So i bricked my 8250 and... - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. Jnz14's Avatar
    Well today was a bad day, i tried to upgrade to my .681 to .822 and get the WB V7.1 and i bricked my phone, but later i could restore it ,but it downgraded to 4.6(the original OS that came with mi BB) and i hate this situation , then i tried to upgrade to .822 w/o WB v7.1 and the app loader doesnt let me upgrade it says "The upgrade is only avaible for active BB users", my phone is pre-paid so i have to pay for the time i want to have the BB service and when i upgraded to .681 i got 1 month of free service, so the question is...can i do something to upgrade it?i already delete the vendor file since th OS5 isnt avaible in my country but i really want to get my os5 back.

    And another question is how can i upload my .cod files to my bb, because i wipe my BB out and i have the folder with all my .cod apps son waht can i do im really frustated about this situation


    Follow this instructions and you will get back your bricked device!!

    Uninstall all OS versions you haveo the PC.

    Install AT&T's .822, then install WB's 7.1 over it. Don't forget to delete vendor.xml if you're not on AT&T. (I'd take my time to use BBHybridsTool-pub.exe while you're at it, and get rid of useless stuff).

    Download and install BBSAK, use the Wipe Device feature.

    Reboot the PC, remove the battery from the device. Disconnect from the internet on the PC.

    When the PC is back from the boot, use these steps:

    Lecture 12: How to Reload the Operating System on a "Nuked" BlackBerry

    If all goes as planned, the totally bricked device will trigger the Unknown Pin gateway and you'll be able to load whatever the PC has installed.

    Thanks Diego!
    Last edited by Jnz14; 09-05-10 at 01:37 AM.
    09-04-10 07:15 PM
  2. rcnathan's Avatar
    Well the first thing you can do is smile again. It helps - really.

    How were you trying to update the OS? Via Desktop Manager or App Loader? You can use the program in my signature called BBSAK, to install the .COD files back onto your phone.
    09-04-10 08:05 PM
  3. Nelis's Avatar
    hey, i tried to upgrae mine but i guessed it got bricked? how do i restore it? in serius need of help
    09-04-10 08:21 PM
  4. Jnz14's Avatar
    Well the first thing you can do is smile again. It helps - really.

    How were you trying to update the OS? Via Desktop Manager or App Loader? You can use the program in my signature called BBSAK, to install the .COD files back onto your phone.
    i�ve smile when i recovered my 8520 but then got mad cause i dont want the 4.6

    i used app loader, Shrink-A-OS, BBSAK and lately DM and none of these help me, even the BBSAK didnt show my BB and i think i have to pay one day of BB service to upgrade:S

    hey, i tried to upgrae mine but i guessed it got bricked? how do i restore it? in serius need of help
    did you get the error 507? you just need to google error 507 and you will find a lot of ways of recovering your BB dont worry you can save it, like i done i just follow some tutorial, that i dont remember where did i get them but google and CB are great tools for this
    09-04-10 09:00 PM
  5. rcnathan's Avatar
    @Jnz14 You could try and take your phone in to a retail store if you have some extra time and see if they will update it for you. It just puzzles me that it won't let you update. I've updated a blackberry that was not even activated on any carrier and it worked just fine.

    Have you tried a non-official OS?

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    09-04-10 09:17 PM
  6. Jnz14's Avatar
    @Jnz14 You could try and take your phone in to a retail store if you have some extra time and see
    if they will update it for you. It just puzzles me that it won't let you update. I've updated a blackberry that was not even activated on any carrier and it worked just fine.

    Have you tried a non-official OS?

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    the problem is that OS 5 is not avaible in my country and i�ve downloaded .681 like 2 weeks ago and i love it but i wanted the WB 7.1 and i nuke my BB and like 3 days ago my 1 month free Data plan ended and that when the DM told me that i have to be an active BB servicer user in order to update my BB sooo im thinkin to buy 1 day of Service plan and make the updatem, cause i�ve searched and make things and run the loader.exe and i cannot upgraded

    and im not feeling very secure using a non-official since i bricked earlier today my BB with a hybrid
    09-04-10 09:21 PM
  7. rcnathan's Avatar
    Thanks for the in depth post!

