Aamir Khan Height, Age, Wife, Family, Children, Biography & More » StarsUnfolded

Aamir Khan Height, Age, Wife, Family, Children, Biography & More

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Education: 12th Standard
Age: 59 Years
Height: 5' 6"

Aamir Khan

Full NameMohammed Aamir Hussain Khan [1]IBTimes
Nickname(s)Mr. Perfectionist, The Choco Boy
Profession(s)• Actor
• Filmmaker
Physical Stats & More
Height (approx.)in centimeters- 168 cm
in meters- 1.68 m
in feet inches- 5’ 6”
Weight (approx.)in kilograms- 70 kg
in pounds- 154 lbs
Body Measurements (approx.)- Chest: 40 inches
- Waist: 30 inches
- Biceps: 13 inches
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBlack
Physical TransformationsFor 'Ghajini' (2008)
This was the first time when the actor made headlines for his physical transformation. His chiseled eight-pack abs suited well to his character of a wrecked lover that he played in the film, and it became a sensation among the youth and other actors in the industry. Moreover, the Ghajini hairstyle crated a stir among his fans.
Aamir Khan's physical transformation for Ghajini

For '3 Idiots' (2009)
To play a college student in the film, Aamir shed his eight-pack abs physique, that he built to play an intense character in Ghajini, and became lean and lanky for the role.
Aamir Khan's look in 3 Idiots

For 'PK' (2014)
To play the role of an alien in the film, the actor lost several kilos of weight to get a perfect shape for the character. His long ears in the film added extra badge to the character.
Aamir Khan in PK

For 'Dangal' (2016)
To play an old wrestler in the film, he had to look strong yet aged. To get a slat and pepper look for the role, the actor had to gain a lot of weight. This transformation of his held the audience spellbound.
Aamir Khan's body transformation for Dangal

For 'Thugs of Hindostan' (2018)
This time, the actor appeared in a fit and agile looking body with a nose pin, earrings, messy curly hair, and a handlebar moustache. This transformation left the audience speechless yet again.
Aamir Khan in Thugs of Hindustan

For 'Laal Singh Chaddha' (2020)
The actor left the audience mesmerised once again when he played a Sardar in the film with a full grown beard and hair; the film is an adaptation of the 1994 American film Forrest Gump.
Aamir Khan during the filming of Laal Singh Chaddha
DebutFilm (child actor): Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1973)
Aamir Khan in Yaadon Ki Baaraat
Film (actor) Holi (1984)
Aamir Khan in his debut film Holi
Film (producer): Lagaan (2001)
Aamir Khan's Production Debut Lagaan
TV: Satyamev Jayate (2014)
Aamir Khan's TV Debut Satyamev Jayate
Awards/HonoursFilmfare Awards
1989: Best Male Debut for Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak
1997: Best Actor for Raja Hindustani
2002: Best Actor for Lagaan
2007: Best Actor (Critics) for Rang De Basanti
2008: Best Director for Taare Zameen Par
2017: Best Actor for Dangal

Academy Awards
2002: Film Lagaan was nominated for Best Foreign Language Film

BIG Star Entertainment Awards
2010: BIG Star – Film Actor of Decade (Male)

Government Awards
2003: Padma Shri by the Government of India
Aamir Khan Getting Padma Shri
2009: Raj Kapoor Smriti Vishesh Gaurav Puraskar by the Government of Maharashtra
2010: Padma Bhushan by the Government of India
Aamir Khan Getting Padma Bhushan
2017: National Treasure of India by the Government of China

