Batman/Fortnite Zero Point by Christos Gage | Goodreads
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Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point #1-6

Batman/Fortnite Zero Point

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A crack splits the sky above Gotham City... a tear in reality itself. This rift pulls the Dark Knight into a bizarre and unfamiliar world, with no memory of who he is or where he came from...Batman has been drawn into Fortnite!

** This hardcover collection includes a bonus code unlocking seven DC-themed Fortnite digital items **

As he fights to recall his past and escape an endless loop of chaos and struggle, he’ll come face-to-face with the likes of Renegade Raider, Fishstick, Bandolier, and more. While the world's greatest detective strives to make sense of this strange new world, he’ll uncover the shocking truth about the Island, what lies beyond the Loop, and how everything is connected to the mysterious Zero Point.

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point uncovers secrets never before revealed in game or anywhere else! Every fan of Batman, Fortnite, stunning art and edge-of-your-seat excitement won't want to miss the Caped Crusader facing off against Fortnite champions on the Island, in a desperate attempt to save not only himself, but other familiar faces from the DCU…and perhaps the Multiverse itself!

152 pages, Hardcover

First published September 7, 2021

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About the author

Christos Gage

1,462 books119 followers
Chris N. Gage is a writer for comic books and television.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Scott.
1,940 reviews223 followers
October 28, 2021
3.5 stars

"Hold on to me." - Batman, preparing to fire his grappling-hook gun

"Anytime." - Catwoman, practically purring

"Eyes on the prize, Cat." - Batman, with a smirk

"Always, Bat." - Catwoman, wrapping her arms around him

Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point is appropriately titled, as I have zero interest and/or prior knowledge of the online game Fortnite. But as a spin-off / tie-in connected to the fictional legendary crimefighter, however, this actually wasn't a bad graphic novel. The initial two-thirds of the story is really heavy on the non-stop action scenes along with a plentiful helping of some standard sci-fi glop, as Batman becomes trapped in another quasi Earth-like dimension where he (initially) can't speak AND his memory resets every 22 minutes. Soon enough he joins forces with fellow refugees Catwoman, Deathstroke, and Harley Quinn and they uneasily join forces with a group of oddball characters in an attempt to escape their otherworldly captivity. It's no classic of the genre, but it offers a handful of great moments, such as Batman and Snake-Eyes (the silent soldier-ninja of the 'G.I. Joe' special forces unit) being pitted against each other in combat. As someone who grew up devouring comic books back in the mid-80's, this unexpected but welcome segment was particularly AWESOME!!!
Profile Image for Khurram.
1,911 reviews6,668 followers
September 1, 2022
Great book. I am not a Fortnite fan, but I am a Batman fan and they got Batman perfectly in this book.

Batman is stripped of his memories. All he has to rely of are his instincts. His physcial and mental training. Martial arts, detective & leadership skills and his emotions. However is this all as part of a bigger plan? On a personal note the battle in issues three of my two favourite ninja characters made thus a super easy five stars from me.

The book contains issues 1 - 6 each starting with the issue cover and a cover gallery that the varient covers. The hardback edition also contains a to redeem Amoured Batman and Harley skins and Bat weapons. My son was over the moon. The code valid till 2025. I just found out there is a seventh issue as a one shot.
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,639 reviews13.2k followers
January 19, 2022
Batman and Catwoman get sucked into the world of Fortnite and suddenly have their memories wiped and their ability to talk removed. As they fight for survival and try to remember who they are, they have to figure out a way back home.

The title of the book says it all: there’s zero point to having a Batman and Fortnite crossover because there’s nothing to it. Just a lot of pointless fighting until the six issues are up and the status quo is reinstated. Eh, I guess pure commercialism is the point. Always a good indicator of artistic merit…

Christos Gage may as well be the name of a comics script-writing programme - his words are plopped there on the page to make it look like a comic but they don’t need to be there; they’re that unimpressive. If this was a wordless comic, you’d still get as much of an idea of what was happening as if you read every word of this one.

The only good thing about this book is the fantastic art of Reilly Brown and Christian Duce. I just find their work so perfect, particularly for Batman, that if they were the only two Batman artists to ever work on the character forever, I’d be happy with that. You also get Mikel Janin and Dan Mora on covers - bellissima!

I’ve played Fortnite very little - it’s not my marmalade - but I still recognised the setting, characters and other game features. Though even if you have played Fortnite a lot and count yourself as a fan, I’m not sure if you’d like this comic - unless simply seeing video game stuff you like replicated in a book is all you’re after? Because that’s all you get here!

