Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha

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Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha

Incoming Students
Study Spanish UCLM
Languages Centre
Virtual Secretary
Interesting Facts
Virtual Tour UCLM 360
Transparency: UCLM situation, activity and results
The Human Resources Excellence in Research Award
The Spanish programme in Toledo from the UCLM has renewed its seal for “Commitment to Quality Tourism" from SICTED
The UCLM is implementing a model for cultural competences in Nursing to work with refugees and asylum seekers in the EU
The UCLM is participating in the projects "Remote Laboratories for Engineering" to improve higher education in countries outside the EU
ADRIT UCLM Latinoamérica 2024/25
XXIII edition of Postgraduate Courses in Law, January 09-26, 2023
Call for grants for teaching stays of Professors Doctors and Professionals of recognized prestige invited to participate in Masters Official University of UCLM, in 2022