Our Location and Campus | Elmhurst University

Our Location and Campus

A Place to Call Home

Elmhurst University combines the charm of a park-like campus with the endless opportunities of the world-class city of Chicago.

Just minutes from Chicago and a few blocks from downtown Elmhurst, the campus is easily accessible by car or Metra commuter train.

About Our Campus

On campus, our students enjoy all the classic amenities of college life, from the wide-open green space of our University Mall to a cozy student lounge. The 48-acre grounds are an arboretum, with more than 800 trees and woody plants; our traditional red-brick buildings boast smart classrooms and up-to-date computer technology.

What’s more, the University has a long tradition of environmental stewardship. From low-impact lighting and permeable paving to a Gold LEED-certified residence hall, Elmhurst incorporates green principles throughout campus life.

Your Next Steps

If you’re applying to the University, we encourage you to safely visit our beautiful campus. It’s the best way to experience our welcoming community first hand.

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