6 Must-visit 'Harry Potter' Filming Locations in Oxford, England

Step into the Wizarding World at these real-life locations from "Harry Potter."

Many fans think of London when they think of Harry Potter, and while the city is home to myriad filming locations, it's Oxford, England that really oozes Hogwarts' vibes. Located about 60 miles from London, Oxford is where numerous Harry Potter scenes were filmed across Oxford's colleges. Walking past medieval and Gothic architecture, you feel as if you might bump into Hermione, Ron, or Harry himself. Here are some of the most iconic Harry Potter filming locations in Oxford for your next Potter pilgrimage.

Christ Church Staircase

An ornate staircase in Christ Church College, Oxford
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Transporting us back to the early Harry Potter films, this famous staircase was used in numerous scenes in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets." Harry, Hermione, Ron, and others walk to the top of the staircase to meet Professor McGonagall in "Sorcerer's Stone." In the second film, after Harry and Ron miss the Hogwarts Express train and have to get to Hogwarts in the Weasleys' car, the duo ascends these stairs only to find Argus Filch, Hogwarts' grumpy caretaker. The staircase is also where a flashback scene shows Tom Riddle chatting with Dumbledore in "Chamber of Secrets." Christ Church is a working school and religious institution, so a ticket is required for non-students.

Christ Church Cloisters

Hogwarts like view of the cloisters at Christchurch cathedral Oxford
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The site of Christ Church was originally founded as a monastery in the eighth century. Cloisters were common in monasteries because they provided a sheltered space for monks to walk undisturbed. The cloisters at Christ Church are spectacular, with Gothic architecture and intricate design details. These cloisters can be seen in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" as a hallway at Hogwarts where Harry sees the trophy his father won as a seeker in Quidditch (the wizarding world's favorite game). It's here that Hermione explains to Harry that being a seeker is in his blood. You can see the cloisters with a ticket to Christ Church.

Christ Church Dining Hall

The grand dining room at Christ Church College Oxford
Knight_Parn/Getty Images

While no filming took place here, Christ Church's dining hall served as inspiration for Hogwarts' Great Hall. Photographs of the hall were used to create a set at the London studios, and it's easy to see the similarities. High ceilings, long dining tables with a head table up front, and elaborate windows all create a Great Hall feel. The only thing that's missing? Floating candles, an enchanted ceiling, and a row of magical professors. (Hey, it was built by muggles, give them a break.) Visitors will need a ticket to Christ Church to see the dining hall.

New College Cloisters, Courtyard, and Tree

Beautiful British green lawns and Cloysters in New College
Giulia Fiori Photography/Getty Images

In "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," the cloisters and courtyard within New College are seen as Harry makes his way through a crowd of peers ridiculing him by wearing "Potter Stinks" pins. In the courtyard at New College, Harry tells Cedric Diggory that the first task they'll face in the Triwizard Tournament is defeating dragons. The tree where Malfoy sits while taunting Harry, which prompts Professor Moody to turn Malfoy into a ferret, is also in the courtyard. Visitors can take self-guided tours of New College by paying an entrance fee.

Bodleian Library, Divinity School

Exterior of The Bodleian Library at Oxford
Jonathan McManus/Getty Images

The Divinity School was used for many scenes in the first four Harry Potter films. In the first film, it served as Hogwarts' infirmary, where Harry recovers after his first confrontation with Voldemort. The school was also a location in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," when Harry and Hermione use the time turner to save Buckbeak the hippogriff and Sirius Black. And it was used in the "Goblet of Fire" film when Professor McGonagall teaches Ron how to dance for the ball. Book a tour to see the Divinity School.

Bodleian Library, Duke Humfrey's Library

A general view of the Duke Humphrey’s Library at the Bodleian Libraries in Oxford, England.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

With endless shelves of dated books and manuscripts, Duke Humfrey's Library was the perfect filming location for a scene in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." When Harry goes looking for answers in the restricted section of Hogwarts' library, he uses his invisibility cloak to wander through the stacks unseen, only to be terrified when Hogwarts' caretaker Argus Filch hears him rummaging about. Visitors can tour the library with a ticket.