what a pity - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

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What a pity about the haggling [...]
I have witnessed over recent days.
Qu� pena de discusi�n de la [...]
que he sido testigo en los �ltimos d�as.
In fact what a pity that Turkey was not discussed [...]
during the wider enlargement debate in the context of the other candidate countries.
De hecho, es una l�stima que no se hablara de [...]
Turqu�a en el debate m�s amplio sobre la ampliaci�n en el marco de los otros pa�ses candidatos.
What a pity for the people [...]
of Zimbabwe - all the people of Zimbabwe.
Qu� pena para la poblaci�n [...]
de Zimbabwe - para toda la poblaci�n de Zimbabwe.
What a pity it is that other [...]
countries have not joined in enforcing the no-fly zone over Iraq over the last ten years, something
which has been referred to already.
Qu� pena que otros pa�ses [...]
no se hayan sumado a la tarea de vigilar la zona de exclusi�n a�rea sobre Iraq en los �ltimos
diez a�os, de la que ya se ha hablado.
What a pity the Commissioner did not show the same commitment in defence of Europe's textile [...]
production, for example by
activating safeguard clauses, a number of months ago when our textile sector was facing - as it still faces - a veritable flood of imports.
Es una pena que este Comisario no haya mostrado el mismo inter�s por defender la producci�n [...]
textil europea, por ejemplo,
mediante la activaci�n de las cl�usulas de salvaguardia, hace varios meses, cuando nuestro sector textil hac�a frente -como sigue haciendo- a una aut�ntica avalancha de importaciones.
Or, to put it
[...] another way, railways run on sleepers; what a pity this place does not run on similar lines.
O, para decirlo de otra manera, los ferrocarriles circulan sobre las traviesas.
What a pity, I say to my colleagues [...]
Van Orden and others, because my colleagues just across the pond, the Irish Sea, have
so much to offer in this area: the tradition, the experience and the practice.
Qu� l�stima, les digo al Sr. Van [...]
Orden y a mis otros colegas, porque mis colegas al otro lado del charco, el mar de Irlanda,
tienen mucho que ofrecer en este campo: la tradici�n, la experiencia y la pr�ctica.
What a pity so few Members [...]
were here, but perhaps more will turn up in the Chamber when word gets around.
Es una pena que haya tan [...]
pocos diputados aqu�, pero quiz� aparezcan m�s en la C�mara cuando se corra la voz.
What a pity, what a pity! Who can support me now?
Que pena, que pena, quien me apoyara ahora?
As I came closer, I heard that the voice was saying: " What a pity! what a pity!
Al acercarme, escuche una voz que decia, " Que pena, que� pena, cuanto lo siento! mi amigo ha muerto!
Oh what a pity, what a great pity!
Oh, que pena, que gran pena.
Not least, my demand for the mandatory provision of information prior to contracts being signed, and the amendments relating to the protection of investors,
have been reduced to
[...] lowest-common-denominator compromises: what a pity, for a bit more would [...]
have been an improvement.
Tambi�n mi petici�n de que sea obligatorio facilitar informaci�n antes de la firma de los contratos y las enmiendas relativas a la protecci�n de los
inversores han quedado reducidas a compromisos de
[...] m�nimo com�n denominador: qu� pena, porque un poco m�s [...]
habr�a sido una mejora.
What a pity that there are so many [...]
in this House whose courage has deserted them; there has not, in fact, been that much change as yet.
Es una l�stima que a muchos diputados [...]
a esta C�mara les falte valor; de hecho, no ha habido muchos cambios.
What a pity that I do not respond to so much kindness by a consistent life.
Me duele no corresponder a tanta gracia con una vida coherente.
(FR) Madam�President, President-in-Office of the
[...] Council, let me say what a pity it is that the [...]
minister responsible for the Ecofin Council is not here.
(FR) Se�ora�Presidenta, se�or�Presidente en ejercicio del
[...] Consejo, permitan que lamente la ausencia de [...]
la Ministra responsable del Consejo Ecofin.
What a pity it is that a man who [...]
stands nearly six feet in his shoes should be doing nothing and that a woman who is made
for love and kindness should not be scattering that love and kindness on all sides and serving the Lord!
Qu� l�stima que un hombre completamente [...]
crecido no est� haciendo nada, y que una mujer hecha para el amor y la amabilidad,
no est� esparciendo ese amor y amabilidad por todos lados, sirviendo al Se�or!
Mr President, the European Council has taken an historic and
welcome decision on enlargement of the
[...] European Union, but what a pity that it did not seize [...]
the opportunity to take another
historic decision in radically reforming the common agricultural policy.
