History for Characters/FlushedAway - TV Tropes

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History Characters / FlushedAway

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* ADogNamedDog: Like his English cousin, he's a frog literally named "The Frog", in the same way that said cousin is called "The Toad".
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* FrenchJerk: A GreenAndMean frog, rude to everybody, arrogant and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking is French]]. Lampshaded after the Toad recounts his backstory:


* FrenchJerk: A GreenAndMean frog, rude to everybody, arrogant arrogant, and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking is French]]. Lampshaded after the Toad recounts his backstory:

'''Le Frog''': I find '''everyone's''' pain funny, but my own. I'm French! (''chuckles'')


'''Le Frog''': I find '''everyone's''' pain funny, but my own. own... ''[shrugs defensively]'' I'm French! (''chuckles'')'['chuckles]''

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* BadassDecay: Living with Roddy's lavish lifestyle has put him through this ''big time''.



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--> Voiced by: Creator/HughJackman

A posh, yet lonely, upper-class rat who lives a luxurious life in an apartment in Kensington...until he's [[TItleDrop flushed away]] into the sewers by a rat named Sid, forcing Roddy to embark on a quest to return home.


--> Voiced by: Creator/HughJackman

Creator/HughJackman, Oliver Muirhead (video game)

A posh, yet lonely, upper-class rat who lives a luxurious life in an apartment in Kensington...until he's [[TItleDrop [[TitleDrop flushed away]] into the sewers by a rat named Sid, forcing Roddy to embark on a quest to return home.

-->Voiced by: Creator/KateWinslet


-->Voiced by: Creator/KateWinslet
Creator/KateWinslet, Susan Duerden (video game)

-->Voiced by: Creator/IanMcKellen


-->Voiced by: Creator/IanMcKellenCreator/IanMcKellen, David Shaughnessy (video game)

-->Voiced by: Creator/JeanReno


-->Voiced by: Creator/JeanRenoCreator/JeanReno, Steve Blum (video game)

-->Voiced by: Creator/AndySerkis


-->Voiced by: Creator/AndySerkisCreator/AndySerkis, Carlos Alazraqui (video game)

-->Voiced by: Creator/BillNighy


-->Voiced by: Creator/BillNighyCreator/BillNighy, Steve Blum (video game)

-->Voiced by: Creator/ShaneRichie


-->Voiced by: Creator/ShaneRichieCreator/ShaneRichie, Carlos Alazraqui (video game)
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* MeaningfulName: He's a white rat named "Whitey."


* MeaningfulName: He's a white an albino rat named "Whitey."
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* BumblingHenchmenDuo: He and Whitey are two rats working for Toad, going through much slapstick as they chase Roddy and Rita.


* BumblingHenchmenDuo: He and Whitey Spike are two rats working for Toad, going through much slapstick as they chase Roddy and Rita.

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* AssholeVictim: Is the most abused character in the movie, but you won’t be feeling sorry for him since he is also a henchrat.

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* KarmicButtMonkey: Is the most abused character in the movie, but you won’t be feeling sorry for him since he is also a henchrat.

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* FantasticRacism: He hates all rats to the point of obsession. [[spoiler: Mostly [[FreudianExcuse because his original owner, Prince Charles, had him replaced by a rat]] and flushed him down the sewers.]]


* FantasticRacism: He hates all rats to the point of obsession. [[spoiler: Mostly [[spoiler:Mostly [[FreudianExcuse because his original owner, Prince Charles, had him replaced by a rat]] and flushed him down the sewers.]]

* TragicVillain: He wants to kill all the rats, but it's hard not to feel bad for him [[spoiler:considering he was replaced by a rat by Prince Charles and flushed down the sewers.]]

* LaserGuidedKarma: After he sends Roddy down the toilet, the constant life of luxury eventually turns him into an utter wimp that Roddy himself easily pushes around when they meet up again. [[spoiler:[[TheStinger And then there's the cat]].]]


* LaserGuidedKarma: After he sends Roddy down the toilet, the constant life of luxury eventually turns him into an utter wimp that Roddy himself easily pushes around when they meet up again. [[spoiler:[[TheStinger And [[spoiler:And then [[TheStinger there's the cat]].]]

