Leo Daily Horoscope - Today - Jun 09, 2024, Sunday | AstroTwins

Leo Daily Horoscope - Today - Jun 09, 2024, Sunday | AstroTwins

Leo Daily Horoscope

Today's Leo Horoscope for June 8, 2024 - June 9, 2024

Say yes to socializing this Saturday, but be choosy, Leo. Affable Venus in your communal eleventh house puts you in the mood to hang with a crowd. But this weekend, the relationship planet moves into a stressful square with strict Saturn in your intimate eighth house, firing a shot over the bow. If you do decide to open up the guest list to people you don’t know very well, watch what you say around them. Even if you stick to mocktails on Saturday night, you’ll wake up with a vulnerability hangover if you overshare with strangers. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly snap into action this Sunday. Mobilizing Mars rockets into Taurus and your ambition realm until July 20, heating up your career. After six weeks of stretching your boundaries and learning as much as you could, now you’re poised to reach for the brass ring. You might assume more responsibility and take on a high-profile role that earns you the recognition you’ve been craving. You’ll need a lot of elbow grease, but you’ll have more than enough fuel for all the hard work, which is certain to pay off.

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