Note: Along with these, he has many other awards, honours, and achievements to his name.
Personal Life
Date of Birth14 March 1965 (Sunday)
Age (as of 2024)59 Years
BirthplaceMumbai, Maharashtra
Zodiac signPisces
SignatureAamir Khan Signature
HometownMumbai, Maharashtra
School(s)• J.B. Petit School, Mumbai (pre-primary education)
• St. Anne's High School, Mumbai (till the eighth grade)
• Bombay Scottish School, Mumbai (ninth and tenth grade)
College/UniversityNarsee Monjee College, Mumbai
Educational Qualification12th Standard
EthnicityMixed (mainly Pathan)
Food HabitVegetarian (at the age of 50, he decided to quit non-vegetarian)
Address2, Hill View Apartments, Opposite Mehboob Studio, Hill Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Aamir Khan's House
HobbiesListening Old Music, Watching Movies, Playing Chess, Tennis and Cricket
ControversiesAllegations by his brother Faisal Khan: Aamir Khan faced public insult when his brother Faisal Khan blamed him for captivating him in the house and vigorously giving him pills saying that he is mentally ill. The stuff even reached the court, and his guardianship was given to his father. However, his father gave the liability back to Aamir.

Named his dog after Shah Rukh: Aamir had previously called Shah Rukh Khan a dog while declaring that he had named his dog after him. Later, he apologised to Shah Rukh and his family by visiting Shah Rukh’s home.

Indians are intolerant: In December 2015, he made a public statement that he thinks Indians are getting intolerant; the statement received heavy criticism on social media.

Writer Jessica Hines' claim that he fathered her son: During the shoot of Ghulam, Aamir attracted controversy when famous writer Jessica Hines claimed that Aamir was the father of her son Jaan. It was featured in Stardust magazine that Aamir was madly in love with her and they were in a live-in relationship. When Jessica got pregnant, things got changed and Aamir forced him to abort the child, but she ignored his decision and gave birth to a baby boy to which Aamir never agreed. However, Jessica has also never publicly accepted it but also has never denied it.
Relationships & More
Marital StatusDivorced
Affairs/Girlfriends• Reena Dutta
• Kiran Rao
Marriage Date(s)First Wife: 18 April, 1986
Second Wife: 28 December, 2005
Wives/Spouse(s)First Wife: Reena Dutta (m.1986 - div. 2002)
Aamir Khan with his ex-wife Reena Dutta
Second Wife: Kiran Rao (m.2005; div. 2021)
Aamir Khan with his ex-wife Kiran Rao
(Note: Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao announced their separation in a joint statement on 3 July 2021.) [2]The Indian Express
ChildrenSon(s)- 2
Junaid Khan (from First Wife)
• Azad Rao Khan (from Second Wife)
Aamir Khan with his son Azad Rao Khan
Daughter- 1
Ira Khan (from First Wife)
Aamir Khan's With Her Daughter Ira Khan
ParentsFather- Late Tahir Hussain (film producer)
Mother- Zeenat Hussain
Aamir Khan With His Parents
SiblingsBrother- 1
Faisal Khan (younger)
Aamir Khan's brother - Faisal Khan
Sister(s)- 2
• Farhat Khan
• Nikhat Khan (both younger)
Aamir Khan's mother and sister Nikhat
FoodIndian and Moghlai dishes, Dal and rice
Actor(s)Amitabh Bachchan, Dilip Kumar, Daniel Day Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio, Govinda
ActressesWaheeda Rehman, Geeta Bali, Madhubala, Sridevi
Restaurant(s)Frangipani at the Trident (Mumbai), India Jones (Mumbai)
Fruit(s)Banana, Apple
Tennis PlayerRoger Federer
Destination(s)Mahabaleshwar and Panchgani
Cricketer(s)Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly
WriterLav Nikolayevich Tolstoy
Board GameSettlers of Catan
Song"Oh Re Taal Mile" from the film Anokhi Raat (1968)
Sport(s)Tennis, Cricket
Style Quotient
Cars CollectionMercedes Benz S600, Bentley Continental,
Bentley Continental
Rolls Royce Ghost Phantom,
Aamir Khan In His Car Rolls Royce Ghost
Land Rover Range Rover SUV, BMW 6 series
Money Factor
Salary/Income (approx.)$8.06 million (INR 60 crore/film)

Note: Reportedly, he earn Rs 33.47 lakhs a day. [3]Zoom
Net Worth [4]ZoomRs. 800 crores (as of December 2022)