* SpannerInTheWorks: He is a jerk that flushes Roddy away so he can act on his hedonistic desires. However, this cruel act led to the very reason why the sewer rats were able to survive [[spoiler: Toad flooding their city]].


* SpannerInTheWorks: He is a jerk that flushes Roddy away so he can act on his hedonistic desires. However, this cruel act led to the very reason why the sewer rats were able to survive [[spoiler: Toad [[spoiler:Toad flooding their city]].

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* UncertainDoom: [[spoiler:Given that Roddy's owners now have a cat, Sid's prospects of survival are bleak, to say the least.]]
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!! Sid
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* AssholeVictim: Is the most abused character in the movie, but you won’t be feeling sorry for him.


* AssholeVictim: Is the most abused character in the movie, but you won’t be feeling sorry for him.him since he is also a henchrat.
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Reformed characters are exempt from the Karma Houdini trope.

* KarmaHoudini: Despite being one of the Toad's henchmen, he never faces any consequences for aiding him. Somewhat downplayed in that he isn't shown explicitly doing anything ''evil'' throughout the movie and only seems to apply the bare minimum when working under the Toad's orders.
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Toad's French cousin who comes to London and is the true mastermind of his plan.


Toad's French cousin who comes to London and is the true mastermind of to assist him in his plan.
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* WouldHitAGirl: When he first captures Rita and brings her to the Toad, he is noticeably quite rough on her, trying to restrain her by force just as strongly as he does Roddy despite being a girl. He also yanks her chain towards him and silences her with extreme force when she tries to defy [[BigBad the Toad]].
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* TakingYouWithMe: [[spoiler:When the flood he planned for hits and he's stuck in its path by liquid nitrogen freezing him in place, having his flipper frozen onto a pipe, he tries to take Roddy and Rita down too. This fails, obviously.]]
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* WealthyPhilanthropist: He agrees to help Rita's family out of poverty by offering her real minerals directly from his home if she helps him get back to the surface. [[spoiler:During a brief MakeUpBreakUpScenario, the deal is temporarily off, but they eventually come to terms with one another and Rita finally [[EarnYourHappyEnding earns her happy ending]].]]


* WealthyPhilanthropist: He agrees to help Rita's family out of poverty by offering her real minerals directly from his home if she helps him get back to the surface. [[spoiler:During a brief MakeUpBreakUpScenario, BreakUpMakeUpScenario, the deal is temporarily off, but they eventually come to terms with one another and Rita finally [[EarnYourHappyEnding earns her happy ending]].]]
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* WealthyPhilanthropist: He agrees to help Rita's family out of poverty by offering her real minerals directly from his home if she helps him get back to the surface. [[spoiler:During a brief MakeUpBreakUpScenario, the deal is temporarily off, but they eventually come to terms with one another and Rita finally [[EarnYourHappyEnding earns her happy ending]].]]
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* BadassDecay: Living with Roddy's lavish lifestyle has put him through this ''big time''.
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* AffablyEvil: He crosses between being this and FauxAffablyEvil. During his first meeting with Roddy, Toad is actually quite hospitable and cordial, ecstatic to have another person from the upper class in a sewer filled with "pissants". It isn't until Roddy screws up and smashes half of his collection that Toad angrily orders Roddy to be frozen alongside Rita. And while he does plan to wipe out an entire city of rats, it doesn't stop him from being SophisticatedAsHell.


* AffablyEvil: He crosses wavers between being this and FauxAffablyEvil. During his first meeting with Roddy, Toad is actually quite hospitable and cordial, ecstatic to have another person from the upper class in a sewer filled with "pissants". It isn't until Roddy screws up and smashes half of his collection that Toad angrily orders Roddy to be frozen alongside Rita. And while he does plan to wipe out an entire city of rats, it doesn't stop him from being SophisticatedAsHell.

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Adding images.

A page for characters from ''WesternAnimation/FlushedAway''.









!!The Toad

!!Le Frog



* AffablyEvil: He's actually soft-spoken and ones of the few characters to care about Spike's well-being, despite working for the main BigBad, and even then he's only doing this [[PunchClockVillain as part of his job]].

