List of Mammals in English with Pictures • 7ESL

List of Mammals in English with Pictures

Mammals are a diverse group of animals that can be found all over the world, from the vast oceans to the highest mountains. With over 5,000 species identified so far, mammals are known for their unique characteristics, such as their warm-bloodedness, hair or fur, and ability to produce milk to feed their young. So, let’s dive in and discover the incredible diversity of the mammalian world.

List of Mammals

Although there are some mammals that live in water such as dolphins and whales. There are many mammal names to learn when speaking English and this section has been designed to help you to commit them to memory for use in your English conversations.

Mammal Names in English

  • Squirrel
  • Dog
  • Pig
  • Lion
  • Mouse
  • Monkey
  • Elephant
  • Fox
  • Panda
  • Kangaroo
  • Cow
  • Leopard
  • Coyote
  • Hedgehog
  • Chimpanzee
  • Walrus
  • Goat
  • Koala
  • Hippopotamus
  • Sheep
  • Raccoon
  • Ox
  • Otter
  • Horse
  • Mole
  • Giraffe
  • Deer

List of Mammals with Pictures

List of Mammals: Useful Mammal Names with PicturesPin

Examples of Mammals with Pictures

List of mammals illustrated with interesting images and example sentences.


squirrel is a small, furry mammal with a bushy tail.

Example: I saw a squirrel running up a tree in the park.

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dog is a domesticated mammal and a common household pet known for its loyalty and friendly nature towards humans.

Example: A dog can be trained to perform various tasks, such as guiding the blind or detecting drugs.

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pig is a domesticated mammal that is commonly raised for its meat, also known as pork.

Example: My uncle has a farm where he raises pigs for slaughter.

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lion is a large, carnivorous mammal known for its distinctive mane and powerful roar.

Example: The lion is often referred to as the king of the jungle.

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(plural: mice)

mouse is a small, rodent mammal with a pointed snout, whiskers, and a long tail.

Example: I saw a tiny mouse scurrying across the kitchen floor last night.

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monkey is a primate mammal with a long tail and opposable thumbs, which allows them to grasp objects and climb trees.

Example: The children were fascinated by the playful monkeys swinging from branch to branch at the zoo.

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An elephant is a large, herbivorous mammal with a long trunk, big ears, and ivory tusks.

Example: The elephant is the largest land animal on Earth.

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fox is a small, carnivorous mammal with a bushy tail and pointed ears, known for its cunning and agility.

Example: I saw a beautiful red fox dart across the road while driving home last night.

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panda is a large, bear-like mammal with black and white fur, native to China.

Example: The panda is an endangered species, with only a few thousand left in the wild.

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kangaroo is a large marsupial mammal with powerful hind legs, a long tail, and distinctive pouches in which they carry and nurse their young.

Example: Australia is known for its unique wildlife, including the iconic kangaroo.

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cow is a domesticated mammal commonly raised for its milk, meat, and leather.

Example: The farmer milks his cows twice a day to collect fresh milk for sale.

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leopard is a large, carnivorous mammal with distinctive spots on its fur, native to Africa and parts of Asia.

Example: The leopard is a skilled hunter, known for its stealth and agility in capturing prey.

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coyote is a small, carnivorous mammal with a pointed snout, long legs, and bushy tail, native to North and Central America.

Example: The howling sound of a coyote is a common characteristic of rural areas in North America.

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hedgehog is a small, spiny mammal with a pointed snout and a round body, native to Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Example: The hedgehog is known for its distinctive spines, which serve as a form of defense against predators.

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chimpanzee is a highly intelligent and social primate mammal native to Africa, known for its ability to use tools and communicate with others.

Example: The chimpanzee is one of the closest living relatives of humans, sharing over 98% of our DNA.

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walrus is a large, tusked marine mammal native to the Arctic, known for its distinctive appearance and vocalizations.

Example: The walrus is well adapted to life in the Arctic, with a thick layer of blubber to keep it warm in cold waters.

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goat is a domesticated mammal commonly raised for its milk, meat, and wool.

Example: The farmer keeps a herd of goats to produce milk, cheese, and other dairy products.

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koala is a small, arboreal marsupial mammal native to Australia, known for its distinctive appearance and diet of eucalyptus leaves.

Example: The koala is a beloved symbol of Australia, with its fluffy ears and cute, round face.

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hippopotamus is a large, semi-aquatic mammal with a bulky body, short legs, and a wide mouth, native to Africa.

Example: The hippopotamus is one of the deadliest animals in Africa, responsible for more human deaths than any other large mammal.

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(plural: sheep) 

sheep is a domesticated mammal commonly raised for its wool, meat, and milk.

Example: The farmer keeps a large flock of sheep to produce wool for clothing and other textiles.

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raccoon is a medium-sized, omnivorous mammal with a distinctive black mask around its eyes and striped tail, native to North and Central America.

Example: The raccoon is a nocturnal animal and is often seen scavenging for food at night.

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An ox is a domesticated mammal, usually a castrated male, of the cattle family, trained to work as a draft animal to pull heavy loads and plow fields.

Example: The farmer used a team of oxen to plow his fields and plant crops.

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An otter is a small, semiaquatic mammal with a long, slender body, webbed feet, and dense fur, native to both freshwater and marine environments.

