Mike Lutz (Brownsville Station) | Know Your Bass Player

Mike Lutz (Brownsville Station)


“Sitting in the classroom, thinking it’s a drag. Listening to the teacher rap, just ain’t my bag. The noon bells rings, you know that’s my cue. I’m gonna meet the boys on floor number two!”


Among Ann Arbor, Michigan’s furthermost contributions to the enduring art-form that is rock ‘n’ roll was the mighty Brownsville Station. Helmed by the late, legendary rocker / journalist / radio personality Cub Coda- Brownsville’s garage band bonding of Chuck Berry and The Who, among other similar influences – remains timeless.


Successor to founding bassist Tony Driggins, Mike Lutz co-composed “Smokin’ in the Boys Room” with Cub, and served as the band’s second vocalist. 


“Smokin’ in the Boys Room” https://youtu.be/2rdLOYwGNTc


Lutz nary strayed from the root notes whilst stomping four to the bar in platform boots atop stages big and small across these United States throughout the 1970s. Post Brownsville, Lutz turned to the producer’s chair, most notably helming Spirit of the Wild (1995) by that interminable bastion of American conservatism: Theodore Anthony Nugent.