Aamir Khan

Some Lesser Known Facts About Aamir Khan

  • Does Aamir Khan smoke?: Yes

    Aamir Khan smoking

    Aamir Khan smoking

  • Does Aamir Khan drink alcohol?: Yes
  • Aamir comes from film industry background as his father was a film producer and his uncle was also a film-maker.
  • His great grand uncle Abul Kalam Azad was a popular Indian freedom fighter as he led the Khilafat Movement and was an ardent supporter of Mahatma Gandhi. He has named his younger son Azad Rao Khan in the memory of his great grand uncle.
  • His father’s film productions were a flop in a majority, which led to poor financial conditions. He told that at that time, there were around 30 calls a day from lenders calling for money and he was always at risk of being expelled from school for not paying fees.
  • He was crazy about balloons and kites in his childhood.

    Aamir Khan's Childhood Picture

    Aamir Khan’s Childhood Picture

  • At the age of 8, he made a headstart of his career as a child actor in the film Yaadon Ki Baaraat, which is considered the first Bollywood masala film.

    Aamir Khan As A Child Actor In Yaadon Ki Baraat

    Aamir Khan As A Child Actor In Yaadon Ki Baraat

  • The same year, he played the younger role of Mahendra Sandhu in his father’s production Madhosh.
  • Since his childhood, he was interested in playing lawn tennis and also represented his school in several state-level championships. He was also the state Tennis winner for Maharashtra.
  • At 16, he worked as an Assistant Director with his friend Aditya Bhattacharya (Filmmaker Basu Bhattacharya’s son) in his silent experimental film titled Paranoia.
  • For the promotion of his film- Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, he, along with his cousin and co-star Raj Zutshi, went on roads to stick the posters of the movie on the buses and auto-rickshaws in Bombay.

    Aamir Khan In Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak Poster

    Aamir Khan In Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak Poster

  • In 1990, he was featured in Indra Kumar’s film- Dil, which was his first major hit after four flops in a row.

    Aamir Khan In Dil

    Aamir Khan In Dil

  • While filming the stunt for the movie- Ghulam, which showcased Aamir running on rail tracks towards an oncoming train, he just missed the train by 1.3 seconds as he jumped off the track. Moreover, this scene was also awarded the Best Scene Award at the 44th Filmfare Awards, but he refused to accept it.

Aamir Khan In Movie Ghulam

  • Finally, in 1996, he came up with a blockbuster- Raja Hindustani, which received great laurels from the audience. His kiss with Karisma in the movie is considered as one of the longest kisses in a Bollywood film.

    Aamir Khan In Raja Hindustani

    Aamir Khan In Raja Hindustani

  • He consumed one litre of vodka before the shoot of the song “Tere Ishq Mein Naachenge” to deliver his drunk character more efficiently.

    Aamir Khan In Tere Ishq Me Nachenge Song

    Aamir Khan In Tere Ishq Me Nachenge Song

  • To get into the character of Bhuvan in his movie Lagaan, he got his ears pierced so that he could wear earrings in real. Moreover, his phenomenal performance in Lagaan took the movie to the Oscars. Aamir Khan In Lagaan
  • When Farah Khan approached him to make a special appearance in Om Shanti Om song, he declined by saying that he is busy in shooting and cannot make up time for it.
  • In his blockbuster hit- PK, his character was shown fond of paan, and he ate approximately over 10000 paans during the filming of the entire movie.

Aamir Khan Chewing Paan In PK

  • Aamir was the first choice for movies Darr, Swades, Saajan, and Hum Aapke Hain Koun, which later went to Shah Rukh Khan, Sanjay Dutt, and Salman Khan and turned out to be blockbusters.
  • When he was invited on the display of his wax imitation at Madame Tussauds, he declined to attend the same.
  • Aamir doesn’t believe in showbiz and maintains uniformity in his birthday celebration. Each year, he cuts his cake and then relishes a dinner with his family. Moreover, he takes a resolution every year on his birthday to quit smoking but ends up breaking it.