!Other Characters


!Other Characters[[AC:Other Characters]]
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* SlapstickKnowsNoGender: She suffers quite a bit of misfortune, such as having her pants fall down and expose her underwear.
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* KarmaHoudini: Despite being one of the Toad's henchmen, he never faces any consequences for aiding him.


* KarmaHoudini: Despite being one of the Toad's henchmen, he never faces any consequences for aiding him. Somewhat downplayed in that he isn't shown explicitly doing anything ''evil'' throughout the movie and only seems to apply the bare minimum when working under the Toad's orders.
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* SpannerInTheWorks: He is a jerk that flushes Roddy away so he can act on his hedonistic desires. However, this cruel act led to the very reason why the sewer rats were able to survive [[spoiler: Toad flooding their city]].
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* BadBoss: Though when most of your henchmen are rats that you personally hate, that's a given. But less justified is when the Toad frequently orders the mime Frog about and even kicks him aside in the climax.

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Cleaned up some more grammar issues and spoiler-marked some plot points in Roddy and the Toad's folders.

A posh, yet lonely, upper-class rat who lives a luxurious life in an apartment in Kensington...until he's [[TItleDrop flushed away]] into the sewers by Sid, beginning Roddy's quest to return home.


A posh, yet lonely, upper-class rat who lives a luxurious life in an apartment in Kensington...until he's [[TItleDrop flushed away]] into the sewers by a rat named Sid, beginning Roddy's forcing Roddy to embark on a quest to return home.

** The first is when he tries to reach into her pocket to get a paperclip but ends up grabbing ''something else''.
-->'''Rita''': There's a paperclip in my back pocket. See if you can get it. *shrieks* In the pocket! '''The pocket'''!
** The other is when Roddy is forced to grab onto Rita's pants when they're zip-lining over the city and accidentally sees a bit too much.


** The first is when he tries to reach into her pocket to get a paperclip but ends up grabbing ''something else''.
grabbing...something ''else''.
-->'''Rita''': There's a paperclip in my back pocket. See if you can get it. *shrieks* In the pocket! '''The pocket'''!
'''In the pocket!'''
** The other second is when Roddy is forced to grab onto Rita's pants when they're zip-lining over the city and accidentally sees a bit too much.

* ActionSurvivor: Living with an upper class family has left Roddy with little to no experience with taking care of himself and he isn't as action-oriented as [[ActionGirl Rita.]] However, he eventually starts to learn how to pull his own weight and becomes more capable by the end of the film. It's ironic seeing how he's voiced by Creator/HughJackman.


* ActionSurvivor: Living with an upper class upper-class family has left Roddy with little to no experience with taking care of himself and he isn't as action-oriented as [[ActionGirl Rita.]] However, he eventually starts to learn how to pull his own weight and becomes more capable by the end of the film. It's ironic seeing how he's voiced by Creator/HughJackman.

* DistressedDude: Played straight for the first half of the movie, with Roddy always getting into trouble with Toad's men and always needing to be rescued by Rita. This is later subverted when Roddy becomes more badass and ends up [[AlwaysSaveTheGirl rescuing Rita]] during the final showdown.


* DistressedDude: Played straight for the first half of the movie, with Roddy always getting into trouble with Toad's men and always needing to be rescued by Rita. This is later subverted when [[spoiler:when Roddy becomes more badass and ends up [[AlwaysSaveTheGirl rescuing Rita]] during the final showdown.showdown]].

* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: Displayed perfectly in one scene. Roddy makes Rita optimistic that she'll be able to redeem herself of her poor lifestyle by telling her that he has real minerals stored within a box in his home. Right after she tells her that he'll have to trust his word, Rita spits into her hand for their truce and indicates that he has to spit into his own by saying "You, too," which he immediately misinterprets as having to spit into Rita's hand.


* RichInDollarsPoorInSense: Displayed perfectly in one scene. Roddy makes Rita optimistic that she'll be able to redeem herself of her poor lifestyle by telling her that he has real minerals stored within a box in his home. Right after she tells her that he'll have to trust his word, Rita spits into her hand for their truce and indicates that he has to spit into his own by saying "You, too," which he immediately misinterprets as having to spit into Rita's ''Rita's'' hand.

