BAND OF BROTHERS Episode 7 Breakdown & Ending Explained | ING Movies

BAND OF BROTHERS Episode 7 Breakdown & Ending Explained

By ingmoviesadmin 26 Min Read
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BAND OF BROTHERS Episode 7 Breakdown & Ending Explained 20

The seventh episode of Band of Brothers is titled Breaking Point, and it is one that sticks with me and comes to mind whenever I think of the show. Following on from Episode 6, titled Bastogne, this episode followed Sergeant Lipton in a stylistically different episode set in the Ardennes Forest of Bastogne.

This episode took the technique of allowing us to peek inside Lip’s mind and virtually hear his perspective on the events that occurred, as well as the end of the tether that many of the men were approaching, almost as if it were journal entries. With the episode dubbed Breaking Point, we witnessed these men truly at their breaking point, as death, terrible leadership, harsh conditions, and the men’s departure from the firm pushed them to their limits.

Whether it’s Buck Compton, Hubler, Lipton, Garnier, Toy, or Winters. So, instead of waiting any longer, let’s get right into the episode and break down all there was to take away from it. Here’s a breakdown of Band of Brothers episode seven. Just so you know, this will contain spoilers.

The Interviews:

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As with previous episodes, this one began with interviews with four Easy Company veterans.

We had Richard Winters, Daryl Shifty Powers, Joe Lesnilski, and Donald Malarkey. Given the length of the broadcast, this felt like the shortest batch of interviews we’d had. The topic of what they were talking about was incredibly relevant to the episode’s title, Breaking Point.

The soldiers being interviewed were discussing their experience in the Ardennes forest, their attitude, and how they were on the verge of breaking point. It was very condition-specific and focussed on the death that was present. The death of friends had an impact on many of the persons present.

When it was mentioned that the men were surrounded by death, whether it was their own men, civilians, enemy troops, or even animals, you can’t image the weight of that on a person. Being surrounded by what you fear most, and knowing that it could very well be you lying there, being the person who died in the blink of an eye, must take its toll.

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These interviews were among the most emotional to see, particularly the section with Malarkey. He was on the verge of tears as he mentioned how, while he was there, when friends died, it was too difficult to care for them in the way that one would normally do, and how later in life he’d still remember what happened and the people he lost, and how it would come back for him.

He burst into tears as he stated this, and then the screen went blank. This was an especially devastating scene because later in the program, we saw Malarkey lose three of his close pals at the company in a matter of hours. So this line, and the passion that the actual Donald Malarkey was feeling, impacted even harder after watching the episode and knowing why he felt the way he did.

The first segment of the interviews really set the tone and leaned into the harsh, brutal environment and mindset that many of the men had at the time. It was taking a toll on them both mentally and physically, and they reached their breaking point in January 1945 when inside Bastogne.

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The interviews are such an important part of the show; having the genuine heroes present and able to relate their stories, even in fragments, always enhances what we see later. And it enables us to link what they’ve spoken to the tale that we see unfolding. It’s really amazing, and I’m so thrilled the showrunners chose that imaginative way.

The program then revealed that it was January 2nd, 1945. The events in Episode 6 at Bastogne occurred around Christmas time, so this episode was set just a few days after General Patton’s 3rd Army broke through German lines and rescued the 101st Airborne Division.

Something that the 101st state deemed unnecessary. At this point, Easy was tasked with pushing the Germans through the bulge and clearing the woods near Foy in preparation for the ultimate assault on Foy on January 13th. One of the first events we witnessed in this opening portion set the tone and mood for the rest of the program.

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This was Hubler’s death. Hubler has a long-running mission to obtain a Luger. During the first portion, he also killed a German soldier on horseback. And when he walked over to search the man, he found a Luger that he had wanted since before he dropped on D Day.

Hubler’s death was particularly devastating because it was not the result of an enemy strike. It was just an accident. Donald Hubler’s desire to acquire the Luger was ultimately fatal. He put it in his pocket, but because he was dressed so warmly due to the chilly weather, the gun went off, and the bullet went into his leg, tearing his femoral artery.

While what we saw on the show suited the narrative of Hubler seeking a Luger, the actual Donald Hubler died in a similar manner but is not deemed identical. It is believed that when Hubler fired at the German soldier on horseback, he did not kill him, but instead took him as a prisoner.

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It is also claimed that the Luger did not originate with him, and it is unclear whether he ever had one. Hubler died on January 3rd as a result of a gun going off in his pocket, but it’s possible that it was his own, as it’s unclear whether he ever obtained a Luger.

However, it is also speculated that it could have been a Luger, and because he was so pleased to finally get his hands on one, he was playing with it before putting it in his pocket, when it went off. Hubler died immediately after arriving at an aid station, not on the field as depicted in the show.

So, while this aspect of the program wasn’t quite accurate, it did a good job of emphasizing the ambiguity of his death and focusing on the Luger, which was exactly what he wanted. The death of Hoopla revealed a significant part of this episode. Given that Sgt.

Carlwood Lipton was present and ready to be the leader that the group required and desired while they were being led wrong and following a man who was regarded inept, Lt. Dyke. The portrayal of Dyke differs significantly from the real-life Norman Dyke.