    Aamir Khan 52nd Birthday Picture

    Aamir Khan 52nd Birthday Picture

  • Aamir was offered the role that Sharman Joshi played in 3 Idiots by Raju Hirani. However, he showed his interest in character- Rancho and charmed the audience later with his incredible acting.
  • While filming for a drunk scene in 3 Idiots, Aamir suggested actually to get drunk, and they all did, which resulted in numerous retakes till the stock of camera got over. Here’s a glimpse of the making of that scene:
  • In an interview, Aamir disclosed that Abhijaat Joshi is working on the sequel of 3 Idiots, which might hit the theatres around 2020.
  • In 2012, he came up with an Indian television talk show- Satyamev Jayate, which was aired simultaneously on Star Plus, STAR World, and Doordarshan and completed three seasons in eight languages.
  • He was featured in the Time Magazine’s list- “100 Most Influential People in The World” in 2013.

    Aamir Khan On The Cover Of Time Magazine

    Aamir Khan On The Cover Of Time Magazine

  • Her wife Kiran revealed on Koffee With Karan that Aamir hates taking a shower and has an eating disorder.
  • Aamir’s movie Dangal charmed the audience with his exclusive acting skills and became the first Indian movie to gross over ₹2000 crores worldwide and also the highest grossing film in China in the year 2017.
  • For his movie Dangal, he was first asked to gain 28kgs of weight and then lost 25 kg in the time duration of 5-6 months to play younger Mahavir Singh Phogat, and he was personally trained by Rahul Bhatt.

    Aamir Khan As Young And Old Mahavir Phogat

    Aamir Khan As Young And Old Mahavir Phogat

  • It was also revealed by Dangal’s director, Nitesh Tiwari that Aamir used to abuse a lot during his workout sessions in the gym.
  • Besides acting, he has also been an official ambassador of UNICEF.

    Aamir Khan At UNICEF Conference

    Aamir Khan At UNICEF Conference

  • He has a son with his second wife, Kiran Rao through surrogacy and he also became a spokesperson for Invitro Fertilisation after this.

    Aamir Khan With His Wife Kiran And Son

    Aamir Khan With His Wife Kiran And Son

  • Aamir has been avoiding media reporting and going to award ceremonies since 1990; when he was nominated for Best Actor award for his movie Dil, but the award went to Sunny Deol for Ghayal.
  • Aamir loves solving Rubik’s cube and is also an expert at it. Here’s a video where he has solved the cube in just 36 seconds while discussing his next movie:

  • Aamir’s fans are not only limited to India, but they are amassed all over the globe. International superstar Jackie Chan is a big fan of his work.
  • In 2018, he was starred in Vijay Krishna Acharya’s film- Thugs of Hindostan based on a fictional novel titled Confessions of a Thug.

    Aamir Khan as Firangi in Thugs of Hindostan

    Aamir Khan as Firangi in Thugs of Hindostan

  • Aamir usually explains the meaning of his favourite song “Oh Re Taal Mile” from the film “Anokhi Raat” to every other person he talks with.
  • In March 2022, he gave an interview in which he revealed that he had decided to quit the Hindi film industry during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. The actor added that it was his ex-wife Kiran Rao who had asked him to change his decision. According to the actor, the decision was based on his busy schedule due to which he could not spend due time with his family. [5]Hindustan Times The actor said,

    I had informed my family that I won’t be doing any films from now onwards. Neither I’ll act nor I will produce any films. I don’t want to do all this. I just want to spend my time with you all. Kiran and her parents, Reena and her parents, my children, my family are there.”

  • On 10 October 2023, Aamir Khan and his daughter, Ira Khan, shared their thoughts on the significance of mental health in a video posted to mark World Mental Health Day. They encouraged individuals to seek therapy for mental or emotional challenges and disclosed that both of them had been receiving therapy for several years.

    A snip of Ira Khan's Instagram post

    A snip of Ira Khan’s Instagram post