* SmallNameBigEgo: His big ego mostly comes from the fact his owners were upper class. In a place like the sewers, his name and status up above amount to nothing.
* TookALevelInBadass: By the end of the film, Roddy has become more capable and independent to the point Rita decides to make him her first mate.


* SmallNameBigEgo: His big ego mostly comes from the fact his owners were upper class.upper-class. In a place like the sewers, his name and status up above amount to nothing.
* TookALevelInBadass: By the end of the film, Roddy has become more capable and independent to [[spoiler:to the point Rita decides to make him her first mate.mate aboard the ''Jammy Dodger Mk. II.]]

* BerserkButton: There are three things he can't stand: failure, his {{Mooks}}' incompetence, and having his prized royal possessions destroyed.


* BerserkButton: There are three things he can't stand: stand (besides rats): failure, his {{Mooks}}' incompetence, and having his prized royal possessions destroyed.

* WickedCultured: If his lair has anything to say about it. Makes sense given his wealthy origins and trying to recreate it to the best of his abilities.


* WickedCultured: If his lair has anything to say about it. Makes [[spoiler:Makes sense given his wealthy origins and trying to recreate it to the best of his abilities.]]

* CasanovaWannabe: Le Frog establishes himself as one towards Rita, kneeling down and kissing her hand when he introduces himself aboard the Jammy Dodger. Far from being impressed, she just slaps him.


* CasanovaWannabe: Le Frog establishes himself as one towards Rita, kneeling down and kissing her hand when he introduces himself aboard the Jammy Dodger.''Jammy Dodger''. Far from being impressed, she just slaps him.

* FrenchJerk: A GreenAndMean frog, rude to everybody, arrogant and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking is French]]. Lampshaded in the movie.


* FrenchJerk: A GreenAndMean frog, rude to everybody, arrogant and [[ArsonMurderAndJaywalking is French]]. Lampshaded in after the movie.Toad recounts his backstory:

* NationalStereotypes: Of France, obviously. He's rude, dislikes the British, is a literal ''[[VisualPun frog]]'' with a moustache, drinks coffee, has very long (as in, five-hour) mealtimes, includes a Mime Artist and accordion player among his troops, and is voiced by Creator/JeanReno.


* NationalStereotypes: Of France, obviously. He's rude, dislikes the British, is a literal ''[[VisualPun frog]]'' with a moustache, drinks coffee, has very long (as in, five-hour) ''five-hour'') mealtimes, includes a Mime Artist and accordion player among his troops, and is voiced by Creator/JeanReno.

'''Le Frog's Men''': (''all raise their hands in unison'') [[CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkeys We surrender!]]\\


'''Le Frog's Men''': men''': (''all raise their hands in unison'') [[CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkeys We surrender!]]\\

-->'''Whitey''': Are you sure about this, Spike? I hear those things are dangerous.


-->'''Whitey''': Are you sure about this, Spike? I hear those These things are dangerous.s'posed to be ''dangerous!''

* PunchClockVillain: He and Whitey are only working for Toad to pay the bills. Once Toad is defeated, they seem to have stopped being evil all together, although Spike still loves unhappy endings with lots of violence..


* PunchClockVillain: He and Whitey are only working for Toad to pay the bills. Once Toad is defeated, they seem to have stopped being evil all together, altogether, although Spike still loves unhappy endings with "with lots of violence..violence".

-->'''Spike''': Hitmen don't wear '''mittens!''' Take 'em off! You're ''embarrassing'' me!

* HourglassPlot: The movie begins with Sid, a thuggish sewer rat, invading the wimpy Roddy's home and makes a total pushover out of him. Following his experiences down the sewers, Roddy returns as a hardened, bitter rat with a foul temper and a commanding personality, whereas Sid's time living the luxurious lifestyle rubs the edge out of him and he's reduced to being an even bigger wimp than Roddy used to be, with the latter ''now'' pushing Sid around.


