The Meaning Behind The Song: Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Dear Mr. Fantasy by Traffic

Title: The Timeless Message of “Dear Mr. Fantasy” by Traffic


Music has this unique ability to transport us back in time and connect us with emotions and memories long lost. A song’s power is amplified when it carries a message that not only resonates with its time but continues to do so decades later. Such is the case with “Dear Mr. Fantasy” by Traffic, a classic rock anthem that has cemented its place among the greatest songs of all time.

The Story behind the Song

“Dear Mr. Fantasy” was written by Traffic’s founding member, Jim Capaldi , and takes us on a journey through the turbulent and transformative 1960s. The song’s title is a reference to the nickname given to a friend of the band, who was known as “Mr. Fantasy” for his life-long pursuit of psychedelic experiences. Jim Capaldi wrote the song as a plea to break free from the escapism that characterized the counterculture movement and call on people to confront reality.

The Meaning of the Lyrics

The song’s lyrics are a reflection of the era’s collective mindset, which was fueled by a mixture of idealism, cynicism, and disillusionment. The chorus, “Dear Mr. Fantasy play us a tune, something to make us all happy, do anything, take us out of this gloom,” expresses the desire to escape the monotony of everyday life and find refuge in music. However, the next part of the chorus, “Sing a song, play guitar, make it snappy,” highlights the superficiality of such escapism and calls for more profound change.

The second verse encourages listeners to break free from their self-imposed limitations and take charge of their lives. “You are the one who can make us all laugh, but doing that you break out in tears” speaks to the pain that often comes with growth and transformation. The final verse sums up the song’s message succinctly: “Dear Mr. Fantasy, play us a tune, something to make us all happy, but we know you’re the one who can really make us all change.”

Impact of the Song

“Dear Mr. Fantasy” was released in 1967 and climbed to #16 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. Although it didn’t achieve the same level of commercial success as some of Traffic’s other hits, the song’s message and melody left an indelible impression on audiences. Over the years, “Dear Mr. Fantasy” has been covered by a variety of artists, including Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, and Bruce Springsteen, attesting to its enduring appeal.

Moreover, the song’s message continues to resonate with listeners, especially during times of social and political unrest. Its call for confronting reality instead of seeking escapism is as relevant today as it was in the 1960s.

The Legacy of “Dear Mr. Fantasy”

It’s fitting that a song about breaking free of illusions and confronting reality has continued to resonate with audiences through the decades. The world has changed in many ways since “Dear Mr. Fantasy” was first released, but its message remains relevant. The song’s power lies in its ability to transcend time and connect with listeners on a visceral level. For those who are seeking refuge in music and looking for more profound change, “Dear Mr. Fantasy” is a timeless reminder that we have the power to take charge of our lives and turn things around.


“Dear Mr. Fantasy” is a testament to the enduring power of rock music to convey meaningful messages. Its appeal lies in its ability to capture the mood of an era and speak to the timeless human desire for transformation and escape. As we face the challenges of our own time, we should take comfort and inspiration from this classic song and its message.

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