Uranographia | work by Bode | Britannica


work by Bode

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discussed in biography

  • In Johann Elert Bode

    Among his other publications was Uranographia (1801), a collection of 20 star maps accompanied by a catalog of 17,240 stars and nebulae. In 1776 he propounded a theory of the solar constitution similar to that developed in 1795 by Sir William Herschel. He gave currency to the empirical rule known…

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star atlases

  • Star trails over banksia trees, in Gippsland, Vic., Austl. The south celestial pole, located in the constellation Octans, is at the centre of the trails.
    In astronomical map: New constellations: 16th–20th century

    Johann Elert Bode’s Uranographia of 1801 was the first reasonably complete depiction of the stars visible to the unaided eye. It included an early use of constellation boundaries, a concept accepted and refined by 19th-century cartographers. Friedrich W.A. Argelander’s Uranometria Nova (1843) and Benjamin A. Gould’s Uranometria Argentina

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