* HourglassPlot: The movie begins with Sid, a thuggish sewer rat, invading the wimpy Roddy's home and makes making a total pushover out of him. Following his experiences down the sewers, Roddy returns as a hardened, bitter rat with a foul temper and a commanding personality, whereas Sid's time living the luxurious lifestyle rubs the edge out of him and he's reduced to being an even bigger wimp than Roddy used to be, with the latter ''now'' now pushing Sid ''Sid'' around.
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* MasculineGirlFeminineBoy: He is the NonActionGuy Feminine Boy to Rita's Masculine Girl. He has no combat skills and gets hurt quite a lot until the very climax. He is also seen dressing up in a nice tuxedo at the beginning to show his once pampered personality.

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* MasculineGirlFeminineBoy: She is the rambunctious Masculine Girl to Roddy's Feminine Boy, as she is quite athletic and very choleric-tempered.

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Polished up the heroes' folder a bit to add descriptions, fixed some grammatical errors, added a few extra quotes from the film and cleaned some potholes up.



!!Roddy!!Roddy St. James

A posh, yet lonely, upper-class rat who lives a luxurious life in an apartment in Kensington...until he's [[TItleDrop flushed away]] into the sewers by Sid, beginning Roddy's quest to return home.

-->'''Roddy''': There's so many things I want to do, sights I want to see!
-->''(Rita's pants fall slightly)''


-->'''Roddy''': There's so many No, no, no, no, don't break! There are things I want to do, sights do! Sights I want to see!
-->''(Rita's pants fall slightly)''slightly, [[ComedicUnderwearExposure revealing the boxer shorts she wears as underwear]])''

* ActionSurvivor: Living with an upper class family has left Roddy with little to no experience with taking care of himself and isn't as action oriented as [[ActionGirl Rita.]] However, he eventually starts to learn how to pull his own weight and becomes more capable by the end of the film. It's ironic seeing how he's voiced by Creator/HughJackman.


* ActionSurvivor: Living with an upper class family has left Roddy with little to no experience with taking care of himself and he isn't as action oriented action-oriented as [[ActionGirl Rita.]] However, he eventually starts to learn how to pull his own weight and becomes more capable by the end of the film. It's ironic seeing how he's voiced by Creator/HughJackman.

* AmazonChaser: He falls in love with Rita, an enterprising scavenger who is one of Toad's arch enemies.
* BewareTheNiceOnes: He may be full of himself at times and can be a bit of a pushover, but if he's in a bad mood, just ask [[FatBastard Sid]].
* ButtMonkey: Roddy suffers some AmusingInjuries during about half of the movie, such as suffering an {{overly long|Gag}} GroinAttack when getting down to group with Rita after escaping the Toad.


* AmazonChaser: He falls in love with Rita, an enterprising scavenger who is one of Toad's arch enemies.
[[ArchEnemy arch-enemies]].
* BewareTheNiceOnes: He may be full of himself at times and can be a bit of a pushover, but if he's in a bad mood, just you ''don't'' wanna mess with him. Just ask [[FatBastard Sid]].
* ButtMonkey: Roddy suffers some AmusingInjuries during about half of the movie, such as suffering an {{overly long|Gag}} GroinAttack when getting down attempting to group with follow Rita after escaping the Toad.

* InnocentBystander: Roddy TRIES to paint himself as one, saying the exact words. Unfortunately, everyone else [[MondegreenGag thought he was introducing himself as "Millicent Bystander"]].


* InnocentBystander: Roddy TRIES ''tries'' to paint himself as one, saying the exact words. Unfortunately, everyone else thought he introduced himself as [[MondegreenGag thought he was introducing himself as "Millicent Bystander"]].

-->'''Rita:''' Your ''own'' hand!

!!Rita Malone

Roddy's near-complete opposite, a poor yet tough-as-nails sewer rat barely making ends meet in her efforts to support her large family, while also avoiding the clutches of the Toad.

* ActionGirl: Dispatches the mooks easily and is good at getting out of trouble.[[note]]While also having to save Roddy's tail on a regular basis.[[/note]]
* ActionHero: See lancer below.


* ActionGirl: Dispatches the Toad's mooks easily and is good at getting out of trouble.[[note]]While trouble[[note]]while also having to save Roddy's tail on a regular basis.[[/note]]
* ActionHero: See lancer TheLancer below.

