traces - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

Diccionario ingl�s-espa�ol

Fuentes externas (espa�ol → ingl�s)(ES → EN)

Suspended solids are traces of chemical pulp [...]
and minerals.
Los s�lidos en
[...] suspensi�n son residuos de pasta y minerales.
It followed traces and leads developed [...]
since its inception and focused on a number of promising tracks.
Siguirastros y pistas surgidas [...]
desde su creaci�n y se centr� en varias pistas prometedoras.
A lot further up at 264 metres lie the ruins of a castle that survived different civilisations although
[...] there are now only traces of them left.
Mucho m�s arriba, a 264 metros,
permanecen las ruinas de un castillo que sobrevivi� a distintas civilizaciones, aunque
[...] ahora s�lo quedan algunos vestigios.
As soon as the traces of water or condensate disappear, the sensors return to [...]
their original conditions.
Tan pronto como los gotas de agua o las condensaciones desaparecen, la sonda vuelve a [...]
funcionar normalmente.
Let us remember: healing also means acting as stewards in this wounded world, leaving traces of the kingdom of God, in which one day all tears will be wiped away and death will be no more.
Nos ratificamos: sanar significa tambi�n, en funci�n de mayordomos de este mundo herido, colocar se�ales del reino de Dios, en el que alg�n d�a se enjugue toda l�grima y ya no haya muerte.
The pieces shall be welded in such a way that they cannot be separated and rejoined
[...] without leaving visible traces.
La soldadura se har� de tal modo que las piezas no puedan separarse y unirse
[...] nuevamente sin dejar huellas visibles.
[...] for cleaning away all traces of wax from wax heaters; [...]
increases heater life.
Indispensable para limpiar toda traza de cera sobre los aparatos [...]
calefactores de ceras.
May the traces of your Christmas [...]
generosity continue to be with you.
Que las huellas de su generosidad [...]
en estas n avidades continue con todos ustedes.
He also declared having observed tracks of the expansive wave outside the building, as
well as the existence of 20 meters of tunnels that did not affect structure
[...] strength; there were no traces of explosions.
El declarante observ� huellas de la onda expansiva por fuera del edificio, as� como la existencia de 20
metros de t�neles, que no afectaron la solidez de la
[...] estructura; no hab�a vestigios de que en ellos [...]
hubieran ocurrido explosiones.
This makeup removal product, made of
[...] cornflower floral water, gently removes all traces of makeup with no danger to the eye area.
Esta agua
[...] desmaquilladora, compuesta de agua floral de aciano, elimina suavemente cualquier rastro de maquillaje, [...]
respetando el contorno del ojo.
When she went to the scene immediately after the events,
[...] Mazalova did not see any traces of barbarous treatment [...]
of the bodies.
Cuando fue al lugar de los hechos inmediatamente despu�s de ocurridos,
[...] Mazalova no vio ning�n vestigio de trato brutal [...]
de los cad�veres.
In certain areas, traces can be seen of the [...]
rare human presence of the past, when the island was basically a privately-owned estate.
En algunos tramos de su
[...] recorrido quedan vestigios de la escasa presencia [...]
humana del pasado, cuando la isla era b�sicamente
una finca de propiedad privada.
Nearly all electronic and
[...] non-electronic data traces which we leave [...]
behind in everyday life count as being part of this protected personal data.
Casi todas las huellas electr�nicas y [...]
no electr�nicas que dejamos en la vida diaria forman parte de los datos personales protegidos".
These specializations led to specific skills being perfected, and
in particular those relating to stone
[...] cutting techniques (traces of extremely [...]
sharp spearheads have been found), to pottery and to weaving.
Dichas actividades les llevaron a afinar
[...] sus t�cnicas artesanales, especialmente [...]
la del corte de la piedra (hay restos arqueol�gicos
de esquirlas de lanza afilad�simas), y las de la cer�mica y de la tejedura.
Scientific investigation of this shipwreck, one of the oldest ever found,
yielded 20 tons of pottery (photo), gold and silver jewellery, bronze tools and
[...] weapons, as well as traces of fruit and nuts.
Los excavaciones cient�ficas de estos restos, uno de los m�s antiguos que se hayan descubiertos, extrajeron 20
toneladas de cer�mica (foto), de joyas de oro y plata, herramientas y armas
[...] de bronce as� como restos de frutos frescos [...]
y secos.
Inlet air is drawn into the area by fans operating inside the chamber and passes through inlet filters
[...] that remove all traces of dust particles.
El aire que entra se introduce mediante ventiladores
que funcionan dentro de la c�mara y pasa por filtros de admisi�n que
[...] eliminan cualquier indicio de part�culas de polvo.
X Remove loose metal particles, dirt and traces of moisture from the terminal compartment, if any.
X Si fuera necesario quitar part�culas met�licas sueltas, suciedad y humedad de la c�mara de conexi�n.
ENAP also continues to work in
[...] cleaning up dumps containing traces of crude oil, applying [...]
its environmental bio-remediation
plan initiated eight years ago.
Asimismo, ENAP contin�a trabajando en el
[...] saneamiento de fosas con trazas de crudo, aplicando [...]
el Plan de Biorremediaci�n Ambiental,
puesto en marcha desde hace ocho a�os.
The rest of the museum traces Picasso's life and [...]
El resto del museo traza la vida de Picasso [...]
y sus viajes.
It may happen that unavoidable traces of a product remain in the production line and end up in the beginning of the production of another feed product.
Es posible que trazos inevitables de un producto permanezcan en la l�nea de producci�n incorpor�ndose al proceso de producci�n del siguiente producto para la alimentaci�n animal.
An examination of the underground
systems within the road and its environs was also
[...] conducted and no traces of any part of [...]
an initiating device were found.
Tambi�n se realiz� un examen de los
sistemas subterr�neos de la calle y sus alrededores y
[...] no se hallaron rastros de ninguna parte [...]
de un mecanismo de detonaci�n.
Those who have had brief access to doctors
[...] and/or lawyers bear visible traces of torture.
Aquellos que han tenido breve acceso a m�dicos y/o
[...] abogados tienen huellas visibles de que han [...]
sido torturados.
It is because I
[...] see extremely few traces of it in the joint [...]
Porque realmente veo muy pocos rastros de ello en la resoluci�n [...]
The new twin-spar frame traces a more direct line [...]
from the head pipe to the swingarm pivot.
El nuevo chasis
[...] de doble columna traza una l�nea directa [...]
desde el tubo colector hasta el eje del basculante.
The only treatment in the case of an allergy to cow's milk protein
[...] is to exclude all traces of cow's milk protein [...]
from the diet.
El �nico tratamiento en casos de alergia a las prote�nas de la leche de vaca consiste
[...] en eliminarlas totalmente de la alimentaci�n.
There is a danger that, owing to the use of force, the remaining places of worship and even the traces of the existence of this minority will be lost for ever.
Los lugares de culto que quedan, as� como los restos de permanencia de esta minor�a, est�n en peligro de desaparici�n definitiva por medio de la violencia.
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