Speaking of fan service, there’s also a pointless cameo by a semi-famous character from an IDW comic that didn’t really add anything except underline how characters from multiple franchises crop up in this game.

There might’ve been something interesting to have been done with the Memento-type storyline but Gage-bot wasn’t up to it so alls you get is tedious fighting instead. Really loved the art on this one but the story is so insubstantial that it, like the characters’ collective amnesia, makes Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point an all too forgettable book.
Profile Image for Chad.
8,868 reviews978 followers
October 6, 2021
This was surprisingly good considering it started as a gimmick to sell Fortnite codes. Christos Gage actually wrote an intriguing story where Batman has lost his memory and has to figure out what's going on and how to escape the Fortnite world. The art by Reilly Brown and Christian Duce is very good too.
Profile Image for Jim Ef.
358 reviews93 followers
March 5, 2023
Have I ever played Fortnite? Nope
Do i even know what Fortnite is? Barely
Do you need to know anything about Fortnite to enjoy this? Absolutely not

To sum this up. Batman ends up in a world that he has to fight a bunch of people. That's not even the worst part. He has no memory of who he is and also after a short period of time everything resets. So the question is what is this place and why is Batman there?

This is quite entertaining, there is mystery and plenty of action.
There are two highlights that got the rating higher then i would normally give.
1. There is an issue where Batman tries to figure what's going on. He basically acts like the dude from the movie "Memento". He leaves a bunch of notes to himself so in every loop he starts with more knowledge. It's well done and it showcases Bruce's intelligence.
2. There is an awesome fight between Batman and another character from some other established I.P.

So yeah read "Zero point" it's not bad at all... Actually scratch that. Go watch "Memento" that movie is awesome.
Profile Image for Rylan.
379 reviews13 followers
July 6, 2021
This series had not right being this good. I was not expecting much from a video game tie-in comic that is obviously being marketed to sell codes. But damn this was awesome, good art and great writing. Even if you don’t like fortnite I recommend giving this a read it’s really good.
Profile Image for Valéria..
854 reviews33 followers
August 12, 2021
Bez srandy nechápem to pindanie okolo tohto, keď to vôbec nie je zlé. Príjemná akčná jednorázovka, ktorá sa nesnaží byť vážna a nasilu, s jednoduchým dejom, bitkami na každom rohu, zakomponovanou love story, očakávateľnou zradou a prekvapivým koncom. Za mňa spokojnosť, určite som si to viac užila ako niektoré veci, ktoré vyšli od DC v poslednej dobe.
Profile Image for Molly.
51 reviews7 followers
November 29, 2021
SCORE: 65 | B-
TRIGGERS: mild graphic violence
REVIEW: This is an interesting crossover between two 'franchises' in which I'm very familiar with. I think it has something for both audiences as it mixes iconic characters from the Batman franchise with Fortnite mainstays and law. The idea of a resetting loop of death works well in comic form and gives more depth to the game itself in terms of narrative. Since it's Batman focused, characters from that franchise are far more fleshed out than the Fortnite characters who are either one off cameos to please fans of the game or put into supporting roles.
Profile Image for Julio RGuez.
251 reviews1 follower
October 10, 2021
Esta muy bien. Es una historia que sale de continuidad para al final entrar en temas de la continuidad actual, aún sin ser firme. Es decir, que podría estarlo o no. Se queda abierto a si en un futuro quieren hacer más cosas de este palo.

Por otro lado, a parte de ver a personajes relacionados con el murciélago y de Fornite, también hay invitados de otras sagas que supongo que ya tuvieron colaboración con Fornite en el pasado.

Por último recordar todos a Palito de Pescado, el héroe que nos merecíamos y que no tenemos. Hace falta más de este personaje que sin duda es el mejor de la serie.
Profile Image for Matthew Ward.
815 reviews14 followers
March 4, 2023
Batman meets Fortnite meets Lost meets Groundhogs Dogs. I don’t know if my expectations were just super low for this book or what it was, but this book completely surprised me with how actually really good it was! I enjoyed the heck out of how much fun this was. The writer wrote Batman just like any other comic would have and they captured his voice and character almost perfectly.
Profile Image for Reece.
64 reviews1 follower
February 8, 2024
Firstly, the artist had no business going this hard on a video game tie in comic. It's pretty amazing, especially with the challenge of translating the pixar-esque 3D models of the game into 2D.

Fair play for adapting the battle-royale world of fortnite into a "live die repeat" story. It really elevated the storytelling to an engaging narrative.

Some plot points are left hanging in the air, but it's a mini series we may or may not return to, so it's not going to be perfect.

