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28 October 2014

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  • Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Auf Wiedersehen, Pet

Neville, Oz, Barry, Bomber, Dennis, Moxey & Wyman

Britain's most popular gang of brickies embark on new adventures, taking them from North-East England all the way to Arizona, Cuba and Thailand.

Following two hugely successful series in the 1980s, Auf Wiedersehen, Pet transfers to BBC One for a further 12 episodes and a two-part Christmas special.

Dennis (Tim Healy), Oz (Jimmy Nail), Barry (Timothy Spall), Neville (Kevin Whately), Moxey (Christopher Fairbank) and Bomber (Pat Roach) all return, alongside Wyman (Noel Clarke) who takes the place of his dad Wayne (Gary Holton) from the original series.

Oz (Jimmy Nail)

The third series sees the gang embark on a money-making scheme thought up by disgraced MP, Jeffrey Grainger (Bill Nighy). The plan is to pull down the Middlesbrough Tranporter Bridge and sell it. When the original buyers pull out, a native American becomes the bridge's eventual owner. The lads inevitably end up back in a wooden hut, the scene of many of their adventures two decades earlier. Only this time they're on a Native American reservation instead of Germany. Trouble remains their constant companion though, and they soon become embroiled in a drug-smuggling mix-up.

Creator, Franc Roddam, plus original writers Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, are all involved in the revival.

Barry (Timothy Spall)

"It's moved on, in spirit and in time. The maturity of the characters has brought a new edge and humour to the storytelling and there are plenty of surprises along the way," reveals Franc.

"We had to address what happened to the characters but also what changes had happened in Britain," explains Dick.

"It was slipping on an old pair of shoes," admits Ian. "Although all the actors wear far more expensive shoes now than they did in 1983! The characters are still basically the same people, they are just a bit older."

Neville (Kevin Whately)

In the fourth series, and Christmas special, our heroes work for the Overseas Estates Development. Their travels take them to Cuba and Thailand, where Oz finds and loses love, Neville does a spot of moonlighting for MI6 and Barry gets kidnapped. But the show's concluding episodes are tinged with sadness off-screen, due to the death of Pat Roach.

The series bows out with Dennis, Neville and Oz coming full-circle. Having asked to be deployed to a nice, peaceful country for their next assignment, and the lads are sent back to Germany - the location for the first series back in 1983.


Tim Healy
Dennis Patterson
Jimmy Nail
Oz Osbourne
Timothy Spall
Barry Taylor
Kevin Whately
Neville Hope
Christopher Fairbank
Albert Moxey
Pat Roach
Bomber (Brian Busbridge)
Noel Clarke
Wyman Norris


Dick Clement
Ian La Frenais
Franc Roddam
executive producer

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