them's the breaks

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them's the breaks

There is nothing we can do about the way things have unfolded, especially bad ones, so there is no reason to be upset about it; that's just the way things are. I'm pretty gutted about not getting into the grad school program I wanted, but hey, them's the breaks.
See also: break
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Yes, you'll consumer more fuel climbing and--there being no free lunch--won't get back all of the energy you consumed with a higher airspeed in the descent, but them's the breaks. You'll get back a lot of that energy, however, plus the air usually is cooler and smoother at altitude than it is down below.
Fowler's verdict: Fowler's verdict: An awful game for Sunderland to have midweek prior to the final game of the scene, but them's the breaks. Equally frustrating as Arsenal will be gunning for a second-place finish in the table.
If someone loses an eye or gets disowned along the way, well them's the breaks.
"Losing the vote in Zurich was bitterly disappointing but as they say, 'Them's the breaks' and you have just got to get on with it."
"Them's the breaks" as they say, and of course it does mean one thing.