Like alot of Batman of recent years, the emotional weight of the story was on the back of the Bat/Cat relationship... and the death of Fishstick. Expecting you to know about their first meeting, and the contemporary Bat/Cat non wedding. Surprising, given this series would probably be the only comic the majority of the audience has read.

In short I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this series. Though I can't say it's stoked my hunger for more.
29 reviews
January 16, 2022
I really enjoyed it. I don't really like superheroes but it was good information for Fortnite.
Profile Image for D H Z.
170 reviews3 followers
April 24, 2022
I am pleasantly surprised. This actually worked quite well, the story was well written and the art was decent. Some interesting character moments throughout. The free codes are a nice touch.
Profile Image for Ernez.
215 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2022
Was better than I expected. Quite a few twist and turns but I wish they explained more of how they got there and why the whole thing was...a thing. All in all tho, good!
Profile Image for Krzysztof Grabowski.
1,486 reviews6 followers
November 2, 2021
Nie porwało mnie to połączenie topowej marki komiksowej z topową marką komputerową, która oferuje nam miałką, pretekstową fabułą plus masę zawartości, która ma stanowić wabia do zakupu pozycji przez graczy Fortnite'a plus ewentualnie

Ot na środku Gotham pojawia się rozwarcie w rzeczywistości, w które wpada Batman. Daje się zaskoczyć kopem i ląduje w świecie inspirowanym utworem "Battle Royale", gdzie zwycięzcą może zostać tylko jeden, na coraz to bardziej kurczącym się obszarze, otoczonym przez zabójczą mgłę. Wszelkie chwyty dozwolone, ale bez zabijania. BO TO BATMAN i nawet jak nie pamięta o co ka man, to i tak nie odbierze nikomu życia. Kanon zachowany. No prawie, bo przez pewien czas nikt nie może mówić. Plus występuje tu kilka postaci z uniwersum Batka, gdzie pewnie z palcem w nosie obstawicie, kto jest zdrajcą...

Ja serdecznie dziękuję za takie crossy, które poza nazwą nie mają mi nic do zaoferowania. Całość jest jak najbardziej poprawna względem kreski, ale reszta. Radzę nie tracić czasu, zwłaszcza że Egmont wydał właśnie Injustice. Lecę tam. Tu odradzam, chyba że lubicie markę. Dla fanów Batmana już niekoniecznie.
Profile Image for Philip Cosand.
Author 2 books8 followers
September 24, 2021
Cross-promotion comics aren't supposed to be good. You might hit an Injustice now and then, but keep your hopes low.

No one told Christos Gage that. Oh, Christos. Co-writer/ writer of The Initiative and Avengers Academy, one of my all-time Marvel series and a prime example of how to write team ensembles.

Gage follows in Tom King's steps and tells an emotional tale that elevates the story. Batman vs. Snake Eyes should be a geek out moment and no more. Yet Gage knows it is worth delving into and both characters shine while staying true to their roots.

I know nothing of Fortnite. I didn't have to. And this book made me want to. So as a narrative, as a romp, and as a crossover, this book succeeds and excels the entire time.
Profile Image for Ahdom.
1,246 reviews25 followers
July 15, 2021
I read this because my son informed me of this crossover. He is a big Fornite nerd and I am a Batman nerd, so I thought I would read it so that we could share in reading the same comic. Needless to say, he enjoyed these more than I did. I thought the story was rather hollow, but I reckon it helps to know what's going on in Fortnite. I am mostly ignorant of Fortnite, so I found this comic rather dull and convoluted.
835 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2022
Prior to reading this book, the amount of information I know about the video game Fortnite probably couldn't fill a thimble. It's a multi-player video. Players dressed in a array of crazy costumes are dropped onto an island. Last person standing wins and the victory nets big awards like customizable skins, power ups and weapons!

The amount of information I know about Batman could fill a web page. Like this comic book blog I maintainQ

When a mysterious storm hits Gotham City, Batman is called to investigate. Sucked into the storm, Batman finds himself trapped on a seemingly deserted island. That is until some madman with a funky looking axe attacks him!

Unable to speak and without a memory as to who he is, Batman must rely on his ingrained instincts in order to survive. But every 22 minutes, time resets and the Dark Knight finds himself back at square one. Being stuck in a time loop is a challenge in on itself. Sometimes Batman explores the island. Sometimes, he fights for his life in a battle royale.

Hmmm... That female warrior in the catsuit with the whip looks oddly familiar. If only the Batman could forge an alliance with her.

Wow. Just, wow! I've never played Fortnite before. But I wanna! Thanks to the special code included in this book, I might have a great start if I do become a player! But, I also want to know the rest of the story.