Example: The otter is a playful and curious animal, known for its acrobatic abilities in the water.

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horse is a large, four-legged mammal with a long neck, flowing mane, and hooves, commonly domesticated for riding, racing, and farm work.

Example: The farmer used a team of horses to plow his fields and transport goods.

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mole is a small, burrowing mammal with dark fur, a pointed snout, and tiny eyes and ears, native to Europe, Asia, and North America.

Example: The mole is well adapted to life underground, with powerful forelimbs and sharp claws for digging tunnels.

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giraffe is a tall, long-necked mammal with a spotted coat and elongated legs, native to Africa.

Example: The giraffe is the tallest land animal in the world, with adult males reaching up to 18 feet in height.

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deer is a medium-sized, herbivorous mammal with a slender body, long legs, and branching antlers (in males), native to many parts of the world.

Example: The hunter tracked the deer through the forest, waiting for the right moment to take a shot.

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List of Mammals in English | Picture

Mammal Vocabulary | Example of Mammal

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List of 100 Mammals in English

  1. Human
  2. Chimpanzee
  3. Gorilla
  4. Orangutan
  5. Elephant
  6. Lion
  7. Tiger
  8. Leopard
  9. Cheetah
  10. Rhinoceros
  11. Hippopotamus
  12. Giraffe
  13. Zebra
  14. Buffalo
  15. Horse
  16. Donkey
  17. Camel
  18. Llama
  19. Alpaca
  20. Moose
  21. Elk
  22. Caribou
  23. Deer
  24. Antelope
  25. Bison
  26. Cattle
  27. Sheep
  28. Goat
  29. Pig
  30. Wild boar
  31. Beaver
  32. Squirrel
  33. Chipmunk
  34. Rat
  35. Mouse
  36. Rabbit
  37. Hare
  38. Skunk
  39. Badger
  40. Otter
  41. Seal
  42. Walrus
  43. Whale
  44. Dolphin
  45. Porpoise
  46. Bat
  47. Flying squirrel
  48. Possum
  49. Raccoon
  50. Armadillo
  51. Sloth
  52. Aardvark
  53. Kangaroo
  54. Koala
  55. Tasmanian devil
  56. Wombat
  57. Fox
  58. Wolf
  59. Coyote
  60. Hyena
  61. Jackal
  62. Bobcat
  63. Lynx
  64. Cougar
  65. Leopard cat
  66. Snow leopard
  67. Jaguar
  68. Bengal tiger
  69. Siberian tiger
  70. Red panda
  71. Panda
  72. Bear
  73. Black bear
  74. Polar bear
  75. Brown bear
  76. Grizzly bear
  77. Red fox
  78. Arctic fox
  79. Gray fox
  80. Squirrel monkey
  81. Capuchin monkey
  82. Orangutan
  83. Baboon
  84. Chimpanzee
  85. Gorilla
  86. Marmoset
  87. Tamarin
  88. Squirrel
  89. Chipmunk
  90. Hamster
  91. Guinea pig
  92. Gerbil
  93. Rabbit
  94. Hare
  95. Civet
  96. Mongoose
  97. Marten
  98. Ermine
  99. Weasel
  100. Ferret

Mammal Animal Group Names

List of mammal groups:

  • An aurora/A pack of polar bears
  • An array/A prickle of hedgehogs
  • An ambush/A streak of tigers
  • A troop/A mission/A tribe/A cartload/A wilderness of monkeys
  • A trip/A flock/A herd/A trip/A tribe of goats
  • A stable/A herd/A string/A stud/A team/A drove of horses
  • A sounder of (wild) pigs
  • A skulk/An earth/A lead/A leash/A troop of foxes
  • A school/A float/A gam/A herd/A mob/A pod/A run/A shoal of whales
  • A pride/A flock/A sault/A troop of lions
  • A pod/A flock/A school/A team of dolphins
  • A pack/A kennel of dogs
  • A pack/A band/A rout of coyotes
  • A nursery/A gaze of raccoons
  • A mob/A troop of kangaroos
  • A mischief/A horde/A nest/A trip of mice
  • A leap of leopards
  • A labor/A company/A movement of moles
  • A kindle/A litter of kittens
  • A journey/A group/A herd/A tower of giraffes
  • A horde of hamsters
  • A herd/A parade of elephants
  • A herd/A drove of donkeys
  • A herd/A drift/A drove/A mob of cattle
  • A group of guinea pigs
  • A grind of bottle-nosed whales
  • A glaring/A cluster/A clutter of cats
  • A gang/A herd of elks
  • A gang/A herb/An obstinacy of buffalos
  • A flock/A caravan/A herd/A train of camels
  • A family/A bevy/A raft/A romp of otters
  • A fall of lambs
  • A drove/A drift/A flock/A herd of pigs
  • A dray/A colony of squirrels
  • A destruction of (wild) cats
  • A colony/A horde/A mischief/A swarm of rats
  • A colony/A harem of seals
  • A colony/A family/A lodge of beavers
  • A colony/A bury of rabbits
  • A cohort/A herd/A zeal of zebras
  • A bloat/A crash/A herd/A pod/A school/A thunder of hippopotami
  • A band/A whoop of gorillas

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