Peter De Mey

Peter De Mey
Charles Deberiotstraat 26 - box 3101
3000 Leuven
room: 01.18

fax: +32 16 32 38 58

Peter De Mey (Dendermonde, 1966) is full Professor of Roman-Catholic ecclesiology and ecumenism at the Research Unit Systematic Theology and the Study of Religions, Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, KU Leuven. He is involved in the Centre for Ecumenical Research, the Centre for the Study of the Second Vatican Council, and the Louvain Center for Eastern and Oriental Christianity (LOCEOC).  25 dissertations have successfully been defended under his guidance and many research projects have been obtained.

Peter De Mey is the founding chair of the Vatican II Studies group (2012-2016) of the American Academy of Religion. During 2004-2010, he was secretary and then president of Societas Oecumenica, the European Society for Ecumenical Research. He regularly participates in meetings of the Ecclesiological Investigations Network and the Peter & Paul Seminar, an international network of Roman-Catholic ecclesiologists and canonists. Since 2005 he is a member of the Board of the National Commission for Ecumenism (and its president since 2010) and co-president of the Dialogue Commission with the United Protestant Church in Belgium. 

Peter De Mey publishes regularly in periodicals and collective volumes about the development of the Catholic view on ecumenism prior to Vatican II, the redaction history and interpretation of Lumen Gentium, Unitatis Redintegratio and Orientalium Ecclesiarum, post-conciliar Roman Catholic ecclesiology and ecclesiological themes in the bilateral and multilateral ecumenical dialogue

query=user:U0008676 year:[1950 TO 2024] &institution=lirias&from=1&step=20&sort=scdate
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  • thesis-dissertation
    Leblanc, Margot; 2024. The Disputatio Raimundi christiani et Homeri saraceni: A Case Study of Medieval Christian-Muslim Exchange.

  • thesis-dissertation
    Bodea, Raul-Ovidiu; 2024. Existentialism as a Methodological Paradigm for Orthodox Theology: Nikolai Berdyaev and John Zizioulas..

  • journal-article
    De Mey, Peter; 2024. La préparation intensive du concile d’un groupe européen d’œcuménistes catholiques : Note de la Conférence catholique pour les questions œcuméniques (CCQO) sur la restauration de l’unité chrétienne (1959). Irenikon; 2024; Vol. 95; iss. 3-4; pp. 283 - 330
    In 1951, the Dutch ecumenists Johannes Willebrands and Jan Thijssen were able to launch the Catholic Conference for Ecumenical Questions (CCEQ), a European network of Catholic ecumenists. Between 1952 and 1963 the CCEQ held a series of meetings in various places in Europe. A very special initiative was the preparation by the Steering Committee of a ‘Note on the Restoration of Christian Unity on the Occasion of the Next Ecumenical Council,’ which was circulated from mid-June 1959. Thanks to the publication of this important source, which has been preserved together with the entire CCEQ archive in the archives of the Monastery of Chevetogne, it will be possible for the reader to discover that this document is indeed the distant preparation of the Decree on Ecumenism. In the footnotes it will be shown that the main editor, the Dominican friar Christophe-Jean Dumont, in fact took up ideas which he had already formulated in earlier publications. The relevant similarities and differences with the views of other Catholic ecumenists will also be indicated.

  • thesis-dissertation
    Maksymyshynets, Vasyl; 2024. Religious Conflicts and Toleration: The Vision of Evgenios Voulgaris (1716-1806).
    The current project aims to examine the transition of Enlightenment ideas to Eastern Orthodox ground: the Greek land and Russia's Empire. The selected figures from each area - Eugenios Voulgaris (1716-1806) and Platon Levshin (1737-1812) -, respectively, are expected to assist our understanding of the integration of Western Enlightenment into the Orthodox theological tradition. This study will moreover show how the concepts of modernity such as religious tolerance and equality have been introduced into Orthodox settings. On the other side, the turn to the Patristic sources in Russian theology will explain its emancipation from Latin and Protestant influences and the formation of an independent theological system that took place in the19th century.

