Men Cry in the Dark by Michael Baisden | Goodreads
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Men Cry in the Dark

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The secret is Men have issues too! Derrick has a thriving business, good looks, and charisma to spare, but his success seems empty without a special lady to share it with. Tony was an unredeemable ladies' man until Tracie caught his heart. But will his conniving ex, Valarie, let them live happily ever after? Any woman would be lucky to have Benjamin. But his weakness for young women has only made him a target for gold diggers in search of a sugar daddy. Will he ever find true love? And, finally, there's Mark. Still bitter from being rejected by black women when he was young, he seeks acceptance in the arms of a white lover. But will his friends and family accept her?

352 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 1997

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About the author

Michael Baisden

23 books289 followers
When it comes to entertaining, enlightening and educating, no one in talk radio compares to Michael Baisden. His high-octane energy and love for interacting with his listeners is just one reason for the popularity and success of The Michael Baisden Show. The Bad Boy ignites heated discussions with explosive episodic themes like: Living Your Dream, Your Body Is Your Temple, and Pimps In The Pulpit.

His radio career began in 2003 when 98.7 KISS FM in New York City offered him a position as the afternoon drive-time host. Because of budget constraints the station was unable to offer him a salary. Michael's response was, "Just give me the damned mic!" And sure enough, within six months, their afternoon drive ratings went from number 9 to number 1.

After eight months of consistent high ratings, Michael suggested taking his show national but management was apprehensive, suggesting that New York wasn't ready. A few months later, Michael threatened to quit if management did not pursue a syndication deal. "There was no doubt in my mind that I could have one of the hottest shows on radio! I knew the impact it would have on people all across the country and I wasn't taking no, for an answer," Michael rebutted.

His vibrant personality on and off the air has made him a people magnet. He began attracting attention with primarily female followers as author and publisher of the highly successful provocative books: "Never Satisfied: How and Why Men Cheat", "Men Cry in the Dark", "The Maintenance Man", and lastly "God's Gift to Women". Two of his titles ultimately were adapted into stage plays.

But his proudest moment came on September 20, 2007, when he passionately and skillfully spearheaded the famous Jena 6 March in Jena, Louisiana. This historic and momentous occasion garnered tens of thousands citizens of all races to peacefully marched in support of six young men who have been unfairly treated by the justice system. In addition, he urged millions of listeners to wear black on September 20 in protest of unequal justice. The news traveled throughout the country, everyone wore black in support of the Jena 6, from college students of all races to corporate executives.

2008 was another historic year. In late January Michael endorsed Sen. Barack Obama in the democratic primary against Sen. Hillary Clinton. Sen. Obama ultimately won and went on to defeat Sen. John McCain in general election on November 4. Michael celebrated with over 4,000 fans at a watch party in Miami on election night. The Obama camp along with millions of listeners credited Michael with being one of the major forces behind this historic victory to elect the first African American to the Presidency of the United States.

The Bad Boy continues to entertain, enlighten and educate as he pursues one of his first dreams, to have his novels adapted to major Motion pictures. The other dream was to host a Late Night Talk show. He got that chance in the fall of 2007, when he partnered with TV One to host and co-executive produce "Baisden After Dark," featuring comedian George Willborn and band leader Morris Day. The show was a smash hit, breaking records for viewers on the black owned network.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
Profile Image for Christa .
431 reviews33 followers
July 13, 2012
I remember when Baisden sold books out of his trunk. I'm not hating on him because he was trying his hand in entrepreneurship, but writing is not for him. He's better now as a radio jockey. He wrote this book at a time when AA's wanted books about their culture and way of life. The wave of baby momma drama and the escapism of the thugged-out dark skin brotha' who rocked your world gave many writers of this era (i.e Eric Jerome Dickey, Carl Weber, Zane, and E. Lynn Harris) the arena needed to throw whatever they could at us without respect to literature or serious writing. Many of these type of AA books flew off the shelf because AA's were hungry for this drama. However, Dickey, Weber, and Terry McMillan increased their knowledge of writing to present better books each year, whereas, people like Baisden only used their crappy books to wedge a foot in the door of fame with no literary Toni Morrison wannabe goals in sight.

Basically, don't waste your time and energy with this book. It's pure crap!
Profile Image for Euftis Emery.
Author 20 books60 followers
July 14, 2010
Use the following link to watch the video review:

Why is it so hard for me to keep my eyes open??????

Ummmm....probably because this book is tedious to read... The only reason that I bothered to finish it was because I made the mistake in purchasing it.

Other reviewers called the male characters in his book "one dimensional", to me they read like they were on the downlow. Call me a homophob all you want, but I ain't huggin' up on another man and definitely not one I just met.

I was extremely irritated reading this book because the characters were just flat out unrealistic. For instance, the main character supposedly grew up in the ghetto but had lines like, "...just look at that magnificent view outside my hotel window...". huh?????

