Streaming’s here to stay, so they say, and like it or not, it probably won’t go away. Starting in the 2010s, Netflix and a host of eventual competitors began producing or distributing movies, often dropping them straight on streaming platforms. Of these “original” productions, some get limited theatrical showings, but it’s safe to assume that, for better or worse, most viewers view them at home.

Amazon has, of course, been one of the main parties to take part in this new model of film production/distribution, and it’s understandable why; the company’s got at least a little money to spare, after all. What follows are some of the more noteworthy titles released so far that can be considered Amazon Originals, ranked below by how much they benefit from being watched and then watched again (some movies benefit from another viewing or two, after all).

10 '7500' (2019)

Director: Patrick Vollrath

7500 - 2019
Image via Amazon Studios

The thriller genre has been a reliable one throughout the various decades in film history, with it following that the 2010s has its fair share of underrated ones. 7500 can arguably slot into that camp, as it’s a decent watch, even though it’s not particularly well-known. Starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a pilot, it’s a no-nonsense film about how he reacts to his plane being hijacked by terrorists.

This kind of premise bolstered by a limited setting has been done before in other thrillers, and has admittedly been done better than it’s done in 7500… but there’s still a decent amount on offer here for anyone who’s after something simple. It’s a good showcase for Gordon-Levitt, too, who doesn’t seem as prolific as of late, compared to how he used to be, but can nonetheless still turn in a good lead performance when called upon.

7500 (2020)

Release Date
December 26, 2019
Patrick Vollrath
Omid Memar , Passar Hariky , Hicham Sebiai , Paul Wollin , Murathan Muslu , Aurelie Thepaut

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9 'The Voyeurs' (2021)

Director: Michael Mohan

Sydney Sweeney and Justice Smith spying their neighbours with binoculars in The Voyeurs
Image via Amazon Studios

Calling The Voyeurs a good movie in the traditional sense might be a stretch, as it’s definitely got something of a trashy vibe to it, being a throwback to the sort of sleazy erotic thriller that was more popular in the 1980s/1990s. Of course, that will mean it provides a certain amount of entertainment value for anyone in the mood for something bad in a good way.

On top of featuring the very much in-vogue Sydney Sweeney, The Voyeurs also feels like a modern-day take on an Alfred Hitchcock-esque kind of premise, with the film following a couple who get engrossed in the lives of their neighbors. Maybe, disappointment will follow if one goes in expecting some kind of masterpiece, but The Voyeurs has its charms for what it is, and can provide sufficiently sleazy entertainment value for at least some of its runtime.

The Voyeurs

Release Date
August 25, 2021
michael mohan
117 Minutes

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8 'Sound of Metal' (2019)

Director: Darius Marder

Riz Ahmed drumming in The Sound of Metal
Image via Amazon Studios

Its title might suggest something a little more explosive, but in reality, Sound of Metal is pretty grounded, as far as dramas go. It’s a character study kind of movie, focusing on a heavy metal drummer and how he reacts to a potentially career-derailing diagnosis from a doctor: he’s losing his hearing, and continued exposure to loud noises puts him at risk of the condition worsening.

Sound of Metal was one of the first Amazon original movies to garner significant attention from the Academy Awards, being a small-scale movie that competed at the Oscars for the year 2020, when COVID-19 delayed the release of many larger films. It was nominated for six awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor (for Riz Ahmed), and ended up winning two Oscars, including one for – funnily enough – Best Sound.

Sound of Metal

Release Date
November 20, 2020
Darius Marder
Olivia Cooke , Riz Ahmed , William Xifaras , Paul Raci , Bill Thorpe , David Arthur Sousa
Main Genre

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7 'Argentina, 1985' (2022)

Director: Santiago Mitre

Argentina 1985
Image via Prime Video

A courtroom drama film that was based on a true story, Argentina, 1985 is an Argentine movie (big surprise #1) that largely takes place in 1985 (big surprise #2). It follows a high-profile event in the nation’s history known as the Trial of the Juntas, where various members of a once-in-power dictatorship were put on trial for their roles in various shady activities, including torture and disappearances of certain figures.

Argentina, 1985 is fairly long, at 140 minutes, and also heavy-going, with those two factors admittedly being things that sometimes hamper something like a film’s rewatchability. Still, the quality of the filmmaking on offer and the strength of its lead performances make it compelling viewing, and it’s easy to appreciate both the technical craft and the recounting of some rather surprising true events.

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6 'Borat Subsequent Moviefilm' (2020)

Director: Jason Woliner

Image via Amazon

To get the obvious out of the way first, no, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm is not nearly as good as its 2006 predecessor, Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Whether people liked it or not, that film was a revelation, becoming a pop culture staple through its various quotable lines of dialogue and memorable scenes, with the film as a whole being a satirical look at a darker side of 21st-century America.

It was always going to be a difficult movie to top, especially because of how well-known the character became, but Borat Subsequent Moviefilm was a more than solid effort, figuring out a handful of ways to approach doing a sequel at a time when everyone recognizes lead star Sacha Baron Cohen. For the surprising and clever moments that do work, it’s a movie worth revisiting (perhaps while also skipping over some of the film’s moments that don’t quite work).

