Research - Dr Katharina Hauck
Imperial College London


Faculty of MedicineSchool of Public Health

Reader in Health Economics



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Ms Julie Middleton +44 (0)20 7594 3284




Office LG32BMedical SchoolSt Mary's Campus





Katharina Hauck's current research focuses on the economics of infectious diseases, health system strengthening, priority setting and resource allocation.

The Economic Evaluation of HPTN071 (PopART)

The HPTN071 study is a six year international research project that evaluates whether a combination prevention strategy, including early anti-retroviral therapy (ART), can reduce the spread of HIV on population level. It is one of the largest HIV trials ever undertaken, led by a team of researchers from Universities and research institutions in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Zambia, and the United States. Katharina is responsible for the economic evaluation of HPTN071. Aim is to assess whether the initial cost of the prevention strategy will pay off in the long run, by reducing future treatment costs and most importantly, by preventing unnecessary human suffering.

Click to hear a podcast by Katharina on the economic evaluation of HPTN071

Click to visit the webpage of the economic evaluation of HPTN071

For information on HPTN071 visit the HIV Prevention Trials Network.

Health System Strengthening

Functioning health systems are crucial to translate effective public health and healthcare interventions into lives saved on the ground. Katharina is working on a number of projects that attempt to improve the performance of the health system, and to help policy makers assess the economic benefits and costs of investing in health systems. With colleagues from the International Decision Support Initiative, Katharina is working on ways to rigorously appraise the economic value of investments in health systems. Such investments are complex to evaluate because many public health and healthcare interventions may rely on the same complex system of human and capital infrastructure that delivers health care, sharing its costs and benefits.

Behavioural Economics and Infectious Diseases

The choices of individuals with respect to prevention of infectious disease, for example, the decision to get vaccinated or to use a condom, can affect the course of epidemics. Katharina works in a multidisciplinary team with colleagues from the Imperial College Business School, the London School of Economics, and Public Health England to understand the preventive choices that individuals make, how these choices may change transmission dynamics, and what interventions may change behaviour to socially optimal outcomes.  

Impact evaluations of complex public health and healthcare interventions

Many interventions cannot be tested in a laboratory or a randomized trial. Katharina works on a number of studies that evaluate the impact of policy interventions with the use of quasi-randomized econometric methods, for example, regression discontinuity design, difference-in-difference analysis, and related techniques. 

Guest Lectures

iDSI2 Research Groups Workshop. Presentation and working group member., International Decision Support Initiative., London, UK, 2018

Working Group on International Health Care Targets and WHO Guidelines. Member of working group., Center for Global Development, Washington, D.C., 2017

Medicine is a right: Delivering healthcare. Panelist on a panel discussion, Forum WebSummit 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, 2017

Longevity in the Developing World, Pint of Science, Australian High Commission, London, 2017

Determinants of A&E attendances in English hospital trusts: A Benchmarking Approach, City University London, London, 2017

Determinants of A&E attendances in English hospital trusts: A Benchmarking Approach, University of Exeter, Exeter, 2017

Supercomputing for Strategic Decision Making in Health, HPC at Imperial: The future of simulation, design, optimisation and prediction for the digital economy, Imperial College London, 2017

Raising Life Expectancy and Expectations. Panel Discussion, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 2017


Constraints of strategic decision making for health and health care, International Centre for Parliamentary Studies, London, 2016

Social Determinants of Health in Low-income countries, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, 2015

Obesity: Economics and Policy. Presentation at the Non-communicable Disease Forum, Institute for Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London, London, 2015

Public choice analysis of priority setting in health. Presentation at the roundtable meeting 'Political Economy of Priority Setting in Health', Center for Global Development, Washington, D.C., 2015

An Analysis of the Determinants of Life-expectancy using Extreme Bounds Analysis, Health Economics Research Centre, University of Oxford., Oxford, 2014

The Social Determinants of Health - Do the Data support the Rhetoric?, Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington., Seattle, 2014

Do hospitals react to financial incentives? The impact of Payment by Results on emergency cardiac treatment in English hospitals, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, Sheffield (UK), 2012

The Economic Evaluation of the PopART trial, Centre for Health Economics, University of Hamburg., Hamburg, Germany, 2012

Do hospitals react to financial incentives? The impact of Payment by Results on emergency cardiac treatment in English hospitals, Centre for Health Economics, University of York, York (UK), 2011

Priority Setting in Health: The International Perspective, CHE, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2011

Analysing Adverse Events in Hospitals, School of Economics and Finance, University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 2010

The Relation between Adverse Events and Length of Stay in Hospital, Imperial College Business School, London, UK, 2010

The Resource Implications of Treating Obese Patients in Hospital, School of Economics, Finance and Marketing, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2009

Research Student Supervision

Au,N, PhD in Economics: "The economic determinants and consequences of obesity"

Friebel,R, PhD in Health Economics: Patient Safety

Hansen,C, PhD in Health Economics: HIV/AIDS

Schaefer,R, PhD: HIV prevention among young women in eastern Zimbabwe

Singh,S, PhD Dissertation in Health Economics: Breastfeeding and Labour Force Participation