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Landy sincerity present fresh coffee beans and tea house Quality since 2005
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include: raw beans, fresh roasted coffee beans, coffee accessory, how roasting, beans grinder, brewing, buying, espresso, El Salvador Santa Teresa Pakamark, Brazil Cerrado, Maragogype, Zambia Lupili, Costa Rica Tres Nubes, Costa Rica SHB, Uganda Bugishu, Peru Chanchamayo, hong kong good coffee, Mexico High Grown, Brazil Santos, Tanzania AA kilimanjaro, Colombia Emerald M, Kenya AA FAQ, Ethiopia Yirgachefee, Yemen Mocca Mattari, Mandheling Grade-1, Arabica, Puerto Rico Yauco Selecto AA, Kopi Luwak, Panama SHB EP Boquete, Colombia Popayan Supremo, Guatemala Antigua ' Uni Trade', Kenya AA+ Keekorka, Hawaii Kona Extra,Fancy, Ethiopia Mocca Harra, Costa Rica"La Capilla"Tarrazu, 58mm tamper, G2 grinder , french press, tiamo filter, Tiamo TCA-5 Syphon, blended, selective, espresso, crema, princess coffee machine, good coffee, roasting when order, coffee course, barista training, barista training course, expobar office leva 2, expobar brewtus II,exopobar office pulsar, expobar office leva 1, expobar brewtus III, expobar brewtus 3, eureka grinder, eureka lusso grinder, eureka mdf grinder, eureka mignon grinder, eureka mondial grinder, compak grinder, compak k3 grinder, compak k6 grinder, compak k8 grinder, compak k10 wbc grinder, coffee machine, krups coffee machine, best coffee machine, fresh coffee bean, coffee bean price, coffee bean supplier, synesso cyncra, synesso hydra...

���W���W����83-93���a���u�~�j�H906�� �q��: (852) 8209 2898 email : freshcoffeentea@yahoo.com.hk
(Tsuen Wan West Station "A2" Exit)
Tel: (852) 8209 2898 email : freshcoffeentea@yahoo.com.hk Home page: http://www.hkcoffee.com
Copyright c 2005 The fresh coffee beans and tea house ���v�Ҧ� ���o���
All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest c 2005 by me.

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