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During this chapter, Dyke was missing for much of the planning and preparing for the assault on Foyer, which occurred on January 13th. He seemed unconcerned about what was going on, the men who were with him, the value of their lives, and the best way to carry out the plan that was in place.

As a result, many of the men in Easy Company died. However, the real-life Norman Dyke was far from incompetent. He actually performed numerous acts of heroism. He received a bronze star for his actions in Holland and a second bronze star for his conduct in Bastogne, when he evacuated three wounded members of his unit from an exposed position while they were under heavy fire.

This isn’t how Dyke was presented to us in the episode, therefore it’s interesting that they chose to do so. I’m going to assume that they did this because, during the assault on Foy on January 13th, Carwood Lipton stated that Dyke appeared to have virtually fallen apart.

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Dyke appeared to have been wounded, and the wound forced him to stop in his tracks. He wasn’t paralyzed by fear, as depicted in the show, but his wound nearly took him back. So the fall apart of the assault on Foy in the show, as well as Dyke’s actions, are most likely the result of this.

Winters, like many of the other men in the firm, did not speak highly of Dyke. He appeared indifferent, as represented, and would frequently disappear and spend his time in a foxhole instead of fighting. This resulted in him earning the nickname Foxhole Norman.

So, while the show took creative license with this character, there were realities woven throughout. This action also demonstrated the loyalty and commitment of many of the other men, which contrasted sharply with Dyke. For example, Joe Toy had just returned from an aid station, but he couldn’t bear the thought of not being with the troops he was with and fighting alongside them.

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This demonstrated that they would do everything for one another on the pitch. So much so that when Joe Toy finally returned, he was hit and lost his leg. He didn’t have to be present at that time, but he decided to be. Furthermore, with Garnier getting hit and losing his leg while attempting to rescue his friend, the level of dedication to one another, as well as demonstrating that they were willing to help and do anything they could, was diametrically opposed to Dyke’s attitude of fleeing and seeking assistance.

True friendship and commitment shone through, demonstrating that even with an ineffective and overburdened boss, they could still work. This is all because Easy Company was developed and built in such a way that there was a sense of unity and a deep core understanding of one another, as well as how to fight through and survive the most difficult situations.

There was some foreshadowing in the episode’s early stages. Buck has become a shell of himself in the last several episodes after being injured during Operation Market Garden. And the man’s fractured nature reached a climax in this episode. We witnessed him walking around to several of the men, telling them not to do anything dumb because, after seeing what happened to Hoopla, he didn’t want to face another death.

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This prompted Heffron to claim that he resembled someone insane. Buck stood up, removed his helmet, and glanced at his two good buddies, Garnier and Toy, who were both missing a leg. Buck Compton appeared to have reached his breaking point, and there was no going back from there.

So much so that we saw him removed off the line and evacuated to Trenchford. However, it was primarily due to his thinking and the impact of witnessing his two closest friends lying there after being hit. Buck stated in his autobiography, “Although I was affected by the horrors of Bastogne, I do not believe I was clinically shelf shocked, as the series betrays me.”

Instead, he believed that the Germans were on the verge of capturing them. indicating that he felt there was no way out at the time. With Lipton narrating over the top, we observed that, despite the fact that Compton was evacuated because his mindset was not in the right place, no levels of respect for him diminished.

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Because, prior to that, he gave his all and prioritized the safety and well-being of the soldiers with whom he served. Again, a significant divergence from that of Lt. Dyke. During this episode, it was mentioned that fear was similar to an illness and a poison. It was something that could spread and become infectious.

So, when men were afraid, they would often pull them from the line. Not for personal advancement, but primarily for the benefit of the organization and the unit. Because if fear spread, it exposed a weakness and destroyed the men’s attitude. This was demonstrated to us mostly through malarkey and the fact that it lost three of his close friends in the course of a 24-hour period, demonstrating that even being positioned a few hundred meters back from the line could radically change someone’s perspective and make them feel just a little more calm.

One of the most painful scenes in this episode for me was when Toya was lying there and shouting, “I gotta get up,” while dragging himself over the ground. The intensity and panic in his voice were beautifully conveyed on film, and you couldn’t help but feel his sorrow, loneliness, and vulnerability while out in the open.

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Another character that received significant attention in this episode was Spears. When it came to shooting down German POWs on D Day, rumors about what he did remained strong. Spears is a cold person on the show. He’s as frigid and brutal as the snow that has settled in Bastogne.

But what I admired about this continuous rumor was that he recognized the power of having that image ingrained in everyone’s minds. The terror and ambiguity it instilled in them about him. The men had no idea what to think, which earned him some respect because he was known to be a loose canon.

Spears also became engaged in the assault on Foy since it did not proceed as planned because Dyke was unprepared and was not following Winters’ commands due to him freezing up and panicking. We were shown the machine that is Spears, as well as the fact that he marched into oncoming fire while remaining devoted and clever.

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It referred back to what he said to Blythe in episode 3 of the show, when he stated that in order to function there, you must have already accepted your fate, which is that you are dead. It’s something you can see him doing in his own head throughout the show, and it was critical to the assault on Foy, because if Winters hadn’t ordered him in to relieve Dyke of leadership, who knows what would have occurred.

