The Backrooms Wiki - The Backrooms
The Backrooms Wiki

New Posting Policy

Want to post a page to the wiki? Check out our updated Greenlight Policy! Just get 3 100-word critiques and contact a staff member or Greenlighter to post! (link)

Sub-Layer-Con '24

The newest contest had been announced, a blast from the past! Click here to view the contest page! (link)

Tale Series - "We Found Our Way"

"I met him at a bar.
There he stood.
I asked their name.
Not a soul responded.

Drowned in grief.
We Found Our Way"

Object 100 - "Super Almond Water"

"You have studied Almond Water under a microscope, and you know its contents by heart — That is not what you really meant to ask."

POI - "Herne the Huntmaster"

"We are not monsters. We are the wolves that stalk the deer. We are the owls that catch the mice. But you are much more than prey."

Tale - "Hysteria"

"The reality of the situation is this place simply made me more of what I am: a predator, inhuman."

by Hylius

Click here for our Guide Hub, which contains everything you need to create your own page, including writing tips!



If you want to write a page, click here for our Sandbox! This is a wiki where you can freely create pages and see how they will appear on the site.

SCP Wiki

We owe a lot to the SCP Wiki, so check it out if you have the chance.(link)

Backrooms Wiki on Fandom

This wiki branched off from another Backrooms Wiki project on Fandom, which is still running to this day — check it out if you can!

Translations Hub

Check out our sister sites, focused on translating and creating original Backrooms content in other languages!Translations Hub

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