Roger and His Humans (Roger and His Humans, #1) by Cyprien Iov | Goodreads
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Roger et ses humains #1

Roger and His Humans

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Things look like they might be starting to turn around for thirty-odd-year-old no-hoper Hugo, when he finds a robot in his house on his birthday--but as he soon discovers, this is no birthday present. It's the handiwork of his cousin, an engineer in the French army, who realized that the robot he had been building was designed to destroy humanity. Forced to hide out with Hugo, Roger--as the robot decides to call himself--must learn to live with humans, and that's no mean feat!

96 pages, ebook

First published November 20, 2015

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Cyprien Iov

5 books17 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
Profile Image for Melki.
6,474 reviews2,466 followers
April 17, 2022
Roger the robot has come to live with Hugo and Florence. Though he's not too fond of humans, he's great at housework, and only mildly threatening. (Not to mention his tendency to put drugs in food . . .)
There's only one problem - Roger belongs to the military, and they'd kind of like to have him back.

This was a fun read. I like how each strip works as both a three-panel toon, and part of a continuing story. The art has a cute, manga feel to it, but this is definitely not one for the kiddos.

Thank you NetGalley and Europe Comics, for the chance to hang out with Roger.

Profile Image for madame Gabrielle.
664 reviews576 followers
January 19, 2021
parce que j’ai ri fort à plusieurs reprises, alors je donne un 4 / 5 ⭐️ à cette bande-dessinée pour adulte. j’avais envie de sortir de ma zone de confort et de lire quelque chose de différent et je n’en suis pas du tout déçue. c’est une belle BD sur ton humoristique à découvrir, pour vous!
Profile Image for Marie.
140 reviews18 followers
January 29, 2021
Roger m'a vraiment fait marrer. il a ce petit côté bien décalé de robot qui ne comprend rien aux normes humaines! Mais il est vraiment attachant!
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.1k reviews402 followers
April 5, 2022
I received this comic/GN from Netgalley/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.

I was curious about this one, even read a small excerpt online at Webtoons, and then pressed the read now. In this silly, strange, comic we learn of a robot named Roger. And his humans. We see the humans try to make sense of Roger and Roger make sense of them and the world around him. And we see that the humans (Flo/Hugo) well... they need help. XD Which leads to some hilarious things, some murderous threats (and some other dark stuff), and well, the realisation that the internet is a dangerous (and interesting) place. I just had a laugh, because while Roger at times is very emotionless.. he can also be quite scary when the moment is right (like when is called kid, or when people tease him). I had a laugh at the time that he went to school (though poor other Roger).
Plus, there was also some part about the dad/science stuff.. I don't know, while it did bring some change to the story I also feel like it could have done without or maybe just be part of a different book.
And while I did enjoy the comedy parts plenty.. at times it was also bit too much and some jokes just didn't work for me. I think this would have worked better if you read bit by bit, like a webtoon, instead of all of it in one go. It was just too much Roger for me.
Profile Image for NyxShadow.
2,228 reviews70 followers
May 8, 2019
Découverte dans Spirou j’ai profité d’un achat du CDI pour lire le tome 1. Le style graphique est particulier, et si on s’y habitue il fait vraiment maladroit (impression que je n’ai pas dans le magazine, peut être parce que ce sont des dessins du tome 2?).
Des choses qui font sourire mais si je ne connaissais pas un peu la suite je n’aurai aucune envie de continuer.
Profile Image for Estherelle.
295 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2022
Half of Roger and his Humans reads like comicstrips with recurring themes.

Near the end there is a story with Roger making new friends, the military planning to take roger back and a villain trying to turn roger evil.

The illustration of the little robot looks great, textual and storywise the graphic novel was fine, there were a few genuinely funny scenes, sadly I found some panels to be unnecessarily misogynistic and/or body shaming.

Florence:I SHUR DO!
*Roger points at the cat
Florence:I KNEW IT.

Thank you Netgalley, Europe Comics, the author Cyprien as well as the illustrator Paka for the opportunity to read this Graphic Novel as an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Galleane.
1,483 reviews160 followers
June 21, 2016
Roger et ses humains est une très bonne surprise. Si Cyprien m'a souvent fait rire dans ses vidéos, il n'allait pas forcément en être de même au travers d'une bande dessinée, l'un ne va pas forcément avec l'autre. En plus d'avoir beaucoup ri au cours de ma lecture, beaucoup de gags sont franchement réussis, ce qui laisse à penser qu'on a affaire à une succession de blagues dévoile peu à peu une véritable histoire, avec de vrais enjeux. Les dessins qui n'étaient pas à mon goût au début ont su finalement me convaincre et ils collent très bien à ce qu'a fait Cyprien. Une très bonne bande dessinée donc, offrant un très bon moment de lecture.

