Home - Linda Ross

Linda Ross

Historical Fiction Author

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Coming Soon

An Imperfect Woman,

Look for my debut novel to be published early this summer!

Mary Pearson Wood chases it for decades. From dirt floors and crude wooden plates in her dismal Missouri childhood to velvet curtains and imported porcelain china in early 1900’s Denver society, will her single- minded pursuit be her salvation or downfall?

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Beaded Purses

History Between the Pages Excerpts from An Imperfect Woman by Linda Ross (from Chapter 1, “The Secret Interview & Green Velvet”) In the refined hush of the Cottey College parlor, Mary Pearson struggled to tuck in a loose bead on her dead mother’s beaded purse. Shabby with frayed threads and faded cotton, a weary bead…

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Mary immediately thought of the Chinese vase, beckoning her to a far-away land and mysterious people with gilded pagodas and exotic flowers. Must take that vase. But Mary held her tongue until she and John could be alone.

Elder Mrs. Wood sat rigid, glaring at her husband but dared say nothing. Mary murmured an appropriate and…

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Featured Short Story


Five leather suitcases, three hat boxes and a sizable crate jammed the Oldsmobile’s back seat. Mable twisted around from the front passenger seat, eyeing Brooke wedged between a Fall semester’s worth of clothes and art supplies to ask, “Enough stuff?” Her only daughter was being delivered to her freshman dormitory at Colorado University. Mable wondered…

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Five leather suitcases, three hat boxes and a sizable crate jammed the Oldsmobile’s back seat. Mable twisted around from the front passenger seat, eyeing Brooke wedged between a Fall semester’s worth of clothes and art supplies to ask, “Enough stuff?” Her only daughter was being delivered to her freshman dormitory at Colorado University. Mable wondered…

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