    Rarely the OS is the reason the phone bricks - most of the time it is the install/app loader/DM. I've installed several hybrids/OS's and only have had my phone bricked 2x. The last time was a mess and took me a day to fix - but they are fixable. There isn't much difference at all between official and non-official OS's. But - obviously the choice is your's. I would recommend reading up, watching some Youtube videos and posting here if you have any questions. We are here to help!
    09-04-10 09:35 PM
  8. diegonei's Avatar
    These, "need BIS to update" bugs are so annoying...

    Uninstall all OS versions you haveo the PC.

    Install AT&T's .822, then install WB's 7.1 over it. Don't forget to delete vendor.xml if you're not on AT&T. (I'd take my time to use BBHybridsTool-pub.exe while you're at it, and get rid of useless stuff).

    Download and install BBSAK, use the Wipe Device feature.

    Reboot the PC, remove the battery from the device. Disconnect from the internet on the PC.

    When the PC is back from the boot, use these steps:

    Lecture 12: How to Reload the Operating System on a "Nuked" BlackBerry

    If all goes as planned, the totally bricked device will trigger the Unknown Pin gateway and you'll be able to load whatever the PC has installed.
    Last edited by diegonei; 09-04-10 at 10:05 PM.
    09-04-10 10:02 PM
  9. Jnz14's Avatar
    Thanks for the in depth post!

    Rarely the OS is the reason the phone bricks - most of the time it is the install/app loader/DM. I've installed several hybrids/OS's and only have had my phone bricked 2x. The last time was a mess and took me a day to fix - but they are fixable. There isn't much difference at all between official and non-official OS's. But - obviously the choice is your's. I would recommend reading up, watching some Youtube videos and posting here if you have any questions. We are here to help!
    i dont what it is today was a frustrantig day �cause i upgraded from 4.6 to v5 .681 soo good and havin my BB bricked today and uncapable of upgrading, that is kinda dissapointing, can you suggest some kinda of non-official OS for my 8520 and what should i do to upgrade with no problems please and i would really like something more than .681, thats the main reason for the WB and the .822, thanks for the comments man!
    09-04-10 10:39 PM
  10. rcnathan's Avatar
    Follow what Diego posted for you and you will be good to go. Just remember the key to avoid human error, causing your phone to brick, while installing a Hybrid is to install the correct base OS. So if you are installing a Hybrid meant for the .822 OS make sure you have the actual OS installed on your PC. No other OS will work correctly. That is a crucial part.
    09-04-10 11:02 PM
  11. Jnz14's Avatar
    These, "need BIS to update" bugs are so annoying...

    Uninstall all OS versions you haveo the PC.

    Install AT&T's .822, then install WB's 7.1 over it. Don't forget to delete vendor.xml if you're not on AT&T. (I'd take my time to use BBHybridsTool-pub.exe while you're at it, and get rid of useless stuff).

    Download and install BBSAK, use the Wipe Device feature.

    Reboot the PC, remove the battery from the device. Disconnect from the internet on the PC.

    When the PC is back from the boot, use these steps:

    Lecture 12: How to Reload the Operating System on a "Nuked" BlackBerry

    If all goes as planned, the totally bricked device will trigger the Unknown Pin gateway and you'll be able to load whatever the PC has installed.
    i recovered my 8520 and it actually works right now but i cant load the os5 that is the problem, and thanks for the advice man but now i need help to reload my OS5 but the damn DM tells me that im not a BB service user :S
    09-04-10 11:03 PM
  12. Jnz14's Avatar
    Follow what Diego posted for you and you will be good to go. Just remember the key to avoid human error, causing your phone to brick, while installing a Hybrid is to install the correct base OS. So if you are installing a Hybrid meant for the .822 OS make sure you have the actual OS installed on your PC. No other OS will work correctly. That is a crucial part.
    yeah i know that and i followed all these steps Hybrid Installation Instructions, Diego once told that i have to make my reading part and i did it but something went sooo wrong and i couldnt make it but i repeat my problem now is that i cannot instalL the OS 5 should i download the AT&T instead of the TIM?
    09-04-10 11:06 PM
  13. rcnathan's Avatar
    Don't take this the wrong way....


    Only use the App Loader.
    09-04-10 11:06 PM
  14. Jnz14's Avatar
    Don't take this the wrong way....