Ma chronique complète :
Profile Image for Sarah -`ღ´-.
62 reviews3 followers
October 30, 2018
Léger, sympa

Cette BD fait bien le job, elle est divertissante et assez marrante (en tout cas elle m'a fait sourire plus d'une fois).
Bravo Cyprien !
Profile Image for Dustyloup.
1,121 reviews6 followers
April 11, 2020
I'm kind of embarassed to admit that I liked this 3.5*+ because I had some good chuckles. In the same vein as the What's Michael series (What's Michael?, Vol. 1: Michael's Album), with plenty of nonsequitors, but a vaguely coherent story. Roger is like a super intelligent/skilled pet. The BD is full of funny observations about people who are "losers" but are actually just sensitive people that society doesn't value because they're not producing/aren't producing what society wants from them. Hugo's dad is an example of the latter, Hugo of the former.
The girlfriend is the "normal" one but loves Hugo and Roger despite her frustrations.
I'd read the next one...
Profile Image for LaPommequirougit.
1,262 reviews49 followers
February 4, 2021

Je remercie les Éditions Dupuis pour l’envoi du tome 3. Cela faisait un moment que j’avais très envie de découvrir cette BD, du coup, j’en ai profité pour lire les trois premiers tomes d’un coup. Surtout qu’en ce moment, le moral n’est pas au top de mon côté, donc un peu d’humour était bien évidemment le bienvenu ! 😉

Hugo est un jeune homme au chômage, accro aux jeux vidéo, à Internet et qui d’ailleurs, essaye à côté de créer son propre jeu. Un jour, en rentrant chez lui, le jour de son anniversaire, il tombe sur un gros carton. Il se dit directement que c’est forcément un cadeau pour lui, du coup il l’ouvre.

Quelle n’est pas sa surprise quand il y découvre un robot. Mais pas un robot comme on peut en voir partout, non, celui-là à l’air très avancé, intelligent et te répond comme si tu étais en train de parler à une autre personne. Le problème, c’est qu’il finira par apprendre par sa copine, que ce n’était pas un cadeau de sa part. Mais alors, d’où peut bien venir Roger ?

Au début, je pensais que c’était le genre de BD uniquement humoristique, ce qui ne me dérange pas, vu que j’avais besoin de rire un peu. Pourtant au fur et à mesure de ma lecture, j’y ai découvert un fil rouge. En effet, il y a une intrigue de fond, on y découvre par la même occasion les origines de Roger et certaines explications sur le pourquoi du comment Hugo l’a trouvé au milieu de son salon.

En bref, c’est une BD qui m’a vraiment bien plu. L’humour est vraiment sympathique et l’intrigue plaisante. Le personnage de Roger est vraiment drôle, car évidemment, comme c’est un robot, il ne comprend pas tous les soucis des humains. Il se retrouve alors, à avoir des réactions très inattendu et qui pour notre plus grand plaisir, va nous faire rire !
7,437 reviews99 followers
June 1, 2022
Hmmm... From the cover I expected a horrendously ugly comic story about a robot and, well, some humans. What I found was a giant collection of one-yuck, three-panel comic strips, demanding the quick and easy visual style that has to forego pleasantness for economy. Our lead finds a robot in a box in his flat on his birthday, and immediately assumes it's a gift – even if nobody seems at all worried about the idea of giving him anything or not. It has something to do with his father's job, we soon discover, but in the meantime the robot has to witness the Internet, ponder nudity, learn our body language, fail to smile, and have no ability to lie. And you know what? As snide as a lot of this is, this actually manages to be rather varied and quite the successful collection. Yes, its acerbic, acid sense of comedy is a bit one-note, and the visual approach never really equates with the adult content, but I didn't mind my time with this. I literally went from doubting the sanity of downloading it, to having a few titters (and more when the cat gets involved in the housework!) – and it's so much nicer when it's that way round! A real shame some of the lettering (especially the 'M') is really lame. Minor quibbles aside, it has to be reported that this is now three books old in France, with a much longer narrative that germinated on these pages. The development of the storytelling here was more welcome than the three-panel quips, so it would be a welcome couple of hours to see them all when translated.
Profile Image for Ana Lana.
80 reviews15 followers
April 6, 2022
(I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.)

This comic introduces us to Roger, a endearing, but at the same time highly destructive robot, that shows up randomly in the house of a couple of young people. Hugo and Florence live together and have a chaotic, but mostly regular life. They grow fond of the robot and start connecting with him as they show him how their world works.

This book... wasn't for me. I get that the robot is cute and that the relationship between the two humans is supposed to be disfunctional (and dare I say... comical), but I just didn't vibe with it.