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5 'One Night in Miami...' (2020)

Director: Regina King

Kingsley Ben-Adir in One Night in Miami
Image via Amazon Studios

Though it’s not a straightforward biopic, One Night in Miami does take four well-known figures – Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, Malcolm X, and Sam Cooke – and dramatizes a meeting they had in early 1964. As such, it’s fair to say that it was inspired by true events, but there needs to be a little speculation on the film’s part, which is okay, given One Night in Miami still feels like it's true to who these men were.

It doesn’t disguise the fact it was based on a stage play, either, but it’s the sort of film that’s best watched for the writing and performances anyway. When they’re strong enough, other things feel secondary. Indeed, the four lead actors all live up to the well-known figures they play, with Leslie Odom Jr. earning a particularly high amount of acclaim (and an Oscar nomination) for portraying Cooke.

One Night in Miami

Release Date
December 25, 2020
Regina King

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4 'The Vast of Night' (2019)

Director: Andrew Patterson

Image via Amazon Prime Video

It’s rare to see great science fiction movies executed with as low a budget as The Vast of Night managed, with this small-scale yet compelling film being made for less than $1 million. It gets by without the need for too many special effects, emphasizing mystery over spectacle with a narrative that focuses on two people who believe they’ve stumbled upon an audio frequency that might well have originated from outer space.

The Vast of Night manages to be ambitious in less-expected ways for something of its genre, and though it’s a slow burn, it’s ultimately a rewarding watch. It’s one worth revisiting for the same reason that many mystery-heavy movies benefit from a rewatch: there are certain things, from a narrative perspective, that can only be fully appreciated once someone knows the direction a story is headed.

The Vast of Night (2019)

Release Date
May 29, 2020
Andrew Patterson
Sierra McCormick , Jake Horowitz
1 hr 29 min

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3 'Air' (2023)

Director: Ben Affleck

Air’ (2023) (1) (1)
Image via Amazon Studios

Air is sort of a sports movie, but not necessarily in the traditional sense, given its focus on behind-the-scenes machinations over showing actual sports being played. The story’s based on true events, following one Nike employee’s determination to get a young Michael Jordan on board as a partner, believing (correctly, in hindsight) that Jordan’s star is rising and that he’ll be an unbelievably strong asset for the company.

It's very straightforward, and though it does ultimately make an underdog story out of one of the biggest brands in the world (so it feels something like a cinematic victory lap for Nike), it’s nevertheless breezy and very watchable. Air is the sort of movie that few would be offended to have on in the background, being the kind of movie that’s easy to watch and slip in and out of; a perfect kind of lightweight streaming film, really.


Release Date
April 5, 2023
Ben Affleck
112 minutes
Main Genre

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2 'American Fiction' (2023)

Director: Cord Jefferson

Erika Alexander smiling at Jeffrey Wright in American Fiction.
Image via Amazon Studios

A broad, approachable, and effective piece of satire, American Fiction was a surprise critical hit in 2023, and became Amazon’s biggest awards season contender of that year. It follows an African-American writer who’s going through something of a slump in his career, only to find it turns around when he writes something that’s stereotypically “Black,” garnering far more praise and popularity than his more carefully written works, none of which tackle racial themes as explicitly.

It was a premise that was sort of done better (and in a much more confronting way) by Spike Lee in 2000, with the film Bamboozled, but American Fiction does go down easier, and would also be a simpler one to rewatch. It doesn’t throw too many curveballs at the audience, but it’s consistently funny and entertaining, featuring a narrative that builds in a satisfying way while also being bolstered by two very strong performances from both Jeffrey Wright and Sterling K. Brown.

American Fiction

Release Date
December 22, 2023
Cord Jefferson
117 minutes

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1 'Saltburn' (2023)

Director: Emerald Fennell

Alison Oliver as Venetia, Jacob Elordi as Felix, and Barry Keoghan as Oliver in Saltburn
Image via A24

Calling Saltburn divisive feels like an understatement, because some people hate it. Chances are, if you’re reading this, you might well be one of those people, and could well be feeling something approaching anger at the suggestion that, because of its inclusion here, it should be watched more than once. It’s a fairly confronting and strange dramedy/thriller, so maybe for some, getting through it a single time is more than enough.

But there are clear benefits to giving Saltburn a second chance. If you liked it the first time around, you might love its intricate and twisted story more a second time, by seeing all the pieces fall into place. If you hated it the first time and found it gross, maybe the shock factor will wear off the second time, and you’ll be able to appreciate the way it looks (and the strength of the performances contained within) more. What do you have to lose? (Besides the contents of your stomach, during the bathtub scene).


Release Date
November 17, 2023
Emerald Fennell
Rosamund Pike , Barry Keoghan , Jacob Elordi , Carey Mulligan , Archie Madekwe
127 minutes

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NEXT: The Most Rewatchable Modern Sci-Fi Movies, Ranked