The Drifters | Artists | Black Music Project
The Drifters

The Drifters

They recorded 13 Billboard top-30 hits.


1953 in New York City

Full Name

Date of Birth

1953 in New York City

Still Alive

Date of Death

The Drifters
The Drifters

About The artist

Next to The Platters, The Drifters had the longest running chart success of any Doo-Wop group. The group had #1 R&B hits with three different lead singers, Clyde McPhatter, Ben E. King and Johnny Moore.

Notable Members:

Clyde McPhatter, Bill Pinkney, Gerhart Thrasher, Johnny Moore, Ben E. King, Charlie Thomas, Rudy Lewis, Johnny Moore

Did you know...

The main reason for The Drifters frequent membership changes was that founding member Clyde McPhatter and his manager, George Treadwell owned the name and treated supporting members as (poorly) paid employees. This practice continued even after McPhatter went solo and sold his share to Treadwell.

Other Artists from this genre

The Platters

The Platters

Singers of some of the all-time great romantic ballads.

Genres from this era

Rhythm & Blues

Rhythm & Blues

The big bands get smaller and grittier.



Jazz music moves off the dance floor.

Electric Blues

Electric Blues

The blues follows the Great Migration north and plugs in.



Urban-born rich vocal harmonies combined with teen romance.