I found some parts of the book funny, while other were kind of annoying and low-key sexist. I also think the pacing was all over the place and I didn't feel like the structure was well thought out: it's clear that the "comic strips" follow a chronological order, but I thought it was weird that some of them were really connected, while others simply were not. Maybe I'm too picky, but I just did not love this book. I'm sure someone will, though!

PS: I just read a review saying that this could work much better as a webtoon, not reading the whole comic in one go, and I absolutely agree! I think I would have been able to enjoy it more if I read it little by little :)
Profile Image for Neo.
61 reviews2 followers
April 12, 2022
This was definitedly not what I was expecting... From the premise of this graphic novel I was wanting to read a simple, funny story about a robot trying to understand what being human was like and fighting against his own nature of hating them. Instead, this is a story about a robot being a robot among humans and very poor side characters.

My biggest problem relies with Hugo, the character who discovers Roger, the robot. He is a man who does not know how to do basic adult things and relies on his girlfriend to do everything for him. He is unemployed and doesn't try to find a job, he spends all day playing videogames and doing nothing else. In the story, this is not treated as a bad thing since he doesn't get reprimanded for it; instead, it is a commonly used comic gag as it is that Florence, his girlfriend, is very upset with the whole situation. They just make fun of her and ridicule her discontent with Hugo's attitude.

They also make some pretty sexist jokes and there are some gross sexual comments that shouldn't have been included.

The ending wasn't good either. The main conflict of the story get's resolved very quicky and in a way that doesn't really make any sense, and I also found it confusing to follow.

I did expect a lot more from this graphic novel and I just walk out of it feeling disappointed.
Profile Image for Leslie.
628 reviews19 followers
April 10, 2022
Thanks to NetGalley and Europe Comics for the digital galley of this comic book.

Another comic review coming atchoo. I’ve come across a few fun ones lately, and of course, tore right through them. Hugo is in his 30s, and he has a girlfriend, but isn’t great at the whole friends thing. He spends his days moping around his home, and when a robot shows up, Hugo thinks it’s a birthday present. Little does he know it’s actually a weapon designed to destroy humanity, but Roger the robot has quickly become Hugo’s best friend, and so Hugo hides it while growing their friendship.

This was super cute. It moved quickly, and the antics of the army to try and get Roger back were funny. Hugo’s bond with Roger was really cute, and the lack of emotional communication between Roger and Hugo makes for some quite humorous situations. It reads to me like a collection of newspaper comic strips, short little anecdotes that make up a larger story. It’s out on April 19th if you’re looking for something lighthearted and cute to read.
Profile Image for Blade Davies.
156 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2022
Roger and His Humans (1 star)

I was expecting this to just be a cute, wholesome, silly story about a robot and how he navigates human life. It started out like that and was going great, I loved the art style, the over-exaggerated facial expressions and the fast pace. But then the Nazi jokes came, the anti-Semitic Jew comments, the ableist jokes and the fatphobia.

It was unnecessary and added nothing to the story. if it didn't have that, I would've given this a 5 stars but the "subtle" undertones of anti-semitism, fatphobia and ableism were just disgusting. Also, the humour is very cut and dry which just isn't my thing either.

Definitely would not recommend this to anyone and absolutely will not be purchasing this for myself or others.

TWs/CWs - Mentions of bombing; Cannabis use; Shrooms (drug) use; Mentions of Nazi's and use of Nazi salute; Murder (mentions); Masturbation (mentions); Anti-Semitism; Misogyny; Cussing; Kidnapping; Blackmail; Non-consensual drugging; Ableism; Fatphobia
Profile Image for Areadinghuman.
736 reviews13 followers
April 17, 2022
Je suis déçue

Mots Clés : bande-dessinée, comédie, séquentiel, science-fiction

Franchement, j’ai toujours eu envie de lire cette bande-dessinée car, plus jeune, j’aimais beaucoup regarder les vidéos de Cyprien. Mais finalement, j’ai été pas mal déçue.

On suit Hugo et Florence qui, un jour, trouve un robot au milieu de leur salon. Sauf que ce robot a été conçu pour un usage militaire par l’armée qui va tout faire pour essayer de le récupérer. Au début, je pensais que ça allait être une histoire sur toutes les cases mais finalement, c’est un peu comme Garfield : une ligne de trois cases est une petite histoire rigolote (sauf pour la dernière partie). Sauf que personnellement, je ne les ai pas trouvés spécialement drôle. Et je n’ai pas du tout aimé Hugo donc ça n’aide pas.

