
  • Marvel Studios used CGI to transform Chris Evans into skinny Steve Rogers, showcasing Steve's journey before the Super Soldier Serum.
  • Captain America's skinny body double, Leander Deeny, was crucial in completing the transformation for the MCU's first super soldier.
  • The elaborate process involved digitally shrinking Evans, using a body double, and grafting performances to create a seamless transformation.

Here's how Marvel Studios transformed Chris Evans into skinny Steve Rogers for Captain America: The First Avenger. Playing a hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe requires actors to be in great physical shape, and Evans was up to the challenge of looking and moving like a superhero throughout his tenure as Captain America. Audiences first saw Evans' superhero transformation in 2011's Captain America: The First Avenger.

However, how did they make Steve Rogers look small? While it's more than fair to give Evans credit for his compelling portrayal of the beloved Avenger, Captain America's skinny body double was just as important for Marvel's Captain America transformation. Indeed, Steve Rogers' before-serum look was crucial in showing Captain America before and after the effects of the Super Soldier Serum, completing Steve Rogers' journey towards becoming the MCU's first super soldier.

Captain America's Complete MCU Timeline Explained

Captain America has been a staple of the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Phase 1, and here is his entire timeline from the beginning to the present.

Steve Rogers' Captain America Transformation Explained

According to the Captain America exhibit in the MCU, Steve Rogers (before serum) was 5-foot-4 and weighed 95 pounds. Yet, Steve always had the heart and morals that would later make him the obvious choice to become Captain America. Once Dr. Abraham Erskine's (Stanley Tucci) Super Soldier Serum was running through his veins, Steve was suddenly 6-foot-2 and 240 pounds of pure muscle, showcasing Evans' true physique.

Why The MCU Didn’t Show Steve Rogers’ Captain America Transformation

A hero's transformation is normally on full display in the MCU. So why did Captain America: The First Avenger not show Steve Rogers' transformation?

However, thanks to the magic of moviemaking, Evans played skinny Steve Rogers too, and none of this would be possible without Captain America's skinny body double, Leander Deeny, in Captain America: The First Avenger. Together, Leander Deeny, Chris Evans, and Lola Visual Effects laid the groundwork for Captain America's massive impact on the MCU. Indeed, Cap's character arc lasted nearly a decade and helped define the MCU's first three phases. So, how did they make Captain America look small?

How Marvel Built Skinny Steve Rogers' Complex CGI

A split image of Steve Rogers before and after getting the Super Solder Serum in Captain America: The First Avenger

Marvel Studios used an elaborate process to turn Evans into a pre-super-soldier Steve Rogers, and they hired Lola Visual Effects to be in charge of bringing the transformation to life. The abbreviated version of the work required a combination of digitally shrinking Evans, using Leander Deeny as a body double, and grafting Evans' performance on top of Deeny's. This required filming scenes with skinny Steve Rogers in three different ways through a painstaking process. Reflective of the time and effort put in by director Joe Johnston and cinematographer Shelly Johnson while filming these foundational scenes, skinny Captain America would go on to inspire more stories about Rogers' heroism down the line.

Marvel's Captain America transformation began with the director and cinematographer filming only Evans doing the scene. They then had Deeny shoot the same scene and mimic Evans’ performance and mannerisms to the best of his ability. Finally, the crew filmed a clean plate shot of the scene that is just of the background and without actors. Once all of the versions of each scene were completed, it was up to Lola Visual Effects to bring them together to create skinny Steve Rogers’ final look.

Every Captain America Movie, Ranked

Captain America's three solo films are some of the most key movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe - but only one can be the best in the trilogy.

They began by scaling Chris Evans down to Deeny's size so they matched, with the plate shots used to digitally replace what Evans' larger body previously covered (via The Wrap). This smaller version of Evans still had his natural build, though, so the next step was digitally placing Evans' face on top of Deeny's pre-Super Soldier Serum frame. That might sound simple enough, but Lola had to tinker with the process due to Evans' facial structure and neck being bulkier than Deeny's. Otherwise, skinny Steve Rogers would have had the face and strong jawline of Evans’ usual look and be disproportionate to how the character should appear pre-serum.

The end result of the process speaks for itself, as the CGI work still holds up several years and MCU Phases later. Marvel Studios even went back to the technique for Captain America: The Winter Soldier when Evans briefly played skinny Steve Rogers again in a flashback scene with Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Sebastian Stan), but this time Christopher George Sarris provided the smaller frame instead of Deeny. It isn’t known why Deeny didn’t return to help bring skinny Steve Rogers to life, but Marvel found a good replacement for him in Sarris.

10 Least Convincing CGI Scenes In MCU History

The MCU has some of the greatest CGI effects in current filmmaking, but there are still instances where the VFX don't hold up as well as they should.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier proved to be the last time skinny Steve Rogers has been shown in the MCU, so far, with the exception of his role in What If...? where he is unable to undergo the super-soldier transformation and remains skinny Steve (played by Josh Keaton) in an alternate-universe retelling of The First Avenger. However, Evans transformed into old Steve at the end of Avengers: Endgame. Since the older Steve was simply Evans’ version of Captain America several decades from now, the process of aging Steve up was done a bit more practically. Whether or not skinny Steve Rogers appears again in live-action will come down to whether Evans returns to the MCU.

What It Was Like Playing Skinny Steve Rogers

Steve Rogers speaks to Bucky Barnes in an alley after a fight in Captain America The First Avenger

According to Lola Visual Effects supervisor Edson Williams (via The Wrap), the original Skinny Steve Rogers, Leander Deeny, is the "unsung hero" of The First Avenger. “He was very dedicated and he was very aware of mimicking Chris’ timing. He wasn’t trying to get his performance out there. It’s his biggest credit, and it’s a role where you never see his face.” Williams compared the process to "taking the head of a rhinoceros and putting it on the body of a gazelle." This underscores not only the physical differences between Deeny and Chris Evans, but the sheer acting ability of Leander Deeny, who also appears in Atonement, Holby City, and Endeavor.

Why Captain America Is Called The First Avenger In The MCU

Captain America is called "The First Avenger" in the MCU, which has caused some confusion among fans for years. Here's why he's called like that.

As for Chris Sarris, Steve Rogers' before serum body-double in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, this was his first role in a movie. Sarris is an animator and video editor from Cleveland, Ohio, who tried but failed to be an extra in The Avengers but was cast in The Winter Soldier, which featured both Captain America before and after the serum. Sarris explained (via Screen Crush) that the process has been mostly positive. He also detailed an experience that could explain past rumors regarding skinny Steve Rogers appearing in Captain America: Civil War, as the actor received a phone call asking if he was available for the third Captain America movie:

Unfortunately, I would later be told that I was no longer needed. I was told the script underwent changes and the part was no longer in the film, although I would later learn this wasn’t completely accurate. By sheer coincidence I ran into one of the writers of Winter Soldier at San Diego Comic-Con 2016. He was somebody I spent a lot of time talking to while I was on set so I recognized him in a crowd and said hi. I asked if there was ever a “Skinny Steve” sequence in Civil War, and he told me no. More likely, the casting agency was just getting in touch with me since I had worked on the previous film just to have somebody on deck for the role if it came up again, without necessarily knowing if they would be needed or not.

Why Other Super Soldiers Transform Like Steve Rogers