Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • December 1: Mercury enters Capricorn
  • December 4: Venus enters Scorpio
  • December 12: New Moon in Sagittarius
  • December 12: Mercury Retrograde begins in Capricorn
  • December 21: Capricorn season begins
  • December 22: Mercury Retrograde enters Sagittarius
  • December 26: Full Moon in Cancer
  • December 29: Venus enters Sagittarius

You’re focusing on what’s left unsaid at the start of the month, Capricorn. Sagittarius season always puts you in touch with your intuition. Right now, you’re sharpening your discernment as you focus on rest. Your season begins mid-month, putting you under the spotlight! Your b-dy season will have you feeling encouraged to pursue new beginnings and play around with your self-expression.

But first, the month starts off on December 1 with Mercury, the planet of the mind, moving into your sign. You may receive some important personal news or hear from someone from your past. If you’ve been trying to live up to others' expectations of you, it may all come crashing down on December 3 when Venus in Libra rams into Pluto, in your sign. You’re reminded of the dangers of not living authentically and it’s time to address any toxic or unhealthy power dynamics. Venus, the planet of love and blessings, moves into Scorpio on December 4, bringing exciting news and opportunities your way. Over the next few weeks, you’re able to receive support for some of your hopes and dreams, so don’t be shy in asking for what you want. You may also be investing time in relationships that bring you a deeper sense of belonging. In matters of the heart, singles have the potential to meet someone through friends or on the apps. Couples may be focused on finding shared interests and planning more social outings or date nights.

A lucky turn of events takes place on December 9 when Venus and Jupiter, the two most fortunate planets in the sky, spend some time together. You may reach a goal or make significant progress on a specific desire. Relationships of all kinds can deepen and move forward. Choosing to share your creative side with the world will bring benefits today, too.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12 reminds you to slow down and recommit to a lifestyle that prioritizes your wellbeing. New ideas may be forming in your subconscious or reaching you through your dreams. Later in the day, Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, inviting you to reflect on your current agenda and goals. The next few weeks may deliver personal revelations and it’s also possible to hear from exes and people from your past. Encouraging conversations occur on December 18 when Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn mingles with Jupiter in Taurus. Support regarding some of your personal ambitions shows up, or perhaps you’re sharing a something meaningful with the world. Romantic bonds can also deepen.

Out-of-the-blue invitations and collaborative opportunities appear on December 20 when Venus in Scorpio sits across the sky from Uranus in Taurus. Unexpected declarations of love or, on the other hand, a desire for more space can occur in your romantic and platonic connections. This is also go-viral energy, so go ahead and hit post!

The Sun enters Capricorn and the winter solstice arrives on December 21, making you the main character. Long-overdue recognition shows up over the next few weeks. Use your authenticity as your North Star—others are drawn to your charm and talents. Singles may also attract more attention, so don’t be shy in putting yourself out there! The Sun and Mercury, both in your sign, link up at the same point in the sky on December 22, delivering a revelation along the way. The next step on your path becomes clearer. Later in the day, Mercury Retrograde changes signs and moves into Sagittarius. It’s easy to get caught up with self-destructive behaviors or replaying limiting beliefs over the coming weeks. It's time to change your habits. You’re closing out a cycle and making peace with the past.

Healing and supportive conversations take place on December 25 when Venus in Scorpio meets with Neptune in Pisces. Share your ideas and goals freely—someone within earshot may be eager to support into your dreams. Social gatherings feel harmonious and you have the ability to speak your desires into existence today.

A Full Moon in Cancer brings your relationships front and center on December 26. You’re focused on the give-and-take in your close unions, and a change in relationship dynamics may be necessary. For some, this could look like taking an exciting next step with a partner and, for others, it may mean cutting ties with energy vampires. Romance and luck are in the air on December 27 when the Sun in Capricorn connects with Jupiter in Taurus. Go after what your heart wants today. You may also learn encouraging news regarding a personal goal. On the same day, Mercury and Mars, both in Sagittarius, sync up at the same point in the sky. You’re ready to change your habits and cut out anyone or anything that no longer serves you.

On December 28, Mars in Sagittarius crashes into Neptune in Pisces, stirring up confusion. On one hand, it’s easy to get caught up on negative thoughts today. On the other, this can be productive energy for taking inspired action on an idea. Venus, the planet of harmony and blessings, moves into Sagittarius on December 29. Rest and self-care are your focus as you close out the year. The more time you spend recharging, the more intuitive ideas will find you. Something exciting could be blossoming behind the scenes. The rest of the world will see it bloom soon.

Headshot of Stephanie N. Campos
Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She's studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic.