Kay-Qubād I | Seljuq ruler | Britannica

Kay-Qubād I

Seljuq ruler
Also known as: ʿAlāʾ ad-Dīn Kaikobad I, ʿAlāʾ ad-Dīn Kay-Qubādh I, Kaikobad I

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history of

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        In Anatolia: Seljuq expansion

        …I (1211–20) and ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Kay-Qubādh I (1220–37), the Anatolian Seljuqs achieved the zenith of their power. Ghiyās̄ al-Dīn Kay-Khusraw I reunified the Seljuq state and began to expand at the expense of what was left of the Byzantine Empire in the west and north. His most important achievements included…

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        In Anatolia: Seljuq expansion

        ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Kay-Qubādh I built on the accomplishments of his father and brother. From 1221 to 1225 he conquered most of the Mediterranean littoral up to the frontiers of Syria. Following these victories, he launched an expeditionary force across the Black Sea against Crimea, parts of which…

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