The Meaning Behind The Song: Color of Success by Morris Day - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Color of Success by Morris Day

The Meaning Behind The Song: Color of Success by Morris Day

As a freelancer, I have had the privilege of delving deep into the meanings behind various songs, and one that has always resonated with me is “Color of Success” by Morris Day. First released in 1985, this song carries a powerful message of determination, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of victory.

Verse 1

The opening lyrics of the song set the tone for what is to come. Morris Day sings, “Patience gone, time to move along, no one to blame, it is time to win.” These words speak to the need for perseverance and pushing forward despite any setbacks or criticisms. The line, “I am number one in the end,” showcases the artist’s unwavering self-belief and determination to achieve success.


The chorus of “Color of Success” emphasizes the song’s central theme. Day emphatically declares, “I play to win, that is the color, the color of success. There is no other color of success.” The color referenced here is a metaphorical representation of victory and accomplishment. It serves as a reminder to always strive for greatness and never settle for anything less.

Verse 2

In the second verse, Day further reinforces his pursuit of success. He sings, “First, understand, I am not your typical man. Shrewd, I’m the kind you cannot deny me.” These lyrics speak to his uniqueness and refusal to conform to societal norms or expectations. Rather than allowing himself to be defined by others, Day embraces his individuality and confidently asserts his worth.


The chorus repeats, hammering home the idea that playing to win is the only path to success. The repetition of these powerful lines solidifies the song’s message and leaves an indelible impact on the listener.


The brief news reports inserted throughout the song add an interesting layer to its meaning. These snippets reveal the stark contrast between Day’s past and present circumstances. Formerly part of a popular rock group, the news reports suggest that Day’s future may be uncertain. However, Day’s response to the question of “What will Morris do now?” is crystal clear: “Play.”

Verse 3

The final verse demonstrates Day’s growth and evolution as an artist and individual. He sings, “Bitterness gone, it is behind me. Fresh, picturesque at my very best, gratefully strong, and proud to be me.” These lyrics reflect his ability to rise above negativity and embrace a positive mindset. Day embodies self-acceptance and gratitude for the person he has become.

Final Chorus:

The concluding chorus reiterates the message of the song, emphasizing that success is a personal journey. Day sings, “If I want to make love sometimes, it’s alright, it’s my life. I play to win, oh, I. If I want to get crazy sometimes, it’s alright, it’s my life. I play to win, I…” These lines reinforce the importance of staying true to oneself and pursuing what brings joy and fulfillment, regardless of outside opinions or expectations.

Released in 1985 as part of the album “Color of Success,” this song holds particular significance for Morris Day as it marked a transition in his career. It propelled him towards a successful solo career in both music and acting, reflecting the bright future that lay ahead for him.

Throughout my own journey, “Color of Success” has served as a reminder to never give up and always push forward, even in the face of challenges. The lyrics inspire me to stay true to myself, embrace my uniqueness, and relentlessly pursue my goals.

So, the next time you find yourself in need of motivation or a reminder to keep playing to win, give “Color of Success” a listen. Let Morris Day’s powerful words guide you on your own path to victory and inspire you to embrace the color of success.


Release Date: September 11, 1985

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