It’s stated that it was a coincidence that Spears walked in to relieve Dyke, as she was apparently the first person to arrive when Winters turned. What we saw Spears perform on the television truly happened in real life. He wanted to change what Dyke had directed the soldiers to do, but he couldn’t communicate with Item Company because they didn’t have a radio.

Instead, he raced through the German line and told the corporation of his changing plans. After that, he sprinted back through the town, eventually leading the company to victory. This meant that, as we saw in the show, he became the commanding officer of Easy Company and remained in that post until the end of the war, making him Easy’s longest-serving commander.

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Now, the major character we followed throughout the episode was Carwood Lipton, and his involvement in this episode is one of the key reasons it is so fantastic. As I mentioned at the beginning of the blog, being able to hear inside his mind and have him narrate and write through every moment allowed us to look inside a person’s mind and understand exactly what he was going through, whether it was his dislike for Dyke and the fear that he’d expressed to Winters that Foy would fail and that Dyke would cost men their lives.

The lightheartedness of comparing a shellacking to Fourth of July fireworks, but also the commitments and concern he had for soldiers who were not even his duty. Lipton was the pinnacle of the ideal leader for the corporation throughout Dyke’s tenure. He earned the men’s respect, cared for them, and they cared for him, and he carried himself with confidence.

This was best demonstrated to us when he sprinted through the foyer while the sniper was about to kill the men who had earlier believed they had succeeded. Putting his own life in danger in order to fire a shot at the sniper. At the conclusion, Spears spoke to Lipton, stating that the men believed Lipton was the one person they could rely on and that he had essentially served as the unofficial CEO of Easy Company.

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It ended with him being informed that he was being promoted to lieutenant. This single image of Lipton in complete amazement spoke a thousand words. There was dread, relief, destruction, and death, but also incredible strength. Coming out of Bastogne demonstrated strength even in the face of adversity.

He pushed himself to his limits and found a means to survive while also serving as the leader they all needed. He was relieved to have survived, but his heart was devastated by the deaths. As he stated, 145 individuals from the company traveled there and only 63 left, resulting in significant losses.

The final sequence of the show was quite light-hearted, which I thought was the correct approach. We had a difficult episode, one of the saddest in the series, but at the end, we saw Luz giggling and thanking the boys for dropping feces in their foxholes.

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In addition, we spotted Lipton smoking, indicating that he had changed. Lipton had never smoked before, but the events of Bastogne had converted him to the habit. This depicted his hardship and virtually mirrored how no man was the same after leaving Bastogne as when they arrived. My evaluation of the show: This episode of Band of Brothers was simply fantastic.

It is undoubtedly one of the best. Bastogne and Breaking Point are two episodes that complement each other well and stand on their own in the series. From a stylistic standpoint, this episode felt very different from many of the others in the series. The fact that it was given to us as journal entries by hearing what Lipton was going through was a wonderfully inventive approach of giving us a firsthand understanding of what was going on in the characters’ brains.

Having Dyke be this figure in the show who was so unlike everyone else in EZ, and seeing how even men so many ranks below him were braver, more loyal, and more likable, let characters like Lipton and Spears to shine and realize what made them so amazing. This episode has some incredibly emotional moments, such as what happened with Buck, Toy, and Garnier, as well as immediately at the beginning with Hoobla.

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It was so unexpected, and it revealed a different side to death in combat, demonstrating that things may happen by accident, and that a lack of attention can be deadly at times. Despite the fact that this episode, like the first, was the longest, it did not feel that way. It absolutely flew past, and I felt completely engrossed in it.

Bastogne is, in my opinion, the most immersive element of Band of Brothers. You can feel the pain, the heat, the scarcity of supplies, the deaths of troops, and the general decline in morale. It’s one of my favorite sections of the whole series because it feels so authentic. The episode’s title, Breaking Point, suggested that these men were nearing their breaking point, and that all they’d been through was beginning to take its toll on them.

The connection between the interviews at the beginning of the show was something that I believe was strongest in this episode because of the emotion that was present in all of them, as well as the difficult subject matter of death. They were practically operating in a graveyard, which can profoundly alter a man’s attitude.

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This is undoubtedly one of the best episodes of the show. They’re all amazing, but this one stands out for me. It always has been, and I believe it will continue to be. The Last Patrol, episode 8, is another episode that seems quite tense in its approach, and it is also pretty intense. So I’m looking forward to getting into that one next week.

So, there you have it: a breakdown of Band of Brothers Episode 7. I simply wanted to apologize for the lengthy delay in posting my article. It was an episode that I had been looking forward to discussing, but there have been a number of shows that have been published, and they have all conflicted with my work on this site.

But I’ll start working on my Episode 8 summary very soon. If you want to learn more about Band of Brothers, click on the card in the upper corner. Alternatively, you may go to my channel and see a breakdown of each episode of the show. I’ll be discussing Band of Brothers and then going on to the Pacific, so be sure to stick around.

What did you think about Episode 7? Please share your ideas in the comments below.

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