The Greens | Parties in the German Bundestag
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The environmental party

Protection of the environment was the motivation for establishing the Greens in the early 1980s. Today they co-govern in various coalitions.

Die Grünen

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Ahead of the Bundestag elections on 21 September 2021, let us introduce you to the German political parties that are represented in the Bundestag. In Germany, parties only win seats in parliament if they obtain five percent or more of the votes.

The party
Alliance 90 / The Greens

1980 / 1993


MPs in the Bundestag in the period 2017-2021:
67 of 709 MPs in total

Chancellor Candidate in 2021: Annalena Baerbock

Historic figures:
Joschka Fischer, former Foreign Minister
Winfried Kretschmann, Premier of Baden-Württemberg since 2011 (the first and so far only green head of government)
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, European

Profile: The Greens emerged from a smorgasbord of all kinds of different but primarily left-wing environmental and peace-focused groups and the anti-nuclear power movement. These are the roots of its green political principles. Their goal is to reconcile ecological, economic and social sustainability. In 1993 the Greens joined forces with the East German civil rights party Alliance 90 and the Alternative List for Democracy and Environmental Protection (AL). The Greens first won seats in the Bundestag in 1983, and in 1985 provided a member of government for the first time, namely Joschka Fischer as Hessian Environment Minister, who later became foreign minister. At state level, the Greens have so far formed governing coalitions with all parties apart from the AfD. They are regarded as being a centre left-wing middle-class party. Committed to the European idea, the party’s long-term goal is a federal republic of Europe.


Links to portraits of other political parties:
CDU/CSU , SPD, FDP, Linke, AfD