I'm not going to spoil how this story ends. But a whole DC Comics/Fortnite series of comics is set up with this 6-issue series. Plus, there just might be some superstars from other franchises that show up on the island. You'll just have to read for yourself.

I've seen that Spider-Man has just become a playable Fortnite character. Comics fans have been clamoring for a new Marvel/DC crossover. Could Zero Point be laying the foundation to that much desired reunion of the Big Two publishers?

We'll see!

A fantastic mystery story by Christos Gage (Netflix's Daredevil). It's quintessential Batman. Yet it is also a Fortnite story that is perfect for the uninitiated. Epics Games made the wise decision to partner with DC Comics and Batman in order to reach out to those of use who otherwise might have looked the other way with a third-person shooter game.

Profile Image for Gema Sánchez.
Author 7 books64 followers
May 29, 2022
Se trata del primer cómic de un personaje de DC que leo en mi vida. Mi único referente, hasta el momento, han sido las relativamente escasas películas que he visto sobre las peripecias de los héroes y villanos de Gotham, por lo que estoy segura de que me he perdido más de una referencia. Debido a mi falta de conocimientos previos, es un cómic que me ha costado seguir y me he perdido de vez en cuando con la trama; pero más o menos he conseguido reengancharme y he de decir que me ha gustado bastante su final (el cual no puedo revelar 😜).

Como ya viene siendo costumbre en las historias de superhéroes y metahumanos de los últimos años, este cómic también trata sobre el multiverso 💫✨ La trama comienza con nuestro amigo, el murciélago, siendo arrastrado por una especia de agujero negro a una isla perdida en medio de la nada en la que no puede comunicarse ni recordar absolutamente nada de su vida ni de quién es. En esta isla, la isla de Fortnite, se encuentra con otros muchos personajes a los que no recuerda o ni siquiera conoce; los cuales, en la mayoría de ocasiones, intentan acabar con su vida. Cada cierto periodo de tiempo, la isla se «reinicia» y Batman vuelve a perder sus recuerdos en un bucle infinito de amnesia y violencia, hasta que, por fin, encuentra una aliada... ¡Catwoman!

Como jugadora de Fortnite, me ha parecido una idea excelente para integrar los universos del videojuego y los cómics sin que nada resulte demasiado forzado. Las compañías han hecho una excelente labor de storytelling y el resultado ha sido esta nueva línea de novelas gráficas que integra a los personajes más queridos de los dos mundos. Sin duda, ¡un regalo excelente para frikis sanos!
Profile Image for Dale.
1,815 reviews67 followers
January 28, 2024
Published in 2021 by DC Comics

When I first heard of this crossover graphic novel I actually thought to myself that this could be a horrible mess of a book. I actually flipped through it just to be ready to make fun of it. After all, how could a book based on a videogame that's using Batman as a promotional gimmick be any good?

Turns out I was wrong.

The plot makes sense. Even more importantly, it is an interesting and compelling read.

In the story, what Batman suspects is a crack in time and space opens up over Gotham City. People are fleeing. Batman consults with Chief Gordon and learns that some people are actually drawn to this tear in reality.

As Batman gets closer to investigate he finds Harley Quinn. She is heading directly towards the tear and Batman cannot stop her. However, his efforts have placed him in a vulnerable position and a shadowy figure pushes Batman in.
Batman arrives in the world of Fortnite with no memory and surrounded by violence. The world gets smaller and smaller, making the violence more intense until everyone dies and the world re-sets with no one retaining a memory of what has happened before.

Of course, Batman is still Batman so he figures out a way...

I rate this graphic novel 5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Alfredo Luna.
130 reviews4 followers
October 31, 2022
3.5 stars!

I stumbled upon this while looking for someone else, and as someone who has recently fallen hard back into Fornite (and is only slightly embarrassed by that) I decided to check it out, especially when I heard that it unlocked in-game rewards.

Suffice it to say that, after a lifetime of reading absolute garbage licensed tie-ins, I was shocked that this was...pretty good? That said, Gage used the (honestly somewhat rigid and bland) trappings of the Fortnite fiction to tell a pretty solid Batman story. His relationship with Catwoman is explored from a fascinating direction (as amnesiacs in a fight-world where their minds don't know one another but their instincts override that) and ends on a note of genuine emotion. The first half is stronger than the second half, when its a solo Batman story and not a weird rebellion story starring the cartoonish Fortnite OCs, but even that second half isn't half-bad.

Never did I think I would read a story where Batman and Snake Eyes fight in a video game battle world and come away impressed by how well it was told.