(EN) Se�or Presidente, el Consejo Europeo ha adoptado una hist�rica y aplaudida
decisi�n sobre la ampliaci�n de la Uni�n
[...] Europea, pero es una l�stima que no aprovechara la [...]
oportunidad para tomar otra hist�rica
decisi�n respecto de la reforma radical de la pol�tica agr�cola com�n.
What a pity it is that the Council [...]
and the Commission do not focus their efforts on putting the European Union house in
order before enlargement instead of grandiose political schemes.
Es una l�stima que, en lugar de trazar [...]
estos esquemas pol�ticos grandiosos, el Consejo y la Comisi�n no centren sus esfuerzos
en poner orden en la Uni�n Europea antes de la ampliaci�n.
What a pity that so many good achievements [...]
are obstructed simply because of a lack of care and understanding.
Qu� l�stima que tantos logros buenos [...]
sean obstaculizados simplemente por la dejadez y por falta de comprensi�n!
What a pity Mr de Miguel did [...]
not meet the commander of the Turkish forces when he visited the occupied part of Cyprus.
Es una pena que el Sr. De Miguel, [...]
en su viaje a los territorios ocupados de Chipre, no se entrevistara con el comandante
del ejercito turco all� estacionado.
(DE) Mr President, I voted in favour of
this report and I wanted to take
[...] this opportunity to say what a pity it is that the European [...]
Parliament and the European institutions
are not as popular as they might be with the electorate and the people of the European Union because we are not in a position to respond appropriately and quickly to problems which arise and which we are aware of.
(DE) Se�or Presidente, he votado este informe
y quisiera aprovechar esta
[...] ocasi�n para decir hasta qu� punto es lamentable que el Parlamento [...]
Europeo y las instituciones
europeas no sean aceptados por los electores, los ciudadanos de la Uni�n Europea, porque nosotros no seamos capaces de reaccionar a tiempo y adecuadamente a los problemas que se plantean.
What a pity that the enormous economic progress [...]
made by China over the last ten years or so has not been matched by similar
progress in political and religious freedom and the rule of law.
Al destacar este asunto no pretendemos enfrentarnos a China, un pa�s al que profesamos
gran respeto y una considerable
[...] admiraci�n, pero es una l�stima que el enorme progreso [...]
econ�mico que China ha alcanzado
en los �ltimos diez a�os m�s o menos, no haya ido acompa�ado de un progreso similar en el �mbito de la libertad pol�tica y religiosa y del estado de derecho.
She said, "What a pity that God has given you [...]
seven boys and not a single girl.
Le dijo: "�Qu� l�stima que Dios le haya dado [...]
s�lo siete hijos y ni una sola hija.
What a pity that some expressions become hackneyed, but we can say with complete justification: Wherever precision [...]
and quality come
from, that's also where Hermle is at home.
Es una pen a que ciertas palabras se desgasten con el tiempo, pero podemos afirmar con toda la raz�n del mundo [...]
que la precisi�n y
la calidad son dos conceptos que siempre se encuentran con Hermle.
Another one noted: "When my father saw me in my cot the first
[...] thing he said was 'what a pity she is black', that [...]
tells you something".
mi padre me vio en la cuna la primera
[...] cosa que dijo fue "qu� pena que sea negra", lo [...]
que ya te indica algo".
What a pity.
Qu� l�stima!
To what the other
[...] person replied "ah, what a pity.
A lo que la otra persona
[...] contest� " ah, vaya, que pena.
One paper said, "What a pity some of our practical [...]
Christian folk have not a faith approximate to that of these 'impractical' Christian Scientists.
Un peri�dico dijo: "Qu� l�stima que algunos de nuestros [...]
cristianos tan pr�cticos no tengan la misma fe que estos Cient�ficos
Cristianos tan 'poco pr�cticos.
In Cebu-Mandaue city, I had the opportunity to visit some of the poor barrios of the place, such as the dump side, river side and Paknaan, where the people there have to rush for garbage that is dumped to pick things like plastics, roofing sheets and other things that are a bit valuable, so that they can sell them to make a living, What a pity!
En la ciudad de Ceb�-Mandaue, tuve la oportunidad de visitar algunos de los barrios pobres de la zona, como el vertedero, el barrio al lado del r�o y Paknaan, donde la gente ten�a que luchar para conseguir basuras vertidas en la zona, como pl�sticos, telas para hacer techos y otras cosas de muy poco valor que pod�an ser revendidas para obtener algunos ingresos.
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