    Only use the App Loader.
    dont worry im not that kind of person i take the advices and comments in a good way but correct me if im wrong but App Loader is part of DM right?and i�ve used this and it tells me that im not a active user so i cant get the .822
    09-04-10 11:08 PM
  15. rcnathan's Avatar
    App Loader is technically apart of DM, but it can be accessed without going through DM. It's an actual program that is on your computer - it comes in OS files. Make sure your computer is not connected to the internet when you update next time, as Diego said. I would imagine if you download the AT&T version of .822 and just use the App Loader you should be fine. Like I said, I've installed OS's on phone that weren't even activated. Make sure that you delete the Vendor XLS file before using the App Loader.
    09-04-10 11:21 PM
  16. Jnz14's Avatar
    App Loader is technically apart of DM, but it can be accessed without going through DM. It's an actual program that is on your computer - it comes in OS files. Make sure your computer is not connected to the internet when you update next time, as Diego said. I would imagine if you download the AT&T version of .822 and just use the App Loader you should be fine. Like I said, I've installed OS's on phone that weren't even activated. Make sure that you delete the Vendor XLS file before using the App Loader.
    ok im gonna try this right now...but where i can find the AT&T OS ,im gonna delete the .822 TIM carpet from my pc and then im gonna install it and run the loader.exe w/o WIFI
    09-04-10 11:26 PM
  17. rcnathan's Avatar
    You could certainly try the .822 you already have. There isn't much difference between the 2. Plus, I can't find the .822 from ATT anymore. :/ I would uninstall the TIM version, reboot your computer and install it again.

    Does BBSAK work with your phone yet? Make sure and do a backup with DM before you proceed with the update.
    09-04-10 11:29 PM
  18. Jnz14's Avatar
    You could certainly try the .822 you already have. There isn't much difference between the 2. Plus, I can't find the .822 from ATT anymore. :/ I would uninstall the TIM version, reboot your computer and install it again.

    Does BBSAK work with your phone yet? Make sure and do a backup with DM before you proceed with the update.
    i google it and im dowloading the " v5.0.0.1385 (Multilanguage) "

    here is the link, and is it right to only delete the carpet in that is located in C:Common files/RIM/shared? and already have a backup of my BB from earlier in the morning when i used to have the .681
    09-04-10 11:34 PM
  19. rcnathan's Avatar
    You need to delete the OS as if you would delete a program. Then follow Diego's instructions. He wrote them perfectly.
    09-04-10 11:37 PM
  20. diegonei's Avatar
    i google it and im dowloading the " v5.0.0.1385 (Multilanguage) "

    here is the link, and is it right to only delete the carpet in that is located in C:Common files/RIM/shared? and already have a backup of my BB from earlier in the morning when i used to have the .681
    Read my last post again and you'll see that not only I acknowledged you are running 4.6.1 as I offered a way to get 5.0 back in.

    Keeping your cool and reading with attention is very important when frustration starts to kick in. On that note, I'll say good night and wish good luck.
    09-04-10 11:40 PM
  21. Jnz14's Avatar
    Read my last post again and you'll see that not only I acknowledged you are running 4.6.1 as I offered a way to get 5.0 back in.

    Keeping your cool and reading with attention is very important when frustration starts to kick in. On that note, I'll say good night and wish good luck.
    alright diego im gonna bitchslap myself to calm me down and follow the instructions im deleting all the OS 5 things with windows and follow all the instructions(do i need to wipe everything again that how i bricked my BB today and the app loader didnt detect my device and i tried to load an the .822 os and didnt detected again:S) thank you for the support man, and im downloading the AT&T right now i have the 7.1 already have WB 7.1 saved on my desktop
    09-04-10 11:47 PM
  22. Jnz14's Avatar
    Finally i have my WB 7.1 Hybrid my .822 OS 5, Thanks to Diego and rcnathan for the advice now i can forget about this black day in the short history of my BB,good night to everyone
    09-05-10 01:34 AM
  23. diegonei's Avatar
    Good to know!

    Then I guess you don't need to read the reply to the message you sent me.

    "bitchslap myself to calm me down" eh? Gonna add that to the suggestions, as it seems to work...
    09-05-10 08:25 AM
  24. rcnathan's Avatar
    LOL! Good news Jnz14

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    09-05-10 10:04 AM
  25. Jnz14's Avatar
    Good to know!

    Then I guess you don't need to read the reply to the message you sent me.

    "bitchslap myself to calm me down" eh? Gonna add that to the suggestions, as it seems to work...
    thank very much for the advice im gonna keep and that Bitchslap thing really works LOL, you really need to tell that to ppl tha is desperate about their BB sit :P

    LOL! Good news Jnz14

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    yeaah i said bye bye to the frustrations

    Again thanks to both
    09-05-10 12:56 PM