Je ne recommande pas spécialement

1,690 reviews
April 30, 2022
Told is three panel arcs, this book tells the story of how Hugo and Flo came to have Roger live with them, and what chaos that brings. This was definitely supposed to be a comedy style comic, but it fell flat for me. It hit a lot of the same tropes that constantly appear (man doesn't do anything but play video games, masturbate, and is considered stupid, woman works hard to do her job but doesn't receive support, robot is programmed to hate humans...) and it just fell flat all the time. There were parts that I did find amusing, but I was hoping for more. The artwork is okay, minus the strange way eyes are drawn, and it is colorful which makes it nice to look at. This is more along the lines of a newspaper comic rather than a full graphic novel.

Copy provided by NetGalley and publisher.
Profile Image for BreAnna (Bre'sBooks).
1,181 reviews59 followers
April 25, 2022
**ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review**

Roger and his Humans (Script by Cyprien & art by Paka) is a comic style story about an unmotivated young man who suddenly finds a robot in his house and thinks it a birthday gift. This robot, named Roger, is quite capable and does all kinds of things for him and his girlfriend, though he doesn't always know how to behave properly.

This was a decent comedy comic strip-type story although there is a fair bit of crude content, so I would recommend this mainly for an adult audience. Some jokes weren't to my taste, but the art was fine, and it did have a funny story at its heart. It didn't "wow" me, but I had no big problems with it.
Profile Image for ❁Zeynep❁.
128 reviews1 follower
April 29, 2022
••e-ARC provided by NetGalley and Europe Comics in exchange for an honest review••

Even though the individual strips are mostly independent but follow a storyline underneath, still some of them felt unfinished. Adding to that, a good part of the strips felt boring or underwhelming. These made it hard to read a lot in one sitting. My favorites are the ones including Roger's interactions with the family cat.
After some point, Roger's interactions at home with Florence and Hugo felt repetitive and a little boring so I would prefer to see Roger interacting with the outside world and other people more.

In the end, it was an okay and somewhat fun read plus the art style is cute and I would like to give the second volume a chance (especially since based on the little blurb at the end it seems more up my alley).
Profile Image for el (celestialbronz).
464 reviews143 followers
May 24, 2022
It's a bout a couple that suddenly got a robot in their home and began to treat him as part of the family. I think the writer aimed it to be funny but most of the jokes were missed, sometime even bad because it kinda sexist and has male gaze. The plot didn't too great either, it's basically just the interactions between Roger, the robot, and its humans. The font in this comic could use some change too, because the letter "m" looks like "n" and it took a fair amount of concentration to read them correctly. But honestly Roger is such a fascinating object, and it's fun reading about him
Profile Image for Wayne McCoy.
4,067 reviews25 followers
December 18, 2022
'Roger and his Humans' by Cyprien with art by Paka is a collections of cartoons about a slacker, his girl, and an escaped military robot that has to fight it's destructive tendencies.

Hugo gets an odd present for his birthday: a robot named Roger. The robot has been stolen from the lab by Hugo's father, and Roger has to adjust to living with Hugo and his girlfriend.

It's a good premise, but it's just not very funny. It's also a bit mean in humor. The lettering in my review copy was pretty muddy. I hope that's improved in the final comic.
Profile Image for Sadie-Jane Nunis-Huff.
1,368 reviews9 followers
April 17, 2022
I love Roger, in spite of him being a weapon of (possible) mass destruction.

His humans were alright... weelllll, the male character was a real loser-type. I don't know how that chickadee can stay with him.

What drove me loco was the fonts as it felt like the M was misprinted as N so that was frustrating.

If Roger existed, I'd like one, minus the weaponry though, he seems so nifty to have around and that sass is so fun.
Profile Image for Karine Martel.
194 reviews7 followers
January 6, 2023
J’ai trouvé cette bd par hasard sur marketplace. Je n’avais aucune idée de quoi il s’agissait. J’ai découvert l’auteur Cyprien qui est un youtoubeur définitivement très connu. A prime abord, ce n’est pas mon genre de lecture. Toutefois, j’ai apprécié ce petit moment de lecture qui m’a permis de décrocher. Enfin, c’est léger et c’est l’absurdité totale de la bd qui m’a plu. Je suis même tentée d’aller chercher le tome suivant!
Profile Image for Graziella (AuxPetitsBonheurs).
276 reviews10 followers
January 28, 2019
Une BD à l'histoire assez sympathique. J'ai trouvé les traits des dessins un peu grossiers. Au début, les planches ne sont pas très cohérentes mais ça s'améliore. J'ai beaucoup apprécié Roger le robot, auquel on s'attache vite, un peu plus qu'à ses humains. Sympathique mais manque de profondeur, c'est adapté au public cependant !
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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