In the immortal lexis of "Blaine and Antoine" I have two words for this book. Hated it!

Euftis Emery
Author of Off the Chain
12 reviews
August 13, 2016
I read this book years ago when I was a teen. Back then I thought it was one the most poignant things I had ever picked up. Well, I’m older and wiser now. Since I’m old enough to understand true adult relationships I can see that this book is, for the lack of a better term, mostly drivel. It’s not that bad of a read, it’ll keep you interested enough to want to know how it ends. But it’s an acquired taste. If you like your literature filled with African-American romance, drama, ballers, baby mothers and things of that nature you’ll enjoy it. If not, skip it. I can say it was better that the play, which was wretched.
Profile Image for Destiny “ Dee” .
207 reviews92 followers
November 25, 2013
This was a really good book. It touched on so many things with relationships. I enjoyed reading about the bond between the friends. I really enjoyed seeing the relationships with the males and females grow. He was brutally honest about why men cheat and I appreciated that aspect. LIfe is about growth and I got to see these characters grow. This is the second book by Michael Baisden that I've read. I will continue to read his books. Well done Mr. Baisden.
February 15, 2020
What can I say other than this was one hell of a good book 📖 I couldn’t put it down after I picked it up. Let’s just say never trust a female enough to tell her intimate details of your romantic encounters
Profile Image for Lord' Williams.
Author 2 books60 followers
May 18, 2009
This book was a page tuner. This book actually brought me back to reading fiction, a genre which I had abandon many years prior. It was just that good. At first I thought it was a chick book, but once I started reading, it was any but a chick book. I really could not put the book down, a great book for male readers, and the topic is something every man thinks about.
Profile Image for The78ms.j.
9 reviews20 followers
October 8, 2013
At first I didn't know what to expect but as I read the book I got pulled into the story lines of each character. I think that this book will give some a insight into how men think and feel about most common situations revolving around dating.

It touches on men who date younger women who have nothing going for them but their hot young bodies, it touches on interracial dating, on dating and having a baby momma from hell and it touches on meeting the women of your dreams and not realizing it and loosing her all because you can't control the little head. These are central themes when it comes to dating so it was a good peek into how men see things. It's a good read for someone who wants something light and breezy.
1 review
December 8, 2018
So, I needed a break from real life and thought I’d entertain myself with some fiction. Was I entertained? Hardly. This was one of the most patriarchal misogynistic things I’ve ever read in my life! The way that black women are talked about and portrayed though out this book is so DISGUSTING! It is so hard reading chapter after chapter filled with these “angry black woman” stereotypes that society wants to force on us and what makes it more heart breaking is that it came from a black man.

Also, the idea that success and value doesn’t exist outside of academia is trash. I hope the author has grown as a person since writing this and sees the flaws in this line of thinking and how toxic it is.
12 reviews
December 4, 2008
This book indeed shows the feelings of men; especially Black men. Black men are told to be hard, don't cry, and never show emotions no matter what. This man was going through some deep issues and due to the lack of emotion or feelings; he lived a misguided life. I recommend this book to all men. I even went to see the play; GREAT!!
Profile Image for Brandy.
3 reviews
February 20, 2018
If you want to read a book from a misogynistic male perspective, this is perfect. As a woman I've never felt more personally attacked. As a black woman I've never been more humiliated. In the beginning I felt he really tried to go somewhere with this narrative, but got lost in his on personal conflicts with women. This was really a waste of paper.
33 reviews
October 11, 2013
I thought this was an excellent book. The male characters were likeable and the story flowed nicely. Could not put it down!

Profile Image for Shalina H.
17 reviews1 follower
January 12, 2013
Just awful, but I don't really like Urban lit. It was selected by a book club I belonged to.
Profile Image for Shay Young.
1 review
December 13, 2012
This book gave me an inside look at how men really feel. I showed me that not all men are heard hearted.
Profile Image for Katia Casimir.
190 reviews
July 14, 2022
Men Cry In The Dark

Finalement une lecture dans l’univers de l’homme, pas parce qu’il se font rare, car il y a d’autres auteurs comme E. Lynn Harris qui a son grain de sel à dire, mais un autre topic.

Ici nous sommes dans l’univers de l’homme Alpha, 4 meilleur amis, 4 relations différentes qui finalement se définissent pareille, trouver la Perle!

Des dialogues, crus, qui font réagir, des situations qui nous rappellent notre quotidien! Une leçon, le respect de Soi pour mieux s’harmoniser!

4 Femmes, qui jonglent dans l’univers de leurs hommes, ces femmes quoique carriéristes, éduquées, entreprenantes, se battent pour leurs respects en protégeant leurs amours propres et leurs foyers!

