my new plaid pants: Good Morning, Gratuitous Tom Bateman

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Good Morning, Gratuitous Tom Bateman

The actor Tom Bateman is about to get a lot of exposure, and I don't just mean in the naked picture immediately below. He plays "The Guy" in Snatched, the Amy Schumer & Goldie Hawn comedy out this weekend, which is where he grabbed my attention. (More to come on that movie later this week.) But he's also one of the train folk in the upcoming Murder on the Orient Express remake, and he's co-starring in that Liam Neeson & Laura Dern thriller we told you about recently. 

Only back when I told you about it I had no idea who "Tom Bateman" was and now I do. Do I ever. Tom didn't just apparate overnight into our lives -- you might even know who he is and I'm the one slow on the uptake. He's starred in a few series - he played a Medici in that Da Vinci's Demons show and he was Jekyl himself on the recent Jekyll & Hyde show in the UK. (Right he's British, I didn't mention that. His accent in Snatched is a swooner.) 

So I think we should all prepare ourselves to stare at Tom a bunch over the next few years, is my point. And what better way to start that off then to hit the jump for a few dozen more pictures...


Anonymous said...

I assume you need several bottles of liquor to sit through Schumer's latest cinematic Hindenburg. So done with the racist white girl brigade (looking at you too Lena Dunham).

Dougie said...

He sure looks a lot better with the beard, as he kinda looks like Quentin Tarantino without it--so please keep the beard, Tom

Anonymous said...

He's yummy! I can see why Daisy Ridley is attracted to him. Cute couple.