  • chapter
    De Mey, Peter; 2024. La réception souvent inadéquate des dialogues œcuméniques. Dialogue oecuménique et vie des Eglises: les enjeux de la réception. Actes du colloque des facultés (ISEO) des 22-24 mars 2023; 2024; pp. 15 - 39 Publisher: Cerf; Paris

  • journal-article
    De Mey, Peter; The Evolution of the Theology of the Laity in the Work of Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Hans Küng and Edward Schillebeeckx: Implications for Co-responsibility in a Synodal Church. Studia Canonica; 2024; Vol. 58
    The first draft of the pre-conciliar De Ecclesia stressed the mutual relations between the laity and the ordained rather than their differences, while asserting the role of the laity in the Church and world in a chapter drafted by the Louvain peritus Gérard Philips. During the last revision of the chapter on the laity in Lumen gentium, the suggestion of Belgian Cardinal Suenens was accepted to grant the laity the possibility of assuming tasks of a spiritual nature in the Church. Some of these ideas were also found in publications on this theme that four Catholic theologians and Council periti – Yves Congar, Karl Rahner, Hans Küng, and Edward Schillebeeckx – had written since the 1959 announcement of the Council. The theologies on the laity of Congar, Rahner, and Schillebeeckx definitely changed in this period. By 1962, Schillebeeckx had given up his initial conviction of a distinct mission of the laity and the ordained. Until 1966, Rahner defended his thesis of the unique secular orientation of the laity. Congar discovered only in 1971 that he had denied the laity any role at the level of the structure of the Church. From his 1962 book Structures of the Church forward, Küng defended the universal priesthood of all believers as a whole from the basic structure of the Church. Finally, following the synthesis report A Synodal Church in Mission of the first session of the Sixteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops from start to finish, I will highlight lines of thought that can be traced to the works of Congar, Rahner, Schillebeeckx, and Küng.
    Publisher: Uitgeverij Peeters
  • journal-article
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. The Abuse Crisis as an Invitation to Revise our Traditional Theological Convictions: A Literature Review with Attention to the Indian Context. Encounter: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Reflections of Faith and Life; 2023; Vol. 14; iss. 2; pp. 8 - 20
    As part of a reflection on the ‘Interface of Church and Politics Today in India’ it seems useful to focus on the topic of the abuse crisis, since it is a scandal which affects both Church and society. As a systematic theologian I will especially highlight the fact that the abuse crisis also affects the content of our theology.
    Publisher: Thrissur, Kerala, India
  • journal-article
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. Der Synodale Weg als Akt der Rezeption der Dokumente des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils. Ökumenische Rundschau; 2023; Vol. 72; iss. 4; pp. 473 - 484

    Publisher: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt
  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. Overzicht van de belangrijkste oecumenische gebeurtenissen 2023 / Aperçu des principaux événements oecuméniques en 2023.

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. Promoting Lay Participation in the Church: Creative Views of Bishops and Theologians at the Margins of the Council.

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. The 'Synodal Way' (Synodaler Weg) as an Act of Reception of the Documents of Vatican II.
    At the end of the Fifth Synodal Assembly of the Synodale Weg of the Catholic Church in Germany, the approved version of its documents has been released, consisting of a Preamble, an Orientation text, an Orientierungstext, 3 Foundational texts and 10 Implementation texts. In this short paper I inquire whether the conclusions of the Synodal Path in Germany are clearly rooted in the documents of Vatican II and what are the highlights in their reception of the Council.

  • chapter
    Maripurath Devassy, Jose;Kaptijn, Astrid;De Mey, Peter; 2023. The Vota of the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Reform of Eastern Canon Law. Vatican II after 60 years: Developments and Expectations Prior to the Council; 2023; Vol. 1; pp. 199 - 227 Publisher: Brepols

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. Appréciation du 'Dictionnaire critique de l’Eglise' en tant qu'ecclésiologue.