Un livre que je conseille à monsieur & madame pour mieux discuter et mieux comprendre sans se prendre la tête 😜

Auteur // Michael Baisden
Genre // Comédie Dramatique
Pages // 374 ( kindle )

9 reviews
April 10, 2019
Excellent book it give a view on four men there stories there journey of life of love lost through a man eyes every description of when each man in this story cries so deep a makes be like wow excellent book
Profile Image for Amber Dawn.
869 reviews1 follower
June 29, 2021

This book wasn't for me. I couldn't get caught up in it and lost in the story. I liked the ending because sometimes reality is for the best, though I disagree with final message. If that was the case there would be a lot fewer cheaters.
Profile Image for Altony Nathan.
23 reviews
October 15, 2021
This was a really well written story. I could not put the book down. It touches a lot of emotions the men grow through professional and personally. I’m looking forward to reading more of this author’s books.
3 reviews
September 15, 2017
Awesome read

This is a good insightful book. I enjoyed reading. There is a lot of a lot of unnecessary swearing though.
Profile Image for Chanel.
396 reviews5 followers
July 19, 2018
This made me realize that men have the same emotions that we do as women but they show it in different ways. I really enjoyed the stories and revelations.
Profile Image for Barbara Bell.
7 reviews
March 14, 2019
i want to be fair. I’ve only read this one book by him. My opinion is stemming from this one book. I don’t think writing is for Micheal. As a radio personality, he was one of the best.
Profile Image for Dee.
51 reviews
April 10, 2021
This is not for a GAW... when I was a child, I understood as a child... when I became a woman I put away childish "things"
Profile Image for Robin.
1 review
February 2, 2023
I read this book years ago and I liked it it back there however, I did not like Michael Baisden as a radio host. Overall, this book was a good read.
Profile Image for John Joseph.
1 review
March 7, 2023
This book is Powerful
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eric2012.
22 reviews
November 20, 2008
Do you know men that cry in the dark? Did you now that there was a book like named .Men Cry in the Dark: A Novel. by Michael Basden. Don’t let the name confuse you this book has complexity, mature scenes, and betrayals that happen.

The first reason that I like the book it is complexes. The book has to do with 4 different points of view. 4 different lives that you have to do. You have to read David’s life about him and his relationship, with Angela and him cheating on her. Michael relationship when black girls deny him as a kid. He wants a white girl for acceptance. Tony and his crazy baby momma. Who never gives him his time with Erika? Bob who was always wanted to date younger girls that are in their 20 and gets gold diggers instead. All of this written in 1 person narrative. It's really complexes and hard to get into.

The second reason why I like this book is because this book has many mature parts in the book. Im not going to sugar coated it has a lot of sex parts. This book has at lest 4 sex parts that I can think off there. 1 part that they have sex on a camera. Later he found a video saying "Nikki gone wild" were she has sex with 2 guys, and gave Bob generic. Another when Angela finds out that her boyfriend is cheating, on her but she thought it was with her friend. She walks in her friend having sex with some other guy, and at the other side of town Michael having sex. With her other friend that she met in a plain. Called Vanessa. Angela walks in on them, when she went to surprise him in his hotel.

The last reason that I like this book is because there are a lot of betrayals. Theirs cheating, fights with friends, and crazy ex baby mommas that steal Tony’s baby girl away. To go have a relationship, with a drug dealer. In the book Dave cheats on Angela with Vanessa, because she’s not giving him enough. Then Nikki cheats on Bob with a two male gigolo’s, for money for she can buy the thing she enjoys in life. Bob and Mike where going to fight, because Mike likes white girls and Bobs girl is a ho, and they each said exactly what they think.

In conclusion this book is great its complexity, sex parts, and betrayals are what make this book great although most chapters leave you in suspense the other chapters bring you all back. Never judge a book by its cover you’ll never know what kind of story is inside.

39 reviews
April 11, 2014
The secret is out: Men have issues too! Derrick has a thriving business, good looks, and charisma to spare, but his success seems empty without a special lady to share it with. Tony was an unredeemable ladies' man until Tracie caught his heart. But will his conniving ex, Valerie, let them live happily ever after? Any woman would be lucky to have Benjamin. But his weakness for young women has only made him a target for gold diggers in search of a sugar daddy. Will he ever find true love? And, finally, there's Mark. Still bitter from being rejected by black women when he was young, he seeks acceptance in the arms of a white lover. But will his friends and family accept her?
8 reviews
March 30, 2016
What I love about this book is that it isnt your traditional love story- We are always talking about, living, hearing about, reading, and watching black women struggle with the fact that there are very few good "black men" out there for us to pursue but what about the men-what about what they want? need? experience as a whole? Its interesting to read from a different perspective. And nor does this story have your traditional love story ending-but you will have to read it to find out won't you....
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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