The Croods 2: A New Age (Autism Friendly Screening) - Film Review and Listings
Home The Croods 2: A New Age (Autism Friendly Screening)

The Croods 2: A New Age (Autism Friendly Screening) (U)

Cast: Clark Duke, Peter Dinklage, Emma Stone, Leslie Mann, Nicolas Cage, Catherine Keener, Cloris Leachman, Ryan Reynolds
Genre: Comedy
Author(s): Bob Logan, Paul Fisher, Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman
Director: Joel Crawford
Release Date: 16/07/2021
Running Time: 96mins
Country: US
Year: 2013

Grug continues to lead his family comprising wife Ugga, son Thunk, daughters Eep and Sandy and Gran. The unity of this pelt-clad brood is threatened by Eep's boyfriend Guy, who floats the idea of establishing a separate tribe with his beloved. Before the lovebirds can formalise plans, Grug stumbles upon a food-rich paradise cultivated by Phil Betterman and his wife Hope. The Bettermans are closely connected to Guy's tragic past and they attempt to prize him away from Eep.

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London Cinemas Showing The Croods 2: A New Age (Autism Friendly Screening)

From: Friday 24th May
To: Thursday 30th May

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From: Friday 31st May
To: Thursday 6th June

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UK and Irish Cinemas Showing The Croods 2: A New Age (Autism Friendly Screening)

From: Friday 24th May
To: Thursday 30th May

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From: Friday 31st May
To: Thursday 6th June

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