Good and Evil by Michael Pearl | Goodreads
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Good and Evil

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A huge success in its original black and white format, Good and Evil has been reprinted larger and exquisitely colorized. Good and Evil is God's redemption plan told chronologically from Genesis to Revelation. The 324-page book written by Michael Pearl and illustrated by Danny Bulanadi, former of Marvel Comics (Incredible Hulk), resembles an oversized comic book. Good and Evil begins where God began, in the book of Genesis, with the Creator, the fall of man, the law, blood sacrifice, and the prophecies of the coming Redeemer, thus preparing the people to fully understand the gospel of Christ. Good and Evil captivates those who would not normally pick up a Bible. In addition to the color art, each page footnotes Scriptural passages for further Bible study. Young and old, teens, prisoners, military personnel, and Christian workers have testified to the incredible impact Good and Evil has made on their understanding of the Bible.

307 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

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About the author

Michael Pearl

104 books45 followers
Michael and Debi Pearl were both raised in Memphis, Tennessee, in good homes, by parents who were faithful to point them to God. Mike, a graduate of Mid-South Bible College in Memphis (now Victory University), has been active in evangelism and the work of the ministry since he was a teenager. He worked with Union Mission in Memphis for 25 years, while he and Debi also ministered to the many military families in Memphis and pastored churches. They moved to rural Tennessee where they continued in the work by holding Bible studies in local homes, which eventually led to regular meetings of the local body of believers, and by starting the prison ministry. God eventually led them into the ministry of writing on child training and family relationships, which they now feel is their life’s work and calling. In addition to the child training ministry, the work of the prison ministry, missions, Bible studies, and family life is still ongoing. The Pearls have been married since 1971, and have 5 children and 18 grandchildren. The Pearl children have always been involved in their parents’ ministry, and in their adulthood continue to be involved in some way in ministering where they are.

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Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews
Profile Image for M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews.
4,278 reviews353 followers
June 16, 2022
Pretty pictures do not change the fact that the author is a deeply disturbed man who condones child abuse in the name of religion. (not to mention that this book itself is heavily biased in favor of a cruel and unjust god)

Michael Pearl defends every terrible thing Jehovah/God does, and I'm not kidding. Children literally die at his hands because Mommy and Daddy pissed him off and... what the ever loving fuck??? But then. Michael Pearl and his wife think it's ok to hit babies so I shouldn't be surprised that they claim that Jehovah shows his love to human beings by sending down horrible punishments for minor misdeeds, or for people expressing doubt in entirely reasonable circumstances.

Oh, and there's also the fact that Jehovah was also willing to allow his people to spend 400 years in Egypt as slaves, and he did absolutely fuck all when the Pharaoh decided to kill off all the Jewish baby boys. And then Jehovah hardened Pharaoh's heart to increase the challenge factor so that Moses had to keep coming back to him to plead to him to let the Jews go.

Yeah no, none of this is loving... hell, it has the hallmarks of an abusive relationship where people are expected to keep coming back to Jehovah and love him no matter what horrible things he does to humans.

Also, if you refuse to accept Jesus as your savior, Jehovah will throw you into the fiery pits of hell where you will burn forever.

It has been preached multiple times by various Christians that Jehovah wants us to exercise our free will... but what's the point of giving humans free will if there's only one right choice?

The Pearls also believe that the Earth is about 6,000 years old, and that Jehovah created the world in literally 6 days. So the time of Noah was about 2500 BCE, and his three sons then became the ancestors of the Europeans (Japheth) Africans (Ham) and Asians (Shem) This part of the book is also really fucked up because it "explains" how Africans became slaves to white men, and Jehovah is ok with this. WTF?

So then... where the fuck did the natives of the Americas and Australia come from? Not to mention all the evidence of various peoples across the continents being much older than 6000 years.

This book is such a clusterfuck from beginning to end for anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.
Profile Image for Emily.
101 reviews7 followers
September 22, 2015
The best I can say about this is that the art is pretty cool and stylish. It really is, and there's a lot of it, so it's worth checking out. You can read it free on the official site, although the site is slow (the pdf is terrible quality, but at least it's fast).

Aside from that, it's just another Bible story, and not even a particularly good one: It waves its bias freely. I'm no scholar and even I could easily see the parts that were changed, inserted, or left out entirely to satisfy a more Puritanical view of history. It's best enjoyed with your brain firmly in neutral if you have any familiarity with the Bible at all.

It's full of sex and violence, but so does the Bible itself; if that's a reason to keep it away from children, maybe think twice about what you're teaching them in the first place.
Profile Image for Andrea.
52 reviews14 followers
March 31, 2014
This bible is not for young children and I think it wouldn't interest a tween or teenager. The graphics are gory, and the biblical idealism isn't appropriate or biblically accurate in my opinion. One reference that baffled me was when the angel told Mary she was going to have a son the author referred to Jesus as the "Holy Fetus" (pg160). In addition, some specific details in the bible aren't always age appropriate or encouraging for children to hear, for instance various sexual references and Noah getting drunk (pg 19.) As a former children's pastor, present seminary student, and volunteer Chaplin for children and their families, I cannot recommend this bible.
1 review
January 3, 2022
Primera vez lo estoy leyendo,me encanta, pero no puedo ver el PDF , por favor compártelo.gracias el sr lo recompense.
Profile Image for Matt Starr.
Author 1 book15 followers
December 5, 2023
Initially, I gave this 3 stars, but then I saw this author was the same who had written the abominable “To Train Up A Child” and, all of a sudden, all the flaws of this book made sense.

The style and art looks good.
Not groundbreaking spectacular, but certainly professional.

But this man commissioned a book about the Bible and skipped:
- Joshua
- David
- Solomon
- the Judges, including Gideon, Deborah, and Samson

I can forgive the first and last, but how do you read the Bible, outline your adaptation, and decide that Solomon and, most especially, David, are inconsequential?

And the author might think he’s dropping the mic by putting the words of his political adversaries in the mouths of his villains, but it just makes me angry.

Literally every other adaptation from the Bible to a comic is superior, including the coloring books you can buy for your children.
Profile Image for Tara.
11 reviews17 followers
September 16, 2008
My children just love this Bible in animation form! They will pour over it for hours and act out scenes from different books.

They completely understand that it is not a "Bible" and will never replace it, but it piques their interest so much, that they run to the Scriptures to read more details on their favorite stories.

The Pearls (No Greater Joy) are doing an awesome thing with this book! They have printed it in so many languages I have lost count and are distributing it all over the world. They also hand them out to men in prison...and many have been saved because of this wonderful tool!

Profile Image for Kymberly.
649 reviews34 followers
July 16, 2008
I really enjoyed the comics. The artist was awesome and really made the bible stories come alive.
Profile Image for Meadow Frisbie.
559 reviews22 followers
January 23, 2010
It was quite amazing, kept me engrosses for some time. The scenes can be quie detailed so young children be warned ! :)
Profile Image for Laura.
11 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2012
My 11yo son loves this and has used it for a few years to read during his quiet times. I've been wanting to help buy and send them where they are needed.
Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 reviews

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