jane's sarcasm, the sound of their shared laughter filling the hallway as they made their way to their lockers. Despite his nosiness, Jane couldn't help but appreciate Frost's unwavering friendship and his ability to lighten even the most mundane moments with his playful banter.

As they reached their lockers, the brunette's eyes lit up as she caught sight of Maura standing by hers, and a small smile tugged at Jane’s lips. Seeing Maura there, waiting for her, sent a warm rush of affection through her.

Frost, ever the instigator, couldn't resist a jab.

“Hey, maybe I should interrogate Maura instead. Might get more out of her,” Frost teased, nudging Jane with a smirk.

Jane shot him a playful glare before giving him a light punch on the shoulder.

“Don’t even try,” she quipped back before turning her attention to Maura. “Hey, Maur,” Jane greeted warmly as she approached, Frost trailing behind her like an eager puppy.


Maura couldn't help but smile as she caught sight of Jane. It seemed absurd to miss someone so intensely after only a few hours, but that's exactly how she felt.

“Hello, Jane, Barry,” Maura greeted them both, restraining herself from embracing Jane.

Despite her desire to close the distance between them, Maura held back. They hadn't discussed their relationship in public, or much at all for that matter. All Maura knew was that she wanted to be with Jane as much as Jane wanted to be with her, and they were both willing to give it a shot. That was all.

Maura didn't necessarily mind though, especially since it gave her more time to figure out how to broach the subject with her parents. However, it also left her unsure of how to act around Jane when they weren't alone.

Jane quickly resolved Maura's internal dilemma by pulling her into a hug. The gesture caught Maura off guard but flooded her with warmth. She cherished the feeling of being in Jane's embrace and intended to savor every moment of it.

To any onlooker, the hug might have appeared as nothing more than two friends embracing. Yet, Maura sensed that it held deeper meaning for Jane, especially considering Jane wasn't one to casually hug her friends.

“What are you doing here?” Jane inquired, gently releasing Maura from the embrace.

Maura's mind raced for a plausible answer, but she came up empty-handed. There was no legitimate reason for her to be waiting for Jane other than her overwhelming desire to see her. With a resigned sigh, Maura mustered a small smile and admitted:

“Just waiting for you.”

The admission hung in the air, and Maura couldn't help but feel a flush of embarrassment creeping up her cheeks. She felt exposed, vulnerable under Jane's scrutiny, and she silently cursed her inability to lie.

To her relief, Jane didn't press the issue further. Instead, Jane's grin widened, a warm affection shining in her eyes.

“Well, lucky for you, I'm here now,” she said playfully, reaching out to gently pat Maura's arm. “Do you want me to walk you to your next class?”

It actually was exactly what Maura had hoped for, but as she glanced at Barry standing beside them, she hesitated. She didn't want to intrude on their friendship, especially when it seemed like they were having a good time together.

“No, it's okay,” Maura replied quickly with a smile, her words tumbling out in a rush. “I can manage on my own.”

But before Jane could answer, Barry interjected, a knowing twinkle in his eye.

“Actually, Jane, I think you should go with Maura,” he said, his tone casual but firm. “I've got something I need to take care of anyway.”

Maura shot Barry a grateful look, sensing the underlying kindness in his gesture. She knew he was lying about having something to do, but she appreciated his efforts to give her and Jane some time alone.

Jane glanced between Maura and Barry, a thoughtful expression crossing her features.

“Alright then,” she said finally, turning back to Maura with a warm smile. “Let me grab my books and I’m all yours.”

Even though Jane had meant it as a figure of speech, the words sent a thrill through Maura's heart. She relished how good it felt to hear Jane say that she was hers. It made her feel wanted, cherished, and for that fleeting moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them standing together in the crowded hallway.

“Jane, I'd like to take you out on a date,” she murmured, her voice filled with happiness and sincerity.