A Bad Situationist clips

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Bad Situationist

More Film info Here


2 DVD set includes the films and almost two hours of extras!Including Stephen Colbert
Scroll down to see clips!

Friday, September 28, 2007


Presidential Run
David Cross, Ross Brockley, Sarah Silverman
In a bid to impress Charlie Rose, Arthur is determined to become President of his intellectual salon. Here he campaigns. His potential constituency.. David Cross playing a freindless loser, Ross Brockley an agro-con-man, and Sarah Silverman playing a columnist for a free weekly whose stories all end up about one thing.

Jon Benjamin and Sam Seder
Here, Benjamin's character, Isiah, reveals that he knows Arthur is the son of failed VP candidate Joe Lieberman and begins to plant a seed in Arthur's mind.

There Was A Coup
In May of 2001, Arthur Lieberman took to the streets with the hopes that someone would listen to his claim of a stolen election and how he was robbed of the opportunity of living in the white house and using it's facilities.