* {{Foil}}: She's one to Roddy. Rita is a somewhat humble, level-headed, self-sufficiant person who barely has enough money to live in a stable house. Roddy lives in an actual mansion of privilege, and has somewhere to store rubies and jewels, but he is extremely lacking the sense to be self-sufficient.


* {{Foil}}: She's one to Roddy. Rita is a somewhat humble, level-headed, self-sufficiant self-sufficient person who barely has enough money to live in a barely stable house. Roddy lives in an actual mansion of privilege, and has somewhere to store rubies and jewels, but he is extremely lacking the sense to be self-sufficient.

* {{Tsundere}}: She's easily annoyed by Roddy's incompetence and inexperience, but eventually starts to warm up to him and turns out to be pretty nice once you get to know her.


* {{Tsundere}}: She's easily annoyed by Roddy's incompetence and inexperience, but eventually starts to warm up to him and turns out to be pretty nice once you get to know her. Even Le Frog [[LampshadeHanging lampshades]] this [[spoiler:as he, Roddy and Rita approach the rapids beneath Hyde Park]].
-->'''Le Frog:''' Ah, English little girlie. She's so aggressive.

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* CasanovaWannabe: Le Frog establishes himself as one towards Rita, kneeling down and kissing her hand when he introduces himself aboard the Jammy Dodger. Far from being impressed, she just slaps him.
-->'''Le Frog:''' You're going to pay for ''that'', my little chocolate croissant!

-->'''Le Frog''': ''[about Toad]'' He's cuckoo, but family.


-->'''Le Frog''': ''[about Toad]'' (''about Toad'') He's cuckoo, but family.

-->'''Toad''': "You find my pain ''FUNNY''?!"\\
'''Le Frog''': "I find everyone's pain funny but my own. I'm French! *chuckles*"


-->'''Toad''': "You You find my pain ''FUNNY''?!"\\
'''Le Frog''': "I I find everyone's '''everyone's''' pain funny funny, but my own. I'm French! *chuckles*"(''chuckles'')

* NationalStereotypes: Of France; he's rude, dislikes the British, is a literal ''frog'', drinks coffee and is voiced by Creator/JeanReno.


* NationalStereotypes: Of France; he's France, obviously. He's rude, dislikes the British, is a literal ''frog'', ''[[VisualPun frog]]'' with a moustache, drinks coffee coffee, has very long (as in, five-hour) mealtimes, includes a Mime Artist and accordion player among his troops, and is voiced by Creator/JeanReno.

--> '''Le Frog''': "Okay, men. ''To action''!"\\
'''Le Frog's Men''': (Raise their arms) "''[[CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkeys We surrender]]''!"\\
'''Le Frog''': "''No!'' No that one, you idiots! The kung fu thing!"


--> '''Le Frog''': "Okay, Okay, men. ''To action''!"\\
'''Le Frog's Men''': (Raise (''all raise their arms) "''[[CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkeys hands in unison'') [[CheeseEatingSurrenderMonkeys We surrender]]''!"\\
'''Le Frog''': "''No!'' No that one, you idiots! ''NO!'' NOT THAT ONE, YOU IDIOTS! The kung fu thing!"kung-fu thing!

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* EmbarassingMiddleName: Invoked in a conversation with Whitey.


* EmbarassingMiddleName: EmbarrassingMiddleName: Invoked in a conversation with Whitey.

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* KarmaHoudini: While he does get hit by a wine bottle, he and Whitey never face any ''legal'' consequences for their actions.

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* KarmaHoudini: Despite being one of the Toad's henchmen, he never faces any consequences for aiding him.
* MeaningfulName: He's a white rat named "Whitey."
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* AlbinosAreFreaks: Rita calls him a "pink-eyed freak" at one point.

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* SmallRoleBigImpact: If it weren't for him, Roddy would have never ended up in the sewers.


* SmallRoleBigImpact: SmallRoleBigImpact:
If it weren't for him, Roddy would have never ended up in the sewers.sewers.
** [[spoiler:Sid telling Roddy that football fans typically hold their bathroom breaks until half-time makes him realise what Toad’s plan really is, as everyone would simultaneously take breaks and flush their toilets, causing the rat population to get flushed away once the floodgates were open.]]