  • chapter
    Bosschaert, Dries;De Mey, Peter;Beentjes, Simon; 2023. Introduction. Vatican I, Infallible or Neglectable? Historical and Theological Approaches to the Event and Reception of the First Vatican Council; 2023; pp. 9 - 16 Publisher: Brepols

  • editedbook
    2023. Vatican I, Infallible or Neglectable? Historical and Theological Approaches to the Event and Reception of the First Vatican Council. Publisher: Brepols

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. The Evolution of Gustave Thils as an Ecclesiologist and Ecumenist during the Pontificate of Pius XII.
    If one wants to study the evolution of the reflection on ecumenism in Catholic theology during the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII in Belgium, then the Louvain theologian Gustave Thils (1909-2000) seems an obvious choice. When the Secretary of State of Pius XI was elected Pope on March 2, 1939, Thils was completing his second year as professor of theology at the archdiocesan seminary of Malines. Through his dissertation in 1935 which had developed into a magister’s thesis in 1937 he had become a specialist in the evolution of anti-Protestant apologetics from the 16th till the 20th century. Three years before Pius XII would pass away on October 9, 1958, Thils had published a widely appreciated monograph on the doctrinal evolution within the ecumenical movement. Hence, it makes sense to follow the evolution of the ecclesiological and ecumenical views of the Belgian theologian in the course of this pontificate.

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. The Abuse Crisis as an Invitation to Revise our Traditional Theological Convictions. A Literature Review with Attention to the Indian Context.

  • chapter
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. ‘Quanta est nobis via?’ (UUS): Superar la inercia en el camino hacia la unidad visible. Ut Unum Sint. El camino irreversible de la Iglesia; 2023; Vol. LXXVIII; pp. 413 - 440 Publisher: Facultad de teología San Vicente Ferrer; Valencia
    En la conferencia final de este congreso quiero reflexionar sobre el ritmo de los diálogos ecuménicos con la Iglesia católica durante las últimas décadas. No es ningún secreto que el periodo de inicial entusiasmo ha quedado muy atrás y que hoy nos encontrarnos en un período de invierno ecuménico. En este capítulo recordaré primero al lector los esfuerzos realizados por los ecumenistas católicos durante el Concilio Vaticano II para garantizar que los documentos conciliares fuesen un buen punto de partida para el diálogo ortodoxo-católico. A continuación, daré una visión general del trabajo de los diálogos oficiales multilaterales y bilaterales a nivel internacional. Por último, prestaré atención al trabajo de dos diálogos regionales o locales seleccionados, la Consulta Teológica Ortodoxa-Católica de América del Norte y el grupo de estudio ecuménico de teólogos protestantes y católicos alemanes, haciendo la sugerencia de que el diálogo internacional debería tener menos miedo de entrar en una colaboración más estrecha con el trabajo realizado en los diálogos regionales.

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. The Sexual Abuse Crisis: How can Theology and Church contribute to restoring Hope and Dignity with the Victims?.

  • presentation
    De Mey, Peter; 2023. Richesse et limites de Lumen Gentium pour le développement de la théologie de la synodalité aujourd'hui.
    Dans mon intervention je ferai une relecture de la première moitié de la Constitution dogmatique sur l’Église Lumen Gentium afin de répondre à la question si la collaboration entre laïcs et clergé y est décrite d’une manière qui serait aujourd’hui identifiée comme une Église synodale où toutes les membres sont « mutuellement redevable » et « obligés de rendre des comptes. » Nous commencerons cependant par nous pencher sur la principale monographie préconciliaire sur la théologie du laïcat, Jalons pour une théologie du laïcat (1953) d’Yves Congar, et sur le travail préconciliaire de la Commission théologique et du Secrétariat pour l’Unité des Chrétiens.

