The deal with Blake Lively’s Preserve - Elle India

The deal with Blake Lively’s Preserve

Putting her acting chops on hold, Blake Lively has launched Preserve, a lifestyle website to tell you what to wear, buy, eat and read. The layout is dark, mysterious and slightly confusing, but we attempted to navigate it in any case. Starting it off was Lively’s editor’s letter (accompanied by a sultry picture of her holding a pen and paper, to prove she really did write it).

“I am hungry though,” she writes of her motive to launch Preserve. “And not just for enchiladas.” While we’re happy to hear that even actresses crave enchiladas, we’re not quite sure where this fits into an editor’s letter. But Lively does go on to do a better job (somewhat) of explaining herself. Turns out she’s also hungry for experience, which ultimately led her to create this “part-magazine, part e-commerce hub and part-philanthropic endeavour.”

We discovered articles on style, food, décor and culture – pieces on the statement your ice cream is making (we’re not sure why ice cream needs to make any statement); the importance and history of the bow tie; and the recipes, which will probably be the only part of the features section we’ll be returning to (look at the cherries jubilee turnover and you’ll know why).

The shop section has a random assortment of items like a thought-bubble board (a light-up chalkboard in the form of a speech bubble), an artisan cereal spoon and a wire-wrapped ring. Nothing essential, but part of the proceeds does go towards buying blankets, clothes and food for children in need. We might just spend $18 on that spoon after all.

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