So, low expectations continue to be a good thing, I guess!
November 14, 2022
Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point (2021) by Christos Gage, Reilly Brown, and Christian Duce (DC)

I received this as a gift from my wife and son. I appreciated the thought but this book is definitely not in my area of interest. I read it out of a sense of obligation...I was actually surprised. This book was actually smarter and more fun than it seemingly had any right to be. The premise started out juvenile and became pretty cool. What I thought was just a "cash grab" turned out to be a "cash grab and then some". I went back and noticed that Christos Gage wrote the 2012 Angel & Faith series I read that had been nominated for a 2012 Harvey Award for "Best New Series". The art didn't take away from the story. Issue #3 had Snake Eyes on the cover so I don't count that as a spoiler. I would have liked to see more of their interaction throughout the series. Pleasantly surprised.
Profile Image for QuinCOJO.
4 reviews
May 12, 2022
1.5 stars. This Fortnite / Batman crossover stuffers from a lack of identity. Nether Batman nor Fortnite feel like they were properly represented, instead it is a vague in-between that has befits from being apart of any of the names franchises. The memory loss makes the point of Batman feel redundant, as he is merely figure who resembles the caped crusader but nothing more. The art is consistent and full of bright and expressive characters, unfortunately due to this comic opting to tell and not show, it often seems like there disconnect between the art and the writing. Props to you if you enjoy this one, it’s great that people enjoy things I do not, I unfortunately just didn’t like this one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
178 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2022
Nu kanske man inte är allt för cynisk om man tror att det här är en lite specialbeställning. Fortnite är alltså det populära tv-spelet och, ja Batman är Batman. Någonstans är det någon som velat slå samman det två världarna och någon blev antagligen mer eller mindre satt på den otacksamma uppgiften.

Men jag försökte att ha ett positivt förhållningssätt. Det är inte direkt första gången man provat på udda samarbeten, leksaksföretaget Mattel och Marvel skapade till exempel Secret wars. Och roliga sammanslagningar som Batman vs Judge Dredd har varit mycket underhållande.

Och serien börjar ganska bra. Oavsett vad man har för förhållande till Fortnite eller Batman så är konceptet "vakna upp i en digital värld" ganska intressant. Batman förlorar också sitt minne och måste genomleva samma tidsloop (jag antar en spelsession) gång på gång. När gamla karaktärer möts utan något minne av deras gemensamma historia så blir det snabbt lite oväntat intressant.

Men med all välvilja i världen så är det ändå svårt för mig att ta mig igenom hela serien från början till slut. Tempot är tillexempel helt åt skogen och det är helt enkelt för långt och för mycket kompromisser med något som ändå hade kunnat varit godtagbart.

Nåja, en svag tvåa med reservation för att målgruppen som älskar Fortnite kanske ser referenser och roligheter som jag missar.
Profile Image for Jake.
7 reviews1 follower
December 5, 2021
I can honestly say I was pleasantly surprised to find that this video game tie-in is among the best tie-in comics I’ve read.

It’s a fairly quick-paced story of Batman being stuck in an alternate reality where he is in eternal combat that resets every twenty-two minutes, including his memories. He forms uneasy alliances, meets iconic characters from his universe and the Fortnite universe, and even gets pitted against an iconic villain from another property.

A fast, fun read with pretty fantastic art. I recommend it, even if you don’t play Fortnite - especially if you’re feeling a little burnt out from the hyper grim dark seriousness some Batman stories have been set in lately.
Profile Image for Ross.
1,110 reviews
May 8, 2022
Do you, or someone close to you, love Fortnite? Add another star!
Do you have no idea what Fortnite is? Boy, this isn't for you. We can find something else for you. Ask around.

Batman finds a tear in reality in Gotham and does what any superhero does...jumps in to investigate it.

The rest of the series is cameos by the 'Fortnite - Battle Royale' characters and locations. It also has a few familiar faces from DC, however Batman is the main focus as he tries to logic his way off the mysterious island.

Bonus: GI Joe cameo?
Bonus Bonus: You'd think they would have had Joker cameo in a Batman story.
Profile Image for WendyTheOwl.
608 reviews4 followers
April 19, 2022
Que voulez-vous que je vous dise ? C'est DC; c'est Fortnite.
Ceux qui aiment les comics, foncez, ceux qui aiment Fortnite et qui veulent en savoir plus sur le lore, foncez !
Attention, ce n'est pas un comics pour les plus jeunes et/ou les plus sensibles.

What do you want me to tell you ? It's DC; it's Fortnite.
Those who love comics, go for it, those who love Fortnite and want to know more about the lore, go for it !
Be careful, this is not a comic for the youngest and/or the most sensitive.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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