The Meaning Behind The Song: Sorry - Blame It On Me by Akon - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Sorry – Blame It On Me by Akon

The Meaning Behind “Sorry – Blame It On Me” by Akon

Akon is a well-known R&B singer, rapper, and songwriter who has captured hearts with his soulful music and introspective lyrics. “Sorry – Blame It On Me” is one of the most popular tracks from his iconic second studio album, “Konvicted.” The song was released in 2007 and became an instant hit with fans all over the world. In this article, we will explore the meaning behind the song and the story that inspired it.


“Sorry – Blame It On Me” is a powerful song that easily resonates with many people. The lyrics are filled with raw emotion, and the music is thought-provoking. Akon wrote the song as a response to various controversies and scandals that he was involved in at that time. He had been accused of being a bad role model, and the song was his way of apologizing to his fans and taking responsibility for his actions.

Verse 1: Personal Struggles

The first verse of the song highlights some of the personal struggles that Akon had faced. He talks about the pressure that he had experienced as a successful artist and the toll that it had taken on him. He also admits that he had made some mistakes along the way, but he was truly sorry for any hurt that he had caused. In this verse, Akon acknowledges that he is not perfect but hopes that his fans will forgive him.

Chorus: Apology to Fans

The chorus of “Sorry – Blame It On Me” is an apology to Akon’s fans. He takes full responsibility for his actions and asks for forgiveness. The chorus is powerful and heartfelt, making it clear that Akon is truly sorry for anything that he had done to hurt others. It’s a powerful reminder that even famous and successful people are not immune to making mistakes, but it’s crucial to take responsibility and make amends.

Verse 2: Addressing Controversy

The second verse of the song is where Akon addresses some of the controversies he had faced. He talks about his past troubles with the law and his infamous on-stage incident where he simulated sexual acts during a concert. Akon owns up to his past mistakes and acknowledges that he had let his fans down. Moreover, he highlights how media can have an adverse impact in shaping public opinion as he says “I’m sorry for the times that I had to go, I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know. That you were sitting home just wishing we could go back to when it was just you and me”.

Bridge: Acknowledging Family

The bridge of the song is a heartwarming tribute to Akon’s family. He acknowledges his loved ones and the support that they had given him throughout his journey. The bridge makes it clear that no matter what happens, family always comes first, and they are the ones who provide a safe haven when everything else seems to be falling apart.


Overall, “Sorry – Blame It On Me” is a powerful song that highlights the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions. Akon’s willingness to confront his past mistakes and apologize to his fans is a testament to his character. It serves as a lesson to everyone that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes, but it’s important to apologize, take steps to learn from our past, and move forward. It’s a reminder that even the biggest celebrities are human, and we should never believe they are invincible.

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