It's a Beautiful Day for a Ball Game


It's a Beautiful Day for a Ball Game


Let’s go, batter up, we’re takin’ the afternoon off Refrain It’s a beautiful day for a ball game, for a ball game today 1) The fans are out to get a ticket or two from Walla Walla, Washington to Kalamazoo It’s a beautiful day for the home run but even a triple’s okay 2) If you and I are out of dollars and cents, well we can always share a little hole in the fence It’s a beautiful day for the ladies so throw all your dishes away Both :We’re gonna cheer and boo and raise a hullabaloo at the ball game today Batter up! Strike one! Hey, the game has just begun and the home team’s out to win There he swings! Strike two! At the pitcher’s dipsydoo Boy that fast ball popped right in! This is it! Strike three! Fans are tearin’ up the chairs, but what the heck who cares! Ending- at the ball game today


Ruth Roberts, William Katz, Gene Piller, Harry Simeone



Ruth Roberts, William Katz, Gene Piller, Harry Simeone, “It's a Beautiful Day for a Ball Game,” The Baseball Sheet Music Project, accessed June 10, 2024,