from place to place - Spanish translation – Linguee

Dictionary English-Spanish

External sources (not reviewed)

The answer
[...] varies considerably from place to place.
La respuesta var�a
[...] considerablemente de un lugar a otro.
The availability of different forms of treatment
[...] varies greatly from place to place.
La disponibilidad de las diferentes formas de tratamiento var�a
[...] en gran medida de un lugar a otro.
Much remains to be done across the whole Baltic region in promoting work incentives and facilitating the move from place to place or country to country.
Es mucho lo que queda por hacer en
[...] el conjunto de la regi�n del Mar B�ltico para promover incentivos laborales y facilitar la movilidad laboral dentro de cada pa�s y de un Estado a otro.
In other words, what is right does not vary from
[...] time to time or from place to place.
En otras palabras, lo que es justo no var�a de
[...] vez en cuando o de lugar en lugar.
One of the patterns is that someone gets arrested, brought to a police station
[...] and then moved from place to place by others.
Uno de los patrones es que alguien se detuvo, se se�alan a una comisar�a de polic�a y
[...] luego se traslad� de un lugar a otro por los dem�s.
He journeys from place to place at no small sacrifice [...]
of comfort.
Viaja de un lugar a otro sacrificando no pocas [...]
Institutional capacities, resource bases and cultural and historical
[...] determinants differ from place to place.
Las competencias institucionales, los recursos disponibles y los factores
[...] hist�ricos difieren de un lugar a otro.
With mobile connectivity, you can maintain your Internet connection
[...] even as you move from place to place.
La conectividad m�vil permite mantener su conexi�n a Internet incluso
[...] cuando se desplaza de un lugar a otro.
These prices have shown quite wide
[...] price variations from place to place over the period [...]
Estos precios han experimentado
[...] variaciones muy amplias de un sitio a otro durante [...]
el per�odo considerado.
Discover nearby restaurants, landmarks, and other points of interest
[...] as you travel from place to place.
Descubre restaurantes cercanos, hitos y otros puntos de inter�s a
[...] medida que viajas de un lugar a otro.
As a small group, you're going to
[...] waste a lot of time going from place to place.
Como un grupo peque�o vas a perder
[...] un mont�n de tiempo yendo de sitio en sitio.
This compact mini speaker has a curved, modern design and fits easily in your
[...] bag as you travel from place to place.
Este compacto mini-altavoz cuenta con un dise�o curvo y moderno y cabe f�cilmente en tu bolso para
[...] que puedas viajar de un lugar a otro.
Methodologies employed tend not to be so readily
comparable, and approaches to estimating costs or determining the extent of
[...] coverage can be inconsistent from place to place.
Por lo general, las metodolog�as que se usan no son f�cilmente comparables y
los criterios para estimar los costos o establecer el alcance de la
[...] cobertura pueden ser incompatibles de un lugar a otro.
Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and shining with
[...] holy consecration, will hasten from place to place to proclaim the message from heaven.
Vendr�n siervos de Dios con semblantes iluminados y
[...] resplandecientes de santa consagraci�n, y se apresurar�n de lugar en lugar para proclamar [...]
el mensaje celestial.
Emphasise that
[...] gender influences differ from place to place and over time.
Enfatice que la
[...] influencia de g�nero difiere de lugar en lugar a lo largo del tiempo.
They wandered from place to place or were in hiding [...]
from persecution.
Iban de lugar en lugar, o se escond�an de la persecuci�n.
The demands of these participants differ from place to place.
Las exigencias de estos participantes difieren de un lugar a otro.
Spanglish is widely spoken in the Latino community, although its
[...] usage varies from place to place and generation [...]
to generation.
El espangl�s se habla extensamente en la comunidad latina, aunque su
[...] uso difiere de lugar a lugar y de generaci�n a [...]
The multipliers
[...] clearly vary widely from place to place.
Los multiplicadores
[...] var�an claramente de un lugar a otro.
But the man himself was a settled creature, who lived off
[...] the land rather than wandering from place to place.
Pero el hombre mismo era una criatura asentada, que viv�an fuera de
[...] la tierra en lugar de deambular de un lugar a otro.
Ibiza has a number of transport options for getting around the island so this makes it
[...] relatively easy getting from place to place.
Ibiza tiene muchas opciones de transporte para ir por la isla, as� que esto hace que sea
[...] relativamente f�cil ir de un lugar a otro.
If you want to fly from one place to another we [...]
are welcome to help you and find an appropiate itenerary for you.
Si prefieres volar de un lugar al otro te podemos [...]
ayudar a encontrar el pasaje m�s adecuado para ti.
The closest connection shall be determined on
[...] the basis of the place from which the service [...]
is effectively managed and of the place
of residence of the seafarers concerned.
La relaci�n m�s estrecha se determinar�
[...] sobre la base del lugar desde donde se gestione [...]
efectivamente el servicio y el lugar
de residencia de las gentes de mar interesadas.
All this was carried out within a privileged organizational climate as confirmed by
the new award obtained by Enap Sipec, and
[...] granted by Great Place to Work, passing from 14th place in 2006 to 6th [...]
in 2007.
Todo lo anterior se llev� a cabo dentro de un clima organizacional privilegiado, conforme lo validado por el nuevo
premio obtenido por Enap Sipec, y que otorga Great
[...] Place to Work, pasando del puesto 14 en 2006 al puesto seis en 2007.
In Latin America, the number of Group operators
[...] in the "Great Place to Work Institute" rankings increased from 17 in 2008 to 22 in 2009, achieving first place in Uruguay, Ecuador [...]
and Venezuela.
En Latinoam�rica, el n�mero de
operadoras del Grupo que integran el ranking del
[...] "Great Place to Work Institute" pasa en 2009 a 22, de 17 en 2008, ocupando el primer puesto en Uruguay, Ecuador y Venezuela.
On the 7th of August there will be a concert
by SHIR , sefardi music ,
[...] titled " Songs from the Heart" , which will take place in the Gardens [...]
of the Hermitage of San Rom�n
at 21:30. Shir means "song" in Hebrew, and this fromt line group will be performing songs from the Jewish culture.
El mismo d�a 7 tendr� lugar el
concierto de Shir, de m�sica
[...] sefard�, titulado "Songs from the Heart" en los Jardines de la Ermita [...]
de San Rom�n a las 21:30.
Shir significa canci�n en hebreo, y es la canci�n de la cultura judaica la que esta agrupaci�n de primera l�nea nos trae.
(iii) no interest compensation
shall be payable if and
[...] in so far as funds resulting from non-settled payment orders were placed in the market or used to fulfil [...]
minimum reserve requirements.
(iii) no interest compensation shall be
[...] payable if and in so far as funds resulting from non-settled payment orders were placed in the market or [...]
used to fulfil minimum reserve requirements.
However, bullet casings from a
series of a dozen bank assaults were traced back to IMG, demonstrating that there is
[...] theft taking place from state arsenals.
Sin embargo, cascos de balas de una docena
de asaltos de bancos fueron rastreados hasta el IMG, demostrando que est�n
[...] ocurriendo robos en los arsenales del estado.
for the outermost regions only, aid may also cover the cost of transporting primary commodities, raw materials or intermediate products from the place of their production to the place of final processing in the region concerned
for the outermost regions only, aid may also cover the cost of transporting primary commodities, raw materials or intermediate products from the place of their production